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I Hate People Who Crap In My House


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This forum has become like my home. Some years ago, I started this in order to have a place to hang out and share information. Soon, like-minded folks began gathering, and eventually quite a few even moved in, offering to help with the daily chores. And all this time the only thing I've asked in return is - If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it. If you can't speak positively, constructively, or at least politely, then don't speak at all. Of course you are welcome to "lurk and glean," which is why I never delete members from the database, even if they never contribute.


This forum was started and is here now as the result of my effort. I pay for it, I support it, and I've spent so many hours maintaining it that's it's impossible to calculate. Just because the medium of this forum is the internet does not mean it is public property. Meaning - You can shit in your own house, but don't shit in mine/ours.

And then as a final straw, I provide a "hate" forum for folks to vent, and what do we get - whiners complaining that - Oh, this forum reeks of censorship and is run by a bunch of hypocrites. I you don't like it, then take a hike.

And just where does the idea originate from that this forum has anything to do with "free speech"? It has nothing to do with free speech. If you cannot be polite, then you are not welcome. That's all there is to it.


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BE, you da man. I haven't been here in awhile, so maybe I missed something, or maybe this is just a reminder to all of us. In any case, thank you for the forum, and I hope to catch up with many members in Bend. ;)

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This forum has become a kind of sanctuary to me from other forums on the internet. It is a place where that kind of crap has never existed. I tolerate it other places on the net because most other forums are full of slack jawed fools who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. That is not the case here. This forum is a wealth of knowledge where there has always been a higher standard for people's actions. It upset me to see that kind of trash brought into this place.

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Let's just say this is the first site I visit whenever I hop online. I enjoy asking questions and getting great responses as well as reading other threads and just soaking up all the valuable information. I'm greatful for this site and agree that some people just like to bitch and complain.


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Guest Larry Cazes

Brian, you definitely maintain the best shooting related forum on the net bar none! Do not let something like this get under your skin. I have seen many other forums degenerate over the last few years until they are no longer worth visiting. Thanks for the work and time you put into this and for maintaining high standards here!

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I'm with you Rufus. But this morning I was wondering - just why does this irritate me so much, because normally I'm a pretty non-irritable kind of fellow. Then I realized that it was because of the "my house" thing. And it's not only my house, it's everyone's house who's participated (in a friendly manner ;)) thus far. I feel very responsible for the "well being" of the forum.


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My father has a sign in his office: "Illegitimus non carborundum"

Loosley translated from Latin it means" Don't let the bastards wear you down."

I have been pretty upset with some of the things I've seen on the forum but since I do not think anyone did them with malice, I just sort of brush it off to the fact that is is difficult to type with nuance. This was prior to the "hate" post you referred to regarding censorship. Let's hope that is doesn't becoem a frequent occurence.

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Brian, your house is a part of my daily life, and I look forward to my time here. I have come to greatly enjoy the sport of practical shooting, primarily due to much of the positive energy that I get from these forums. I wish those that troll for negative experiences wander away soon, as they almost always do. I, along with MANY, MANY people, appreicate your hard work and effort that you put into this worldclass website!

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I really like this place too (Thanks to Mr. Enos for providing it, my buddies for recommending it, and the locals for making me feel welcome).

I'm amused when people invoke spurious "free speech" arguments over forums such as this. They're obviously unclear on the concept on "free speech" and that it applies to government infringement of the same, not rules of conduct in a privately owned and operated establishment (whether online or in meat space).

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Jeeper wrote: "It is a place where that kind of crap has never existed. I tolerate it other places on the net because most other forums are full of slack jawed fools who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. That is not the case here. This forum is a wealth of knowledge where there has always been a higher standard for people's actions."

I agree! This is THE shooting sanctuary for those who think & contribute useful content.

BE - As far as the "free speech" issue, those who would use it to criticize you or your site do not understand the Constitution nor do they understand the intent of our founding fathers. Are the critics entitled to air their opinion? Sure, just as long as they buy all the equipment & pay to start their own internet forum - they are free to go elsewhere as you see fit. As for allegations of censorship? Only Government can censor content. If you, as a citizen, remove content or a contributor, you are merely exercising your rights over your own property. No problem there. Rock on BE!

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When someone comes to a privately owned forum and complains about censorship, then you really have to consider the source. Actually the source isn't really worth considering and the "delete" function should be freely exercised.

I hope if I ever get out of line, someone will point it out so I can get with the program. There's too much offered here to have it screwed up. Sort of like what happened to AR15.com before I left permanently.

As a moderator on the 1911forum, I know the amount of work to keep idiots under control can be extensive. Whack offending posts and threads as you see fit and never worry about it. The type of people you really want here won't mind a bit.

I've gotten so much information at this site and from "The Book" that I'm starting feel like a thief. I'm going to order some Slide-Glide right now so I can sleep with a clear conscience.

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I think having moderators at least keeps this place respectable and some posts do need to be deleted if they are inflamatory. Case in point, the USPSA guestbook is an absolute joke because it's unmoderated and the webmaster refuses to police it. I'm happy to say this is without a doupt, the best shooting site on the internet. Lets keep it that way.

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If someone feels censored, let them start their own forum and spew whatever they want. I can echo all the previous posts about how much I've learned from and enjoyed this forum. I've met some ultracool people from being involved in this forum (Ron Ankeny and Bonedaddy), and look forward to meeting more. What can you say, besides thanks?

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The idea of this forum is waaaaaaaaaaaay cool. Everyone that visits takes something away with them.

Thanks a ton to all the folks that work so hard to keep this place safe and sane!!!

[whiny mod mode on]

If that rabid pitbull Flexmoney keeps making me go to higher ground I'm going to have to lighten up my shooting bag!!!


[whiny mod mode off]

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Hi Brian,

As a moderator, I have written words like yours on another forum; I know how you feel.

I just got back from a 3-week holiday, and yesterday night after an 11-hour drive home, one of the first things I did was visit your place ... says enough I think. I even like your forum better than the one I'm moderating, but don't tell this any further :P

Just hang in there and don't be afraid to (have the moderators) correct somebody or even ban him/her from the forum if needed. I know from experience that it does help although it is no fun to have to resort to such measures.

But I guess I should have read every post on the 19 pages with unread posts of the past three weeks (couldn't you all just have paused a bit :D ) because I have missed the posts that have offended you ?

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