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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. That's not quite an accurate statement. The part that needs work is the mag well itself, which on the Lancer lower is removable and replacable. It's not cheap, but it's nowhere near 200 either. My preference was to work on one $40 part rather than close to 100 $15 parts. Plus now I can use any magazine in the gun. For a match gun I travel with I'd rather have this setup. In case the airline loses my equipment bag, but not the gun case, now I can borrow any mags at a match.
  2. That went away with the new MG rule book. No more classes in USPSA MG. For now.
  3. I heard Travis has been breeding special badgers just for the Troopers this year. Feeds them nothing but barb wire, Viagra and meth. Then makes them watch Russell's YouTube videos of past Trooper matches.
  4. I know a couple guys on the HK team use them. I've shot with them before. Never came up as an issue.
  5. Yes they've all been relocated. But they've been relocated to a large box at Travis' house. Each night Travis will randomly select half the Trooper tents and throw in pissed off badgers. Trooper will be required to neutralize said badger using only their bare hands and teeth. And yes that means some folks will get two badgers. Quit whining there were a lot of badgers this year.
  6. Actually most that I've seen include reserve and part time Mil/LEO, as well as those retired from the same. Fairly certain I saw that mentioned at least once in this thread. Chuck-with all due respect, that includes a sh$tload of vets. What's your point? There are lots of cops also. I'd love to get 5% of them on the range for a competition. If we get 5% of vets I'd be equally happy.
  7. Actually most that I've seen include reserve and part time Mil/LEO, as well as those retired from the same. Fairly certain I saw that mentioned at least once in this thread.
  8. Go for it. That's how I started in competition. 1996 Al Mar Memorial LE Match. Run by a few SOF 3-Gun Veterans and restricted to LE only. I didn't have any competition gear and shot with my duty gear. Glock 21 with one spare mag, 870 and a Colt with a Trijicon Reflex. Had a blast. I found out about the match through the LE training notices. Shot it for two years before I figured out there were other matches to shoot. Moved into IDPA and USPSA, quickly dropping the IDPA, more because of the drive than anything else. When I shot my first USPSA match I was fortunate to have some excellent shooters take me under their wing, explaining that walking around with my slide locked back was a no no and that I "shot pretty good for a cop." I have no idea what I would be doing if it wasn't for that first LE match that got me in the door but I'm glad it did. The Al Mar match is no more. I think about bringing it back from time to time but the club they held it at is a shell of its former awesomeness. I've run one of the NRA TPC matches there as well. Interesting match and I might do it again if it wasn't an NRA program. From time to time locally we run LE matches. It had to be done in the right manner to be a positive experience. Fairly simple straightforward stages. (No forest of swingers and US Poppers at 40 yards) and make sure the people running it are expecting mediocre at best performances. No comments about expecting they'd do better, or they can't believe they carry a gun for work. Keep I. Mind this will be the first match for many and it is different than what they've been trained for. It's a new skill set. Although most will have the ability to make the shots you give them, stringing multiple things to think about is not easy the first time you do it. And above all, resist the urge to throw the junior girl into the match to kick everyone's butt. They did that at one of the local ones. Nothing like taking a great experience and ruining it because you want to show off how much better your 14 year old daughter is than all the local cops.
  9. BTW, one day of Ironnman ammo is about the same as any single 3 day 3 gun match. You will not be able to store two days of ammo in the ammo can so the first day the load will be a lot more. They also switched to a smaller can this year. There is no getting extra ammo from the car so you need to plan for extra shots and the occasional, but rare, Ironman reshoot. Plan on carrying more than a case of shotgun ammo. You'll probably end up having to hump 300 rounds or so the first day in addition to all the rifle and pistol ammo. The weight adds up quick. The first year I shot I think I was packing about 150 pounds on the start of the first stage. And take all the rifle and pistol ammo out of the packaging and store it in big ziplock bags. The packaging takes up a ton of space and you'll have a lot more room in your staging can if you store it that way.
  10. I drove to all the stages. If there we're several in a row I parked in the middle. I would not try to use a cart here. But it depends if Scott and Doug are going to use the long range bays on the left as you come into the range. That really spreads it out.
  11. There's a note on the Facebook page to ignore the RSVP date printed. They got held up a bit and it took longer than expected to try and track down names and addresses for everyone they wanted to invite. I've been there. It's a pain in the ass. I believe the new RSVP date is March 15.
  12. Not sure what the longest available was but we shot at 420 yards last month. They looked like they could go farther though if they wanted.
  13. It's at the Pro Gun Club in Boulder City, NV, about 20 minutes outside of Las Vegas. Dates are November 11-13 and 14-16, 2014. First is the staff match then the main match. Pete Rensing is running the match for SureFire. I shot at the ProGun Club last week and it was awesome. Good bays, lots of room for expansion, good pro shop etc. Pete knows how to set up a great match.
  14. Asked at SHOT Show and was told they would work with the Magpul Gen 3 mags. Got mine last night and got it put together. It doesn't work with Gen 3 Magpul. Called Lancer and they said it doesn't and they have no plans to make it work. Said I must have been confused because they would never say it worked with gen 3 Magpul. That's the only mag I'm using now so I seriously doubt I was confused. I'm taking a mill to the Lancer to open up the well. I'd rather modify the mag well so that I can use any mag than try to modify every mag I have now and in the future.
  15. Saw a few of them at the 3GN Qualifier. Looked like they worked really well.
  16. I don't mind the stage guns so much. Heck I run a match with lots of them. My bigger concern were the specific events picked. Some of them are very equipment knowledge specific. There's certain info you have to know in order to shoot them. The mover in Bianchi and the 600 yd rifle. You have to know velocity for both. To account for lead and wind drift. Anything else is just guess work.
  17. Just verifying the time Registration opens? It shows 7:00 PM America/Denver time on the PS website.
  18. They made me sell mine and start buying Hiperfire replacements. Two down and a few more to buy for sure. The break helps in group shooting and the reset helps with sped shooting. Once you get a bit quicker on the trigger it helps. It'll come with practice, or maybe when you get a decent trigger. Believe it or not that goofy looking pad even helps with accuracy. The finger placment is consistent. I've only shot one match with them that had any distance but the 420 yard targets were hit first round. Seems accurate enough to me.
  19. Email addresses for all ADs are the same format. Area5@uspsa.org. For Area 5.
  20. I thought it was going away, away. That's one of the rules the BOD changed after hearing member input on the proposed rule. Members didn't like the change so we left it the way it was before.
  21. Dimples cause erratic behavior from the steel. Basically when a bullet hot the steel it shatters and the bullet fragments leave the target in a predictable manner. A cone of about 10 degrees. That's why when you look at the ground in front of a steel target that has been shot awhile there's a line in the dirt. If the steel is dimpled much thicker than about the width of a dime and you hit that dimple it changes that 10 degree cone. I've seen people seriously injured from steel in poor condition.
  22. Your choice on the LR targets. They've allowed you to take them with your regular AR if you think you can hit them (Many people do), or you can bring your own LR gun. They don't have stage guns for the LR targets. There are separate prize tables for each match. The prize table will be on the last day of each match. Shoot the first one and you won't have to stick around for the second.
  23. I brought this up to the BOD recently. Personally I don't see the reason for it other than in Production and SS. My normal default is if you can't show me a reason the rule addresses something that needs to be addressed, get rid of it. This is one of my pet peeves. There is no advantage to pushing the holster further and further away from the belt past a certain point. After that it just moves around more and makes the draw more difficult. It's also more likely to get caught on props. My thoughts were to let the shooters decide how far out they wanted to go. It didn't go over well. If you really have heartburn with a rule contact your AD and let them know. I've had more than a few changes of heart after talking to shooters.
  24. Trust me, there are plenty of people who are classified above their ability in Revolver Division, so you'll fit right in. The HHFs they have put in place for Revo vary widely across the different generations of classifers. It really doesn't matter for Revo Division what your class is--at least not until we have enough people playing to actually have real competition at the different class levels--but it can certainly affect your competitive opportunities in the other divisions if you grandbag in Revo (whether intentionally or otherwise). If you're seriously concerned, reload every six shots. What!!! I'm totally a legit Revo Master. With my 51% classification.
  25. It takes a lot more than a number of bays to host a Nats. There are a lot of clubs that could host a Nats. Heck I shot at one today. Finding a club willing to shut down for two weeks to build and put on a Nationals, local help and a dozen other factors. Not saying it can't be done. Just not as easy as some people make it seem. Personally if I was looking at an East coast venue I'd love to see what Peacemaker could come up with.
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