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There. I said it. I hate reloading. It's a chore. A necessary evil to shoot. I'd rather be shooting or dryfiring or drinking a beer while watching TV.

I've been doing a lot of reloading lately so I hopefully will have to do very little come spring/summer. I have to convince myself I need to do it every time I decide to go load.

Before I started reloading I heard so many people talk about how much they love to reload and how it's a hobby in itself and how it relaxes them, etc. I have decided they are all damn liars. Ever since when I hear someone say how much they enjoy reloading I offer to bring over a big box of components and they can call me when they are done. Hours of free fun for them, right? No one has ever taken me up on the offer. :ph34r:

Ok. I'm done complaining.

If you want to write a rebuttal in the form of "I'd love to load your ammo for you" you may do so. :roflol:


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"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude." -Dennis S. Brown

If you think it sucks....it does....If you think it is fun...it is..... i am completely neutral with it, I would enjoys load development more if I could bring my press to the range.........Right after I typed that I started picturing my press mounted on a 2x6 on my pickups tail gate............what a great idea.

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The only thing I hate about reloading is looking on the floor in front of my 1050 and seeing a now empty MG bullet box. At 1000 + rounds an hour, I don't mind loading pistol ammo, but it sure has made me start to hate loading the rifle ammo on the single stage press! :angry:

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Send me a 1050, or even a new 650 with all the bells and whistles, A bunch of components and I'll be more than happy to load for you. :D

Sometimes it is tedious. If it is not worth your time, sell your gear and buy factory ammo. I know some guys who have gone that route.

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Just started reloading myself. My dad and I shoot together and he did the reloading. Figured I better start learning to reload too. I used to say I just like pulling the trigger. It is work, but on a cold rainy day

it is kinda fun. Gives you some sort of feeling of accomplishment.

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It is a chore for me too, something I never have time to do much less enjoy. I am usually beating the press like I hate it to get enough ammo for the match 15 minutes after I was supposed to leave....

I use to do that until last years sectional match when I found out the hard way that my crimp die had backed out and I had a couple of hundred rounds that would not feed.

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"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude." -Dennis S. Bro

Thats the way I like it , I just never knew how to put it in words!!! Thanks Ill use that

I like good days and 10 years and I still like reloading, :cheers: A real stress release

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I don't know where your loader is setup but I find if I can break down loading into little bits, I don't get near as bored with it. Normally, I like to load 300rds & quit. Case gauge them while watching tv, then load again the next day. In a couple of weeks, you can have lots of ammo loaded. The times I've sat & loaded hundreds at a time, I can sure get burned out on it. I don't mind once in a while loading big batches but just little ones & quit & I find myself wanting to get out & do it again soon.

On my 650, 300rds is about a half hour. Just quit when you reach your goal. Two weeks, loading 300 for two nights, skip one night, then do it again & I have 3000rds done. That is 9 matches, more or less or 6 or 7 practice sessions. That is about a third of the year of match ammo. Relatively painless & sure helps keep out the "I hate doing this" from entering my head.

Try it, you might find out it isn't so bad.


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I've got to agree. I've been shooting my .22 conversion more lately. Not so much to save money, but to save time reloading and picking up brass. I think 9/10 of my weekly profanities are issued at my reloading press.

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My gun room is my sanctuary. I just enjoy being in there; dryfiring, cleaning, fixing guns until they are broke.... or even reloading. I usually only do 100- 200 rounds at a sitting, so I don't really get too bored.

Fixing guns until they are broke... :roflol: Reminds me of my old paintball tournament days.

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There. I said it. I hate reloading. It's a chore. A necessary evil to shoot. I'd rather be shooting or dryfiring or drinking a beer while watching TV.


Get a pair sister! You have to do it, stop bitching and just get it over with!

just kidding, not fun but...

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The only things that I have done for a living that I truly enjoy have been making things. (welding, woodworking, sculpture fabrication) I guess I just think of it as a manufacturing thing. Take some dirty brass, powder, primers, etc. and make something high quality and tailored to my personal specs.

It's cool with me that you'd rather not do it, but it'd be cooler if you lived close so I could load yours and mine with your press! Heck, if you hate it that much and were my neighbor, I'd let you mow my lawn and pick up the dog mess while I loaded your ammo :roflol:

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Sorry to hear your frustration... I personally find it relaxing as it is a break from my daily world of viewing a bank of widescreen monitors for 10 hours/day. The repetitive motion is soothing and I like the finished product piling up. Different strokes and all that I suppose.

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I try not to hate it, but I cannot bring myself to love it. I have two 1050s and a KISS feeder for that exact reason. Anything that helps get me through it faster is a must.

:surprise: 2 1050's are they a bitch to set up is that why you have 2? my 550 is pretty easy between 9mm and 40 so 2 seems like .......................you have to much damn money!

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I'm another that loads 3-500 at a time over a period of days. Of course this is not much time with a 1050. I figure less than 20 hours per year reloading, that doesn't seem too bad....

Me too, 200-300 per session, then case gauge while watching a game on tv, done for the day, then repeat next day, after a couple of weeks have lots of ammo loaded...breaking it up too smaller bits sure helps <_<

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I usually case gauge about 25 minutes after I am supposed to leave for the match, then put the landing gear up and FLY to the match. If it is really tight on time I can usually call a buddy and have them sign me up so I can put my belt on during the shooters meeting.

I need a day stretcher badly.

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:surprise: 2 1050's are they a bitch to set up is that why you have 2?

1050s are changeable, but it's not perfectly easy and you must manipulate the frakking primer system from the seventh level of hell to do it. My 1050 is set up to load 9mm only, since that's what I shoot the most --- 85-90% of handgun rounds fired each year. I've got a 650 on hand to handle other calibers as the change over is faster and easier and as it doesn;'t need to crank out nearly the volume. If I was splitting my time between production and limited, I'd need another 1050 in .40.....

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