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from amazon.com reviews

real funny

heres the link http://www.amazon.com/Rolex-Perpetual-Cosm...094&sr=8-34

5 of 7 people found the following review helpful:

It's cheaper to make a sign that says, "Please rob me.", April 21, 2008

By D. Fricke "veganthrope" (Greensboro, NC) - See all my reviews

I purchased this watch almost a year to the date. My intent was to reward myself for many years of hard work. I had read the numerous articles and reviews of Rolex albeit most of them were written by Rolex owners and sellers (jewelers). I decided to start at the top of the Rolex line with the solid gold Daytona.

When I received the watch, I was somewhat awestruck. For weeks, I waited for the perfect occasion to christen my new status symbol. I chose to wear it out to my best friend's bachelor party. Before I continue, allow me to explain the 'laws of Rolex'.

About the watch: While it looks and feels top notch, the Daytona is somewhat underwhelming. Watches have gotten bigger over the years and everyone has seen fifty versions of the analog chronograph. There's also a cruel paradox at play when wearing a Rolex. If you are super rich, everyone assumes that you are wearing an authentic Rolex. So if you drive a Ferrari, then you can purchase a fake Rolex and fool everyone. On the other hand, everyone will assume that the $24k watch on your wrist is a forgery if a Honda Accord is your means of transportation.

That's exactly what happened at the Bachelor party! No one eve noticed the watch for four hours. Everything went terribly wrong when my Daytona caught the eye of one rowdy drunken bar patron. The rube held his arm up, then rolled down his sleeves to reveal an identical Rolex. He shouted, "I bought my Rolex for $120 down at the flea market. How much did you pay for yours?" At that time, everyone noticed my watch and started laughing. What could I say? I tried to play it off but the jokes continued. One partier said, "That's a great looking fake! I hope you didn't pay too much for it." My best fiend, the 'groom' offered me "fifty American" for it.

Several weeks later, I decided to wear it again while taking my wife to dinner. Despite all of the hype, I didn't receive one comment on the watch. In an effort to draw some attention to it, I started checking the time every few minutes. This made my wife nervous. She started asking me if I was bored or forgot to Tivo a television program. When I finally broke down and confessed to my motives. She asked how much I had spent on 'the ghastly thing'. I responded by telling her that 'sometimes it is necessary to spend a little money on the finer things in life'. Needless to say, that didn't appease her curiosity. I wrote the price of the watch on a napkin, then passed it to her. After reading it aloud, she turned pale and stated that she wanted to go home. I tried to offer an explanation but she wouldn't hear another word. After arriving home, she reminded me of all the people living on a 'dollar a day' in the world. She asked me how I could justify spending so much on a 'vanity item'. We haven't had sex in two months now.

Two weeks ago, I decided to give the watch yet another try. This time, I wore the watch to a Christen fellowship meeting at my local church. To my delight, several of the church members took notice and made some flattering remarks. As I was starting to feel vindicated, Pastor Rick asked the dreaded question that all Rolex owners have come to loath, "is that a real one?" My reply, "Yes. As a matter of fact, it is an authentic Rolex." To my dismay, Pastor Rick then warned, "you might want to have it checked by a jeweler because I have seen some fake ones that look absolutely identical." He then asks, "How much did you pay for the one." I turned bright red and asked to be excused. I walked out to my car and put the watch in the glove department, then returned to the meeting. I stayed and had a conversation with Pastor Rick after the meeting. I told him that I didn't want to say how much I had paid for the watch in front of everyone, then gave him the approximate price. In response, he let out a loud 'gasp' and said, "very well then." He didn't seemed pleased with me at all.

In the church parking lot, I discovered that the passenger window of my Honda Accord had been shattered. The gold Rolex was the only item that was stolen! I was then forced to return inside to ask Pastor Rick to call the police. After doing so, he asked me "do you think it was a good idea to wear such an expensive item to a place of worship."

My insurance paid for the replacement cost minus a hefty deductible. Ultimately, I lost around $5000 plus the insurance company raised my premium. As a cherry on top, someone broke into my home later that same week. I guess word gets around fast.

I can't really attest to the accuracy of the time since I only wore it on three occasions. Frankly, I believe it was gaining a few minutes every week but I base that on a plastic digital $25 Ironman watch. Ha! That's the watch that I'm wearing now.

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IMHO, D. Fricke "veganthrope" , the writer of the article, has far too much money. Now, in order to fix that problem, he sent me an email asking for my bank account number so he could send some to me and avoid having the gubment take if from him :surprise:

You can probably email him and send him YOUR account number too :roflol:


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My brother and his wife bought me a dual tone Daytona. I wore the watch even in my sleep for a year, now it's been over a year since I've had it on. It never lost time when I was wearing it. It's stopped now, but shake it for 30 seconds and it's going again.

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If you want one..get one...other folks can ignore it if it offends them.


Buying something like this because you want to, no problem. This guy seemed to want people to notice it, though. He got what he wanted, someone definitely noticed it.

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This sounds too familiar ??? :o

Problem is that the fakes are just sooo good now at the average person cannot tell

so they asume they are all fakes, and a guy with an Accord, what was he thinking.

I have a friend that deals in them on the (real and fake) and I there are fakes out there that would amaze.

Infact he will wear a fake if hes worried about getting the real ones lost or stolen. The Swiss

copies are not fakes but replicas made to spec useing the same materials and tools !!!

:surprise: In my business we have a lot of Ferrari owners that have that good fakes because they know better !! :surprise:


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How to say this without being my usual elitest self - If you have to max out credit cards and scrimp to buy a watch like that, people will think it's fake because you obviously didn't have the means to purchase it to begin with. Especially if you're reduced to showing it off at bachelor parties and church events....

I love my two tone Daytona and wear it whenever and wherever.

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I was going to post something not very nice about Rolex watches, but reading some members have one, I'll just say I'm more into professional watches like:

Omega Speedmaster Professional,

Fortis B-42 Official Cosmonaute,

Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute.


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Having a nice watch, and having friends who collect them I don't know how to respond, although I really want to. If someone is getting a really expensive watch to impress OTHER PEOPLE they're setting themselves up for disappointment. This kind of stuff you gotta just own and wear with pride. It's like if you told someone you spend $4k on that racegun, and they're like "but I got this $500 glock that shoots good too". If that kind of comment would bother you, then you bought whatever expensive thing you bought for the wrong reason. Sucks the guy got jacked.


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I wear a GMT Master that my grandfather left me when he died. Its been a great watch. A few years ago, I was checking out at the grocery store. The bag boy saw it and said, "Yo Man! Dat almost looks like a real Rolex!!!" I said, "Yeah, Almost" and walked out... ;)

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Breitling Cosmonaute.

That's the 24-hr dial. If you read some of the books by the original Mercury 7 astronauts, they wrote that at one point NASA bought them all a single standard of pilot's watch, and it must have been this one (or something very must like it) because they all hated the 24hr dial. NASA being a government agency said "tough, that's what you're going wear, captain/major/<your rank here>". Well, this lasted about another 2 weeks, and then all seven of them walked into so-and-so's office one morning and dropped their watches on his desk and walked back out, and that was the end of it.

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If you read some of the books by the original Mercury 7 astronauts, they wrote that at one point NASA bought them all a single standard of pilot's watch, and it must have been this one (or something very must like it) because they all hated the 24hr dial.

Kinda very strange, since it was Scott Carpenter himself that asked Breitling to manufacture a 24-hr dial version of the already available Navitimer, 'cause when you're orbiting around the earth it's quite difficult to tell if it's morning or afternoon.

For more reference:





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If you read some of the books by the original Mercury 7 astronauts, they wrote that at one point NASA bought them all a single standard of pilot's watch, and it must have been this one (or something very must like it) because they all hated the 24hr dial.

Kinda very strange, since it was Scott Carpenter himself that asked Breitling to manufacture a 24-hr dial version of the already available Navitimer, 'cause when you're orbiting around the earth it's quite difficult to tell if it's morning or afternoon.

For more reference:





When I was an astronaut, I liked that watch...better than that stick in my wrist...tough to read the shadow inside that spacecraft... :P

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If you read some of the books by the original Mercury 7 astronauts, they wrote that at one point NASA bought them all a single standard of pilot's watch, and it must have been this one (or something very must like it) because they all hated the 24hr dial.

Kinda very strange...

I don't remember which one, but it was one of the astronaut's own books.

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