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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Again, it's not the kinetic energy that damages them. It's the velocity creating heat energy. That's why the craters look like they are melted. I've damaged steel at closer range using XM193. Shot the same steel with 77gr closer and didn't even dimple it.
  2. As of this afternoon we're full up for competitors. There are still a number of slots that show up, but they are currently allocated and I won't know for the next few months how many I'll have free. Please continue to signup. As sponsor agreements come in I should be able to free some of these spots up. The registration opens at 8AM Pacific tomorrow. If you want in, get registered as soon as possible. The spots will come off the waitlist in order of registration so the quicker you register the better your chances. I'll be a little hard to get ahold of for the next few days because of work. I'll probably be checking Practiscore at lunch and in the evenings. If you don't hear for a couple hours, that's why. https://clubs.practiscore.com/m3g/register
  3. It's not the caliber or weight that damage steel it's the velocity. A fast .223 will burn a crater in steel. .308 is generally slower and even though it weighs more won't damage steel. Watched someone smack a plate rack with .308 last year at about 15 yards. No mark on the plate.
  4. Brownells has them in stock and 10% off for Black Friday. I just oredered another one.
  5. That's actually pretty close to when we did switch over. I'd have to check my notes but we've had time plus at Nationals for a couple years and it was allowed for a couple years before that. USPSA had other issues with multigun and we still do. They are being fixed but it's axing the amount of resistance and people fighting to keep status quo when it obviously didn't work. I can just about guarantee at the next BOD meeting one of the ADs will bring up the same argument he does at every BOD meeting to go back and change stuff. 3GN has some advantages over USPSA in that it is more flexible and can change more quickly. Sometimes that is good but sometimes there can be a tendency to change for changes sake. As for the people complaining about having to be members to shoot the regionals. So what? There are lots of other organizations that require membership before shooting even local matches (IDPA GSSF)or at least majors (USPSA). Why should someone receive the benefit of 3GN without paying to support it. Don't want to be a member fine, don't shoot the matches. That's all the 25 fee was. A membership fee. Not a signup fee or a preregistration fee. It's your annual dues in the organization that is doing the most to promote 3 Gun.
  6. I wouldn't read too much into the Promotion word. Practiscore has a similar setup where the MD approves shooters. It's just a way to control how many shooters are in the event, not to pick your buddies. I think they just expected more people to sign up than they had slots for and this was there way of having you register, then when they get all the slots sorted out add people in. I don't see it as them making qualitative decisions about people to see if they are good enough.
  7. I installed mine in a Colt Competition lower. Replaced a S3G and like this much better. I haven't done much testing with it, just a very quick 60 rounds to test trigger feel under speed. The hammer felt really weird when I installed it. Turns out I screwed up the install and had one of the legs turned around. Still worked 100% but the feel is much better now. RTFM. This is way different than any other trigger I've installed.
  8. Flights cancelled, hotel cancelled, and rental car cancelled. Had to bail because of extreme stupidity. Not mine, someone else. Really, really wish I could make this one. I always regretted missing the first FB3G.
  9. National Range Officer Institute. John Amidon is the Director. His email is dnroi@uspsa.org. I believe the ability to cut and paste to the forum is restricted for new members as a spam control feature. It goes away after a set number of posts. (I think)
  10. Agree with you that any DQ should never be called if it can not be positively identified. I would like to say though, the point of calling the finger DQ is to PREVENT "setting one off" in the first place. Exactly. The safety rules have multiple layers. Just like the four cardinal rules of firearms safety. They are there to prevent an unsafe condition, not just to DQ someone after they already hurt themselves or someone else. If you break one, but only one, yes you're going home but everyone should be safe. Start breaking two or three and bad things happen fast. It's important as an RO to enforce all the rules, not just the easy ones. Yes it's hard to spot. But after the first stage if you think it's happening but didn't quite get a good look, talk to the shooter and have the RO on the clipboard stand in a bit better location to see. Both of you working as a team should be able to spot it. After I DQ'd the last guy I felt kind of bad (always do). One of the guys that was shooting with him came up to me and thanked me. Apparently he's the MD for a local multigun match and had been warning him for a while that his gun handling was going to get him in trouble at a USPSA match where they actually enforce the rules.
  11. If you're not shooting 3GN matches do you get to vote? LOL... Nice sucker punch. I didn't know we get to vote or get any input what so ever regarding regarding 3GN policies and efforts. After the rules vote, when do we vote on the 3GN Regional match schedule? Like maybe getting a say in having a new major match triple booked right over my match in May. I'm all for what 3GN represents and what they bring to the table, but if you want to step up and be the spokesperson, you're gonna get the heat that comes with it. Not wanting to fire this up but... I won't be able to shoot any of the regionals because of the schedule which sucks for me. But hey it means Jesse is one spot higher (just kidding big guy). Even so I took a look at the rules had some thoughts and messaged Charles. Received an almost immediate response and he was very open to change and suggestion. So the answer is apparently yes. If you have something constructive to add and help 3GN will listen.
  12. I just DQd a guy at the last match I shot for having his finger on the trigger while clearing a jam (from shorting a 9 out of his 40). As an RO it's normally difficult to catch this one. I tend to be a bit behind the shooter and I can usually see the knuckle if it's in but can't guarantee the finger is in. I was also on a couple are committees where finger DQs have come up. No one has won yet.
  13. Roseann sent this out to everyone who has shot before, but hasn't registered. This is the last week to do so before open registration starts Dec 3. If you look at Practiscore it looks like there are a lot of open slots left. There aren't. 200 was a number I picked to give me some leeway with the squadding system but we are really capped about 180. And there are about 80 slots reserved for media and sponsored shooters. That means there are very, very few slots left available right not. If you want in and have shot before, get registered now. Thanks, Chuck Everyone - Hopefully you received my first email welcoming you back to the 3rd annual Midnight 3-Gun Invitational in Bend, OR August 15-17, 2014 at COSSA Range. Registration for previous shooters is already open – when it opens to new shooters we won't be able to guarantee a slot. Open registration begins December 3rd. NEW INFO If you are expecting to receive a sponsor slot, please go ahead and register anyway. Please disregard the payment link in your approval letter and once your sponsorship package is complete we'll assess as needed. We just don't want to miss anyone since things are really filling up already. Please note in the squadding section what company you anticipate being sponsored by. REGISTER HERE https://clubs.practiscore.com/m3g/register Reminder, anyone who hasn't previously attended that registers before the 3rd will will not be approved and will go to the bottom of the wait list. Email Roseann Stover at roseanns@crimsontrace.com or MD Chuck Anderson at Chuck@andersontactical.com with any questions! For sponsorship info please contact me directly. Thank you all for your support!
  14. The 2013 Shootoff was in January 2013. It's the shootoff for the 2012 season. Before the rest of the season even started. I'm betting after a 50K payday his sponsorship opportunities were a bit more plentiful. The shootoff for the 2013 season will be in Vegas in January 2014.
  15. I don't think I would use a Spartan as the basis for a Bianchi Open gun. Both my Bianchi 1911's are built on STI Rangemaster frames. Nothing really bad with the Spartan for what it was designed around. Just not sure how well the slide frame fit is going to hold up long term. The last one I shot loosened up fairly quickly.
  16. Using a TacOps compliant muzzle brake will also help when it's time to sell. Much greater market if the gun can be used by 100% of competitors than the 7% that shoot open. Agree with Pat on this. I don't use Open only comps on my guns. There's just no advantage.
  17. Looked like Tallahassee was pretty close and prices were only a bit higher than Atlanta.
  18. You can always have JP build you a second CTR-02 Upper receiver with a lighter contour barrel. Shoot them both and decide which one to keep. Still cheaper than a Tavor.
  19. Stay outta my thread Kort Mueller. Unless you're planning on playing with the cool kids at night.
  20. Registration for previous competitors is now open. If you've shot before and you want to come play again now is the time to sign up. If you think you will be sponsored by a company, sign up anyway. Just don't pay yet. We should have sponsor agreements going out in the next couple weeks. If you have not shot this match before please stand by for December 3rd to register.
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