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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Nah, Jesse is going to shoot all 4 so that will even them all up when he wins each one.
  2. Part of the issues with the positive reviews come from the forum guidelines. They get squirrelly when you say anything negative about a specific match or person. You end up with only positive happy things said. Gives a bit of a false impression. But it does normally make things more comfortable when you don't have a couple knuckleheads bickering like school girls about some two year old call an RM or MD made at this match or that. You know, hypothetically.
  3. It's going to take awhile before I can give you a firm answer on that. First priority is getting the staff and media through during that portion. If there is extra space I might be able to accomodate 5 or so people that have a need to shoot early. I won't be able to give you a better answer till next spring at the earliest.
  4. It's only legal in Standard if it fits in the box. Basically no 140 mm mags. Arredondo makes a really nice +3 I've used. And make sure the mag well isn't too wide.
  5. Not sure if Mark is including mine but I had that exact problem.
  6. Easy boys, you're both pretty. You guys just need to get a room at the SE3GC and hug it out.
  7. 125k with 6k paid. Just used the leftover money from the registrations over our break even point. But that was back in 2008 if memory serves. And it required an almost full time level of calling and talking to sponsors.
  8. Kurt, hate to argue with you on this one. But when you write in absolutes you're bound to be at least a little wrong. I've run several matches without buying any significant number of prizes. It can be done, or at least it used to be possible. It just requires a crap load of work.
  9. Make sure the grip safety works. NRA still requires it to work.
  10. I used them on my 34 the first year I shot Production (3-4 years ago?) Switched to Open and Metallic the next year. Didn't have any issues from the officials.
  11. The page is apparently open for registration tonight. Please do NOT try to register before November 12. You will not be accepted into the match and will go to the bottom of the wait list at a minimum. Working on getting it sorted out but may be a couple days.
  12. I thought JT had his own sports drink line already? I don't always drink sports drink, but when I do, I drink JT's Elixir. Oh, boy. I'm going to have to refrain from responding further to this. There are children reading this forum.
  13. Funny you mention water. Freedom Munitions donated a whole pallet of water to the CT Midnight 3 Gun (along with a whole bunch of ammo). I only drink Freedom Water!
  14. We'll be doing registration in two stages. Folks who have shot the match previously will be able to register starting November 12, 2013 at 8:00 AM Pacific. We'll be using Practiscore this year for registration as well as scoring. Link to registration is; https://clubs.practiscore.com/m3g/register We haven't tested this but I'm betting that people who have not shot the match will probably be able to sign up during this time as well. However, you will not be approved into the match and will go to the bottom of the waitlist if you try sneaking in. Registration for new shooters will open up December 3, 2013 at 8:00 AM Pacific at the same link. I know it's short notice for the previous shooters. Please get this passed out to anyone you know that has shot before. If they are a new shooter I'd suggest getting on it first thing on December 3. There are very few slots for this match and I expect it will be full first thing on December 3. If you would prefer to shoot with the staff and media on Wed and Thurs please make note of that in the squadding requests section. Email me with any questions at Chuck@andersontactical.com Thanks
  15. Sell it and get what you want. The 1300 isn't worth the cost of cutting the barrel and retreading it. If you really want another 1300 buy one with the right barrel. If you want a Nova buy a Nova.
  16. Yes and if you do just a bit more reading you should come across the part that says they are calibrated with the calibration pistol.
  17. Since when. I ship loaded ammo UPS Ground all the time. Just did it twice this month.
  18. The auto will be, on average, 11.353% faster than the pump gun. There, you have an answer, now go buy an auto. Admittedly I completely pulled a series of random digits together to make that number. But I'm talking to a guy running a Glock .357 Sig Open gun. How competetive do you really want to be. I spend a bit of time running a pump and I'm reasonably quick with mine. Engaging different targets for the most part eliminates the time needed to cycle the action. But there are lots of positions, kneeling and prone, that take a lot more time to run the pump. It's just one more thing to think about on the clock. I'd rather focus on pointing and pulling rather than running the action on the gun.
  19. Get the Glock 17. It'll work in Amatuer, Competition, Master Stock and Unlimited, (But don't enter the last two unless you just want practice). Yes a 30 SF will work for everything, but it will only do one division well. The Glock 17 is also just a great all around gun.
  20. Also not entirely accurate. Colt Mfg as well as Colt Competition sponsored the NW Multigun this year. From what I understand there were Gold Cups and Mustangs as well as CCR rifles on the table. It's great we all want to support our favorite companies but there are a lot of matches out there. Making statements about companies not supporting can't help to get companies that are just coming back, to keep coming back.
  21. Number stays the same but the prefix changes A= Annual TY= Three year FY= Five year L= Life There are some others but those are the most common.
  22. I have a couple Nordic barrels. The last one I built was with the 18" they have in stock now. Average group at 200 is an inch with some really nice ones just over 1/2.
  23. I have several times. In fact I followed the Black Hole bus out of Brodgeport, TX just a couple weeks ago.
  24. One more thing Chuck. I call BS. 100% this is a lie. The portion of the website that holds the production approved guns list is an HTML Table. If the web guy USPSA hired cannot add text to an HTML table and upload it to an ftp server. Please fire him ASAP. Lying to us to cover a mistake is BS. Adding a gun to the table and uploading would literally take seconds. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk I'm relaying what John Amidon told me. He has never lied to me before. He is the one who tried to update the list. He thought it updated, it didn't. By the time he discovered the error it was mid Nationals. The guy you just suggested we fire was unavailable because his father was in the hospital with a medical condition that is none of your business. The guy that we would use as his backup was also in the hospital. Personally I believe John. He has absolutely no reason to lie about this. Why would he even care to? And to be very blunt. I'm getting very tired of people on this forum accusing BOD members of lying, coverups, etc. I have yet to see any of that in my short time on the BOD. If you want to accuse me of lying you had plenty of opportunity to do it in person last night or at any point during the match. Instead you wait until you are safely behind a keyboard. Grow up.
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