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Are you dependant on your computer?

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Last Friday, our network was down most of the day and nobody could get anything done. It seems that if you can't get your computer to talk to the world, you may as well stay home because you aren't going to get much done.

That being said, in your job or even at home, could you do without your computer? If you could, would you want to?

I must admit to being addicted to computer/internet use, but I sure did have a lot more free time before they came along.



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Before we got our first internet connection, with the awesome AOL 56K dial-up plan, we would do things like:

Reading at the library

Playing sports (basketball, street hockey, etc.)

Meeting up with friends and socializing at our local convenience store

As for work, before e-mail/internet, we had to:

Submit handwritten memorandums

Walk from supervisor and up the chain to get paperwork routed (and actually meet with people face to face)

Actually talk on the phone more often

Now, when it comes to kids, they rely on the internet and their cellphones for just about everything. To the point where that old ghetto apartment complex where I grew up, playing outside, is now completely empty and void of activity. It's kinda sad since the place is still crawling with kids, but they are all inside.

Now with work, we CANNOT survive without electricity or the network. When the network goes down, it's like the world has come to an end...and that's when the phone calls started coming in too. When is the LAN coming up? Got that question every 5 minutes. One time we just left work an hour early because of a power outage...losing power is like those blizzards during school where you get days off...it's something to look forward to, yet you know you would have to make it up sooner or later!

To answer your question, I am dependent to the point where I would walk around my house like a zombie for the entire day without it. Sad, but true.

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When my connection goes down at home...or if I'm somewhere between machines...I've got my "smart" phone with unlimited data thru-put. Heck I even stream my Pandora stations thru my phone connection and carry it around like a transistor radio :surprise:

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Well, let's see, I got back in town about 4 from the RO class. Went strait to the club and picked up the paperwork for the practical pistol match (60 competitors), when home and crashed. 8am this morning I started on scoring the match, its 7pm now and I'm about 2/3 the way through posting scores. Then I have to report the match and the classifiers to USPSA. Make out another posting and put it on the club web site. Make a deposit and a report for the proceeds from the match with a break down of how many members, non members, RO's, and free competitors shot. When I'm done with that I get to take off my PP MD hat and put on my membership VP hat. Then I've got another report for those activities for the last month. Then I get to send each report to the appropriate members of the BOD.

Naah !, I'm not addicted to my computer. I just like fingers that are only an inch long.

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Ray, what is the pay rate on a job like that. :roflol:

Like any volunteer work we start out making nothing and they double our salary each year. Any RO knows what I mean.

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I personally slave over a hot computer all day every day. It is how I make my living so, yes I am VERY dependant on the distribution of bits across the wire.

My 600 or so users SWEAR that they hate working on the PC and just want to do real work instead of time cards, work orders, billing, procurement, etc.

But let that connection drop and my phones go nuts with calls from...guess who?

Big Chief tablets and number two pencils are not quite as handy.

Go figure,

David C

Edited by geezer-lock
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  • 3 weeks later...
100% dependent as I am a licensed sales person.

If I am not on my computer, I am on my Black Berry.

I do turn off my BB when I sleep however...


Self-Employed Financial Services Sales for over 25 years. I started without the internet but basically can't go without it anymore.

Then there's my "free time" like right now, and I'm using the internet.

Shooting and fishing are about the only times I'm not Wired.

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01111001 01100101 01110011


79 65 73

01111001 = 121 = y

01100101 = 101 = e

01110011 = 115 = s

I use computers everyday for work and would be useless without a working computer/network.

When I'm on vacation, I want to be nowhere near a computer. But I do have an iPhone for those moments where I need to find important information, like where the nearest bar or club is :)

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I cannot do business without the Internet period! I own a web development company so I would need to pick up brass for a living if there were no Internet :)

For years I have pushed the idea of getting a Black Berry aside to let myself get "away" from contact. My wife bought me a Black Berry for my Birthday the other day so now ........ I am connected all the time.

I am sure after a period of time we could re-adjust to not having the Internet but it would be massive confusion.

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