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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. Mike, who would start at stage with 3 rounds? Putting three into the head put me at slide lock during a transition latter in the stage. It is a SO issue. I will never make that call as a SO.
  2. Bottom line is it is a dumb rule that I will never call as long as I SO. An unenforceable rule is one that I will choose to ignore as a SO. Let's see there was a stage in Saturday's match where one of the targets only had the head and a little of the body showing behind a NS. The first shot I took had a good sight picture. The second had the front sight at the very top of the head. I put a third round into the head just to make sure. When scored the first round was center of the head. The second was at the very top of the head 1/4" from the perf. The third was centered by the first shot. The target was in shadow so it was hard to see the hits. Guess what - that got me to slide lock. Are you going to give me a FTDR for that. Come down off your false moral high road and get real. Explain to me how you, as a SO, can read someone's mind. How are you going to determine if someone dumped a round or made up a shot? You can't! How many FTDR have you handed out for round dumping?
  3. "Round dumping"? Me? I was making up what I thought was a bad shot. How can there be round dumping when Vickers Count scoring says I can shoot a target as many times as I choose?
  4. Make certain that your new subdivision has indoor plumbing. That was one item we missed when we bought our house.
  5. Where is Ryucasta when you need him?
  6. A .40 SS is much easier to make run than a 9mm. I just switch barrels if I am in a 9mm mood or .40 mood. Thank you Kimber for using the same breech face. I looked at our 2007 Alabama COF and it is pretty neutral. No real advantage using 9+1. My two stages are CDP friendly = 18 rounds. I like starting with 11 in the gun. One can always, not that I ever would, dump/make up a round. I may play around with one of my .45 Kimbers in ESP this year. There is something visceral about launching that big 250 gr slug at 500 fps. It stirs deep seated primal instincts.
  7. Joe D

    Cdp Change?

    Charter memberships are available to the JPA at $10,000 each. There will be a limited number available. That number will depend on how many of you I can chump into sending me your money. Now what was that bank account and routing number? Do you have the pin number handy?
  8. I have to give it to Dave Sevigny at the Alabama match in April. I was hoping they would let me keep it.
  9. I can send my plane to pick you up. Actually the Jet Ranger might be better. BTW I saw that the Southern Regional will be 25 stages over two days.
  10. Most likely will be in Montgomery. May be in Birmingham also. The rules will be IDPA except for the scoring.
  11. Where is the extra weight on the LB frame?
  12. Joe D

    Spring Weights

    +1 on the lwt steel with the 4# spring. It pops every primer I have tried - Federal, CCI or Winchester. I run a 12# Wolf in everything except my carry gun.
  13. Are you going to make a larger diameter (.270") and extended plastic GR?
  14. I ran into a keyhole problem with some 147 gr lead bullets in my G34. The gun just did not like those bullets. It shoots 147 gr plated and jacketed very accurately. BTW I just chrono'd my wife's SSP load. 3.0 gr of TG at a 1.140" OAL 147 gr. Berry bullet. Average fps was 885 out of a G34.
  15. Yes. I am going to make an extended and larger OD "plastic" GR for one of my G35s. I use Wolf springs and the small Glock GR allows the spring to move around too much.
  16. CST= Custom Stainless Target. I checked the weight on three of my 1911s the other day. They were weighed on a State certified scale in our QC department. My Kimber CST with S&A mag well, FLGR, single thumb safety and micarta grips weighed 40.3 oz. The RIA with the same options weighed 40.2 oz. The 9MM CST Kimber came in at 42.0 oz. Each gun was weighed with an empty Wilson mag.
  17. Duane, that comment describes my wife to a "T". A good cry works even better. She reserves that for really dire circumstances.
  18. The only thing I am looking for as far as holsters go are the "extreme" violators. The Uncle Mike's and the Blade Tech DOH fall into this group. Hell will freeze and pigs will fly before I stick a 3/4" rod between someone's body and holster. I have a couple of holsters that you can see daylight in the tunnel yet are easily within the 3/4" rule. Here's one of them. Joyce Wilson and I had a couple of pretty "lively" conversations about the holster rule when she was gathering info for the new rule.
  19. Don't want to start any war here, but IMO the "Best Buys" in 1911 land are as follows. The Ria Tactical @ $400, A CST Kimber @ $800 and a Les Baer Premier II @ $1,400. I am just partial to Kimber. One could insert SA into the Kimber slot just as easily. Time will tell how the RIA holds up. If given a choice I will choose forged over cast/barstock everytime.
  20. Sometimes whining can be very effective. My wife is a master at it. Guess being cute does not hurt either.
  21. The RIA Tactical retails in the $400-$429 range. RIA has just come out with their version of the Spartan. Think it is called the Match. Pretty good review here. http://ezine.m1911.org/RIAMatch_frame.htm Seems like it is priced less than the Spartan. Both of these guns are starting to creep up price wise into Kimber land. Neither are IMO in the same class as a Kimber. That being said the RIA Tactical is one of the better buys for the money. Mine has not skipped a beat. I plan on shooting CDP some this year. There is a certain satisfaction I get beating the high dollar (+$1500) guns with one I paid $400 for.
  22. I would have given anything for that other mag. That stage ended my chances of winning my Division.
  23. Gman, I have a couple of CDP friendly stages waiting for you at our State Match - 18 rds each.
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