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Avatar (the film)


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The reviews look very solid. Yes, stupid message and all. But hey, we all know that the Marines are well, you know. :rolleyes:

We're going. FYI, I'll be the a$$#ole cheering for the heavy weapons. :P


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Sounds like the plot to most every episode of the Smurfs...

Hmm...blue people...village on top of something that evil capitalists wants...yep, Smurfs :cheers:

:roflol: yes but Smurfs with tails and weapons

I wonder if Charlie Sheen is working on the spoof to this movie ..yet


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I saw the midnight showing.

It is the best looking movie I have ever seen. It is pretty amazing what Cameron can do given the GDP of a small country to work with.

The movie ends up being like Fern Gully. It has strong environmentalist and anti corporate themes that are going to rub a lot of people the wrong way. A few times the audience laughed at the “serious” dialogue.

The movie is good, and worth going to more than once. It is SO well put together and so amazingly shot. You will just find yourself groaning at a few parts. You will find yourself saying “yeah right” when the bow and arrow wielding natives take on helicopter gunships and armored walkers.

The movie is good.. It just could have been a lot better. It may leave some people disappointed.

What he said...

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I am usually very sensitive to and turned off by "The Message" a film maker imparts into their movies when they do it. I felt no such turn off in this movie at all. The affects were spectacular and non stop. It did have a familiar feeling plot, but the eye candy of this movie was worth it alone.

Blue Smirfs???? Hardly.....

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Seen it last night. Probably the neatest movie I've seen ever. Someone posted something about "Dances with Wolves", well right on the money. This was that movie,............. faster, shorter, in the future. Didn't think Cameron tried to make any kind of overbearing statements, not much different than many western type cowboy/indian movies. Some of the Jar Head dialogue was cheesy, but hey, I expected that. Villan was a huge corporation that was raping the alien world (Pandora), I knew that going in. Villan's lacky was a tough as nails stereptypical movie marine, knew that going in. First big budget 3d flick I have ever seen, if they are all like this it won't be the last one. Actually got the roller coaster willies in my stomach during a couple of scenes, pretty cool. Can't wait for my brother to get home from Afghanistan and see this with him and his boys in an IMAX.

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I saw the 3D version today and I have to say that this was the best movie that I have ever seen, and I have gone to alot of movies. It had everything that you could ever want in a movie, it was perfect. It is visually stunning, my eyes will never be the same. My sons and I talked for an hour after the movie, we were all pumped up. I can't wait to bring my Wife to see it.

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<_< my wife went to a play with 6 other women, <_< I decided not to go with them and went to the movie. payed the upgrade for 3D

It was worth the $!!! $12.50 :blink: never thought I would say that about a film.

<_< It would be cool if someone came to this planet and taught us how to communicate with everything

I'd grow ..My.. hair long for that

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<_< my wife went to a play with 6 other women, <_< I decided not to go with them and went to the movie. payed the upgrade for 3D

It was worth the $!!! $12.50 :blink: never thought I would say that about a film.

<_< It would be cool if someone came to this planet and taught us how to communicate with everything

I'd grow ..My.. hair long for that

I too saw the movie in 3d. It was really a great movie! :cheers:

It was filled with action and is definantly worth watching.

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Just got back.

Very impressive visuals both in the cartoon part and the real part. ( which I'm not sure there were any 'real' parts). The only thing better would be to see in in IMAX. Might have to pony up the cash and try and see it there!

For the story. It was pretty well done. Nothing really super over the top. Definitely makes you want to spend some time living with the 'blue monkeys'!!! lol... No doubting it was a Cameron flick. Epic feel to it all the way. Hope I don't lose my Man Card for admitting this, but the love theme he is known for works pretty well. Not too over the top. One of the neat things was the use of scale. It would have been much easier to make the humans and the blue monkeys the same size. It was neat to notice all the tools and weapons made to size.


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Unfortunately, I was really disappointed with the story. I had high hopes for it.

I could not get past the "Humans are bad" but the "spiritually sensitive aliens who worship nature" can do no wrong theme...

And they refer to the Na'vi as "Terrorists"? They even mentioned "Shock & Awe" at one point. C'mon... :rolleyes:

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I have thought more about this movie. What let me down SO much was the story.

You could tell that JC put so much thought and effort in to every little facet of this movie. The blue people, the forest, the human technology, the gun ships, all of it. This movie seems grounded and believable.

Then the one dimensional characters and plot drag it down. You have the corporate bean counter, the trigger happy marine, the arrogant scientist, etc… Instead of a nuanced plot with moral dilemmas and ethical shades of gray we get freaking fern gully.

A more in depth discussion of the plot holes would reveal spoilers (not that you don’t already know how this movie ends).. So I wont bother.

If this were a lesser movie, I wouldn’t care.. But this movie rocks so hard on so many levels that it makes its few flaws that much more glaring.

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I am usually very sensitive to and turned off by "The Message" a film maker imparts into their movies when they do it. I felt no such turn off in this movie at all. The affects were spectacular and non stop. It did have a familiar feeling plot, but the eye candy of this movie was worth it alone.

Blue Smirfs???? Hardly.....

I agree with Mark, maybe top 10 movie for me. The affects were great!

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Agree with a lot of what was said already. The plot is completely linear and predictable. Characters are two dimensional. The tree hugging is way over the top. None of it matters though because the imagery is so stunning that it completely blinds you to the rest. I have already seen it twice in IMAX and will probably go again. But I do not expect that I will be watching this movie again once it is out of the theaters.

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Questions to those who have seen it. Which 3D version did you see it in? Regular screen 3D Avatar or the gigantic 3D Avatar IMAX. Is it that big a difference or?


I saw it on the regular 3D format and was blown away visually! I would love to see it on IMax but probably won't.

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