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When do you find time to live fire practice?


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Tried a search. Came up with nothing, so sorry if this has come up before.

When are you guys with 8-5 jobs coming up with time to practice? I just got a nice internship for a semester, and I took for granted all the time I had to practice (even though I never did) while I was a full time student. My new year's resolution is to start taking enough time to practice to start beating you more seasoned guys.

So when do you 8-5'ers have time to live fire practice besides the weekend? And where?

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Mostly on the weekend. I'll occasionally shoot groups on the indoor range in the evening. One of my clubs hosts an indoor practice session on Monday nights, but I haven't gone yet. In the summer time, I can practice after work because it stays light outside late enough.

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The club I used to belong to had an indoor practice match once a week during the winter and an outdoor practice match during the summer. I took the time. When I started to work all kinds of crazy OT I had to settle for matches only.


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I just practiced yesterday for 4 hours. But it was a Saturday and the weather broke just long enough to make it nice. I shoot fairly regular monday night indoor league in the winter. In the summer I shoot quite a bit, 3 or 4 matches a month in peak season. I only work until 3:30 :cheers: so I have all kinds of time to go to the range after work in the warmer months as well. Sadly, during the dead of winter I make ammo and do some dry fire.

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I have to make myself move, if I come in and sit down I'll never do it. So I come home dont change just strap on my gear and go, I have a berm in my backyard so can pretty much practice anytime I get off my lazy butt and do it. I do avoid certain times outa consideration for neighbors even though they show no consideration for me.

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During the summer months, I can squeeze in some time after work at the range. Not enough light now, of course.

Though I have things better overall as I work a 9/80 schedule, resulting in every other Friday off (which gets used for routine errands as well as range time).

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So when do you 8-5'ers have time to live fire practice besides the weekend? And where?

For me, 8-5, wife, kids, life, etc, etc......... just make whatever you do count even if it is not range live fire. I live fire on a range for competitions only, that's just what I have time to do. If I can, there is a indoor range that does a 48 round bullseye coarse on monday nights. I do 2 or 3 runs in a night and try to master my different triggers (even a NY springed g17). Personally, that is what has helped me to see a sight lift and try to make a call. This was not wasted time and I got better at USPSA as I got better at Bullseye. There are also alot of activities that I think help me in the uspsa game like airsoft, dry fire, running, gym. I am doing alot of dry fire now after the kids go to bed. I do that instead of watching TV.

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Because it is you 8-5's who are paying for my retirement I make it a policy to only shoot during the week. In the bad ole days most of the practice was at an indoor range with a cable system for target distances. The only outdoor range in the area was run by Fish & Game and was a 25 yard bullseye target only. There was one range north of Detroit but that was an hours drive away.

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I shoot two matches a month that are on consecutive weekends. I make time for one practice session the week before the first match of the month.

Before a big match (Level II or III for me) I throw an extra session in the week prior.

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I travel ALOT for work, spending much of my time on the road or out of town. When I'm on the road, I get up at 4:00am, leave the house at 5:00am, get to work at 7:00am (most of the time I work 120 to 140 miles from home!), off work at 4:00pm, then the 2 hour drive back home to be there at 6:00pm. Not a whole lot of time for practice, so when I get an early day off, it's to the range I go. When I'm further than 140 miles from home, I generally stay all week there, come home on the weekends. I take my gear with me, and since I don't have the 4 hours of drive time every day, I find a range near my hotel. Downside to this is, you have to carry lots of ammo with you, and some high dollar gear (which I'm always afraid of being stolen, even though it never leaves my sight!). I've learned to camoflauge it very well! :P

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If you use steel targets that simply ring when you hit them,so you don't have to reset you can have a 100 to 150 round practice on a a particular skill in an hour after work. It is amazing how much time you use up in practice tapping or resetting up a target. I will work on a skill a week to improve upon using steel targets, and more advanced skill developments on Saturday morning when there is more time available.

If you don't have access to steel targets and need an efficient practice I would reccomend the following attached file for an efficient paper practice that works on accuracy developmentdot drill.doc

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I'm a sales manager for a new home builder, so definitely not an 8 to 5'r, more like 8:00 to 7:00 + weekends. It's like anything else, working out etc.. YOU have to MAKE time for it. What seems to work best for me is lunch hours, but I do have the luxury of stretching those out to an 1 1/2 or so.

It's all about what you make a priority. And remember, half of getting what you want is knowing what you have to give up to get it.

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Matches Tuesday nights, fun-match Friday night. I have fridays off, so I live-fire practice Fridays before our match (50 rounds or so, mostly draw speed to A-Zone). Sundays are bigger matches twice per month. Between Tues, Fri, and Sunday, I shoot 10-11 matches per month! Don't need a lot of live-fire "practice".


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Actually these days I do most of my practice in my own living room with a Glock 17 Airsoft and a BAM Targets 5-plate rack. It's amazing how much crossover of skills there is between firing an Airsoft and firing the real thing. Also no need to spend the drive time back-and-forth to the range, police up everything afterward, etc. Just grab the Airsoft and burn through a quick 60 rounds or in just a few minutes. Good stuff. Also it's one HELL of a lot cheaper than firing live ammo. :)

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A guy I've been doing work for is looking at building a shop about a 1/2 mile from our club. If that happens, then I will be spending even more time at the range. :devil:

We can only hope!


You don't really need a lot of time to live fire. Pick what you want to accomplish in that particular range session and work on that thing.You don't have to burn through 500 rounds in a practice session. It's not the amount you shoot but what matters most is the quality of the practice session.

Ex. I live fire practiced yesterday. I brought about 250 rounds. I only shot 150 rounds in about 1 1/2 hours and it was great practice. Really focus on what are you weaknesses and make them you strong points.

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I guess what I was getting at was:

Does everyone really only get to practice live fire on the weekends?

I have about the same schedule as Paul (baerburtchell). Getting out twice a month (on the weekends) to practice and/or shoot a match is a great month. I probably get 12 live fire practice sessions and 8-10 local matches a year.

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Does everyone really only get to practice live fire on the weekends?

Yes, for me. I believe I actually got better honing most shooting skills at home anyway (dry fire/airsoft). It cost me very little and I could apply them to the competitions. Using your USPSA number as a guide, I think most of what you might want to improve could happen at home anyway, especially since you now find you can't get to the range like you want. Yes, the range everyday, would be the best but why not take this as an opportunity to work out alot of this stuff without the expense of ammo and travel. There are alot of really good shooters that don't go to the range much. I did a special classifier match today and a GM (Lim) was going for Prod GM. He is a friend and he laid down some awesome times, his response to me was, I have been dry firing alot (its cold here and no one is shooting alot). If you can, go, if you can't, get even better at home.

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Dry fire, most every night for 15-30 minutes.

Live fire indoors, once a week either on lunch break or before work (indoor range opens at 7). About 100 rounds per session.

Live fire outdoors, weather permitting, Sundays. About 200-300 rounds per session.

At least that what I try to do. :) Don't always make it due to family interference. :)

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