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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. You could make GM with 16 round mags, 18 rounds is plenty. Since arays should have no more than 8 shot per array, 16 round is two arrays of eight, more rounds are nice but not needed. You might be better off, cause you just have to make each shot count No getting lazy.
  2. The quicker you remove fast and slow from your shooting mindset the better In shooting there is just doing too much, enough and not enough
  3. Grip, trigger pull, sight alignment... If it is going high left, you are not correctly executing one of the three. If you don't see it going high left, then you need to make sure you see where the sights are lined up before breaking the second (every) shot. It is pretty simple, but not that easy. It is easy to pull the trigger fast and have them hit close enough to score "most of the time", this is the big "trap" for shooters who are striving to improve.
  4. I hate that people think all cops should be good shooters. Most of them just push papers, or write tickets. I know several who don't even like guns. But then again some of the best shooters I know are police. I hate that we can't afford to pay cops to learn how to shoot and to give them enough $$$ to have them shoot regularly because we are spending so much $$$ on healthcare for illegals (I work for a hospital) and housing people in jails who should be put on an island somewhere and left to fend for themselves, or hung. I hate that some people think owning a gun makes you an expert on their use, and camo, a flashlight, or (especialy) lasers make you TACTICAL. I hate that some people think IPSC is SWAT training. I hate that I have to pay money to the goverment to have full auto or supressed guns And I hate MALL NINJAs giving decent gun owners a bad name.
  5. Nice tip. I think every house should have a Pur/Sweetwater IMO. Filtering H2O is a heck of a lot easier than storing H2O.
  6. Don't spend too much time in your head dude, life is about livin' it. Be well.
  7. JB1, Excellent post!!! There are many great points in his post, worth reading over and over for shooters of any level. I would like to add one observation about dryfire. When you shoot you generally have more "tension" in your body than in dryfire. If you don't re-create that tension (firm grip, ect.) in practice, it can really screw with your live fire. It is easy to beat the buzzer doing reloads when you are super loose, add tension and recoil and the game changes. Being honest with yourself is a great tip for more than just shooting.
  8. IMO - It tells the bad guy where to aim. I know we're not supposed to go into tactics, but if you have to point and aim in a "real world" situation... ... well I don't think that would be a good thing. I just hope I never get to find out the answer to that one.
  9. There seems to be a disconnect between dryfire as a tool to train your form and get in good repetitions and "go-as-fast-as-fast-as-you-possibly-can-to-beat-some-number-you-plugged-into-your-timer." There are times in practice to push the limits, but when you spend too much time there, it can form a lot of bad habits. Most of the time should be sent doing things correctly IMO.
  10. This sounds like a smart idea to me. Edgey dryfire leads to edgy performance in my experience.
  11. Methinks you haven't seen a good xd trigger then XD clip One of the reasons I really like the XD is the trigger
  12. Touche' That pefect double alpha still scores alpha/mike
  13. ...just go hide in a hole somewhere. If what someone says on a forum offends you, get a life. If you can't handle defending your point of view, then I'm sorry your mommy didn't give you enough hugs. I like when I'm challenged, it makes me think, and that ain't a bad thing. Self realization is a life-long process. If you are a "victims," "opressed," or just plain "helpless" go talk to Oprah or Doctor Phil. If you skillz aren't good enough, then practice and sacrifice like everyone else above you has, or just have fun sending lead downrange. I'm glad BE is generous to provide a place to let people share their experiences, ideas, and dreams. Sometimes it sucks wading through all the driveling, but there are so many gems to be found, ideas to be challenged, and goals to be realized. THANKS BE!!! I may never be a great shooter, but I sure as hell will enjoy everyday I get to spend with the great people that are IPSC shooters... ...the @ssholes, I'll just say yes sir, no sir to and go on my way to the next stage.
  14. Explain over preperation please.
  15. Too much dryfire? Methinks not. More likely performance anxiety As we improve, sometimes the desire to perform better overtakes our desire to just shoot the sights.
  16. ... the gun would be nice too
  17. Got it. ... the dark side calleth... I guess my point was that by the time you build them up (Mods would most likely be one off's) they would cost about the same as guns that are made for the wear and tear of major, and for which you can buy parts. XD's are throw away guns in my opinion, especially since Springfield is refusing to sell parts for them (not second hand knowledge.) I have two of them and like them a lot, but making them into an open gun when you can't buy parts from them would be a huge drawback. I'm all for inovation, it would sure be neat, but parts break and if you can't have spares, well... I would love to see some tricked out ones!
  18. I think that you could make any gun an open gun. Whether it is competitive is about the only point, so I guess I'm missing something. I've seen enough open Glocks to know you can make a $500 pistol a $2000+ pistol. With as many used SVI/STI/Caspian open guns for sale you could pick up one that is more appropriate for the same cost Maybe I'm just missing the point
  19. There is no slow or fast. If you want to get out of a slump, try relaxing and striving to "see." Learn from each shot and your slump won't be important to you. My slumps come from "desire" getting in my way of doing things correctly. Good luck and keep your chin up
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