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I sit here with all my gear ready to go for the American Handgunner....ammo loaded, gear 100%.........and I dont know if I and my family will get to go. My Daugher's birthday gift is a daylong horse ride in the mountains with Mom.....my son and I will lounge at the pool....hopefully..... :mellow:

I start my weekend shift as a Watch Commander for a Midwest town that is experiencing the biggest flood in 500 yrs.....I lived and worked through this ( 100 year flood) back in '93 as a Rookie that was scared shitless, and hoped no one would have to go through this again. The upside from '93 was that working all summer gave me a lot of money and I built a new Pingun and started shooting Pins, going to Second Chance. It made me start doing something that I wanted to, and my life is so much richer for having been competing since '94. It was due to the dreary summer that I spent working that pushed me to do something that has allowed me to meet some of the finest people in the world, the shooting community, and call the ones I have been lucky enough to meet friends. :cheers:

Now I am the boss and have to buck up my people, most of whom who have less than 2 yrs on the street. I watched Katrina and said a prayer for everyone involved, hoping it wouldnt be my turn. Now it is.....

I am ready, or as ready as I can be. I am sure that I will make mistakes, but I will be doing what I think is the right thing to do for everyone that I can help. I hope and pray that it is enough.

This isnt a thread to get everyone to stroke me and tell me what I great guy I am....I am just another guy who is going to work, nothing more.

Please say a prayer for everyone that has their lives turned upside down right now and nothing to show for it, with no end in sight. My family is warm and dry on the hill, and the power just came back on a little bit ago. I have the solace that they will be fine while I am away.

If you see me on the TV, wave and say HI...I will the guy with a sunburned flatop wondering where my sunscreen is..... :goof:

Hang on tight.....


Edited by DougCarden
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There's been considerable coverage of the upper Midwest flooding on CNN over the past couple of days. This kind of thing happens frequently in certain parts of Western Washington State, but not to the widespread extent of certain areas along the Mississippi River basin and environs. I'm utterly overwhelmed with the Iowa flooding phenomenon and can hardly believe it. Our weather patterns are just getting to weird to follow or fully understand any more. Our hearts, meanwhile, go out to you.

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Hang tough Doug. It is pretty bad in parts here too, just to get home from work tonight I had to pull trees out of the road with my truck and a chain, in places I had water halfway up the doors of my 2500 4x4 on 33" tires. I had to go 150 miles in it. Thankfully my truck doesn't have spark plugs or an ignition system to get wet. I saw houses with water half way up the front door, and a garage that was completely under at the top of the door. Makes you sick to think about it really. Thankfully there are good people out there helping. Prayers sent for all of you.

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My prayes go out to you and your fellow officers. I walked down to the strip last night to see for myself what was going on. I wittnessed some of your fellow officers doing traffic control because of the flood waters. A BIG HARDY thanks goes out to you and your fellow officers for the time and work your putting in. Thanks again.


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We are drawing the line in the sand, literally, and when the water comes up to the line, we move it back. More forced evacuations are planned for today due to the water level that is rising hourly.

IF it doesn't rain again till next week..........We should crest around Tuesday and see what the worst is gonna be. If more rain comes, all bets are off.

I am fortunate to live in the midwest, except for this flooding thang.... :roflol: The community support and continual volunteers are incredible, and they keep coming. In that respect we are truly blessed.

I have quit listening to the experts about how high it will get, they have been wrong about everything this year....not their fault, just a fact.... :wacko:

And yes, I remembered my sunscreen, and still got a little red. I dont know how to thank Jim for getting my best side......At least it wasn't when I was in the boat going to ....um.... :ph34r: ....assist some people from a flop house to go to safety........ :rolleyes:

Wife is working all weekend at the hospital due to nurses who cant get to work and my kids are at Grandparents on high ground.....ah the bachelor life.....

Hasta, again.


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Anything down that way is in harms way......This is much worse than '93, folks......bad news for the Corn crop and FEMA is gonna get it's ass kicked as well.......Quincy/Hannibal area is getting hit right now and it will only get worse for a week, if it doesn't rain....... :(

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Chris, by now.....you would have had whatever you were going to have...you SHOULD be OK......unless Monsoon season cranks back up again......ARGH......



I know you are probably aware, but be careful with the water. Lots of nasty stuff in it. I have watched the footage and it reminds me very much of Katrina flooding. when I see people walking through the water, I get shivers down my back. I got home from the World Shoot and went straight to New Orleans on Sept 4. I was in St. Bernard Parish which was 100% flooded. The waste matter (sewage), decaying human and animal matter, chemicals, and spilled oil in the water made it very toxic. We had National Guard troops who were doing house to house searches that were passing out because of benzine coming up through the water. Saw several nasty cases of staphe infections. I got some kind of respiratory infection while I was there that took months to get over.

I will never foget the smell. I could smell it in a helicopter 500 ft above the water. A nasty, rotting, smell.

Take care and be careful.

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