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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Kyle O

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Everything posted by Kyle O

  1. Thanks for the feedback guys. Looks like Jonesboro, AR is gonna be my best bet. Matt, I talked to Ryan last night, and he is down up for flying out of Conroe Municipal. Weather permitting, we'll take the airplane, and I'll pick you guys up from there. You think you can find us some wheels in Jonesboro that morning?
  2. Mine run great, NC extension and 30 rounders. Did start having some failures, with my GI coupled 30 rounders lately, so put them in the practice junk pile.
  3. Only maybe 4 times in my life have I been in that "zone", that perfect state of smooth motion, but I was there on that trailer. I shot it in 39, You should have seen it Jamie!
  4. Ok, here is the best of the mediocre, the best stuff never gets filmed, right?
  5. Gotta get classified, been shooting USPSA for 2 years, but due to division hopping, I've never been classed. It's time!
  6. I won't hesitate to come back next year, these guys "graduated" match director school this weekend. Personal pitfalls and all, I had a freaking blast! I got to meet some enos forum members in person, the stages were fantastic, RO staff was wonderful. Having Kurt Miller give me a pat on the back after burning down a stage was the highlight for myself. I hope everyone who has the "negatives" listed on top can look past them for what they were, and realize the awesomeness of this match.
  7. R U signed up Bryan? I'm looking for a squad to crash. Jesse, squad up with West C., and myself.
  8. My production gun is P229, but am only shooting Limited in USPSA this year.
  9. Well, I entered pro, and got a bunch of jarble back saying "did not like bla bla bla", so I thought pro was full, and tried amatuer and got the same, turned out it was the apostrophe in my last name it didn't like. So, I got a confirmation "am", but resubmitted pro at about 11:30pm.....well see
  10. While shooting, custom molded plugs with electronic muffs on top. When not the active shooter, I just wear the electronic muffs.
  11. So, do I need to get my authorization here to bring my "gun/golf cart"? It has stock slick tires, gun racks secure the rifles muzzle down.
  12. I learned with a $5 garage sale hand trimmer, put it in a vise, and crank it by hand, like a pencil sharpener. I learned how on this, and got an electric trimmer later. Really taught me the concept, and I learned that I didn't want to hand crank trim in bulk!
  13. I've been lucky with the 4 different ar barrels I've used, as they all have produced 1moa or less, but I'm using handloads, and usually my first load produced accurate results, so I didn't have to do very much "tweaking", to find the right combo. In reading the forums though, I've noticed more experienced shooters have varying results with the same loads out of different barrels.
  14. I've noticed on several match rules, that Nonprescription meds are forbidden, I am a Pharmacist, and see no reason Tylenol/bc powder/Ibuprofen couldn't be used. I can't seem to get the point of that rule. Maybe some cold remedies or older generation antihistamines might cause drowsiness, but seems weird to do away with ALL nonprescription meds. Anyway, sorry for the thread drift. Just to add about the sleepy driving, I've done it all, and to me the ABSOLUTE BEST THING to stay awake, is something salty, and crunchy to eat on. Like cashews, tater chips, corn nuts, etc. You cannot fall asleep while chewing on these things. Dang there I go thread drifting again. I pretty much eat the same stuff mentioned here, water, gatorade, soda with lunch.
  15. Anything I can do to radius those points or trim back to get past this match, it is a fundraiser for a friend and fellow shooter to help sshis family cope with costs for cancer treatments, otherwise I would skip it. Several folks have ground them down or completely off. I think I would smooth them without removing too much material and then send it off to be welded, if that is what you want to do. If you cut/modify your lifter, C-rums will not accept it! Been there, done that!
  16. Looks like "real" practice, It's funny when your in the heat of the moment, and you feel that little bobble, you know that beep is coming sooner. But, when it's smooth as butter, it SEEMS like your taking forever, then you shove that last one in, and then you've got like a whole second of thinking, "is my timer broke?" before that second beep. Good stuff Jesse.
  17. I was at the Larue 3g match last year watching the .223 tipping the larue targets over, then the heavy shooter on our squad was "slapping the ground" with'em. You are right, VERY satisfying, had me laughing out loud!
  18. I pack my bag before every match, each match will require different stuffs (3gun vs. pistol vs. long range rifle), it's sort of a ritual I do before a match/range session, pretty much a combo of the basics here. But, like if it's the dead of winter I'll leave the bug spray out, or in summer then no handwarmers, things like that...
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