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Friday Flame War 13 Jun 2003


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being a relative newcomer, I would like to know the meaning of the FFL (FFW?) posts. :huh:

I mean, is there a specific reason for being angry on friday, that each week there is a thread on this?

Or is it some typical US saying, similar to "I hate mondays" :angry: and I'll let y'all know why?

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Color scheme? What are we doing, painting the master bathroom! Do you all have a Martha Stewart color coordination list too. Try BLACK, Steel on top, Plastic on the bottom.

Now, the really cool ones get the red and white 'barber pole' on the magwell trim like Flex.

I'm going to the Summer Blast. I'll be shootin' while y'all is a flamin'


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I hate it when the schedule slides and there is nothing you can do about it. I have a project that is past due and naturally over budget. I ask our staff how long it will take to complete a certain task and they ALWAYS estimate 1/2 of the time it will take them. Today my best co-worker called in sick. :( I wish the project from hell would get done so we could move on to the next one.


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I hate that a two day deck took me four days because of the stinkin' rain.

I hate that I did the deck for my girlfriend and didn't make neeeeeear the profit I should have. ( The bonus's were great thou!!!)

I hate that my old man is so sick he can't even tell me about it.

I hate that my computer is in major melt down mode today.

I hate that even thou it's so very cool to move up in class it still sucks to be back at the bottom again.

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I hate that PayPal personal accounts don't allow credit card payments.

I hate people that don't understand what "Make me an offer" means. What, you guys think I know what this crap is worth? :D Oh yeah, I said PM me, not e-mail me! :P

I hate shipping stuff.

I hate that UPS charges about half again as much to ship to a residential address.

I hate getting outbid on ebay and checking the high bidder's previously won auctions and finding out he's a riceboy or collects HotWheels or something. Makes me wonder about my own taste.

I hate keyword spammers who load their auction descriptions with my search terms even though they aren't selling what I'm looking for. Those assholes can piss off and die.

Oh, how I hate not being able to find something!

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I hate that the USPSA "class warfare" pot is getting stirred again. Pisses me off. Pisses me off even more that more than 50% are for it or at least wishy-washy about it.

Excuse me while I retreat to go lord over my fiefdom...

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More layoffs, again (still!)

Algebra II - christ almighty, I barely survived Algebra I now I gotta go do harder stuff! :angry:

USPSA's inability to market itself properly. How hard can it be?

Truck tires cost $460 and then I get the privilege of paying another $300 for the alignment!

Equipment failures at the range.


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Truck tires cost $460 and then I get the privilege of paying another $300 for the alignment!

Equipment failures at the range.


$760 for Tires and Alignment ---- It might be cheaper to buy a new truck!

Equipment Failures? What's that? Oh, you shoot something other than the "Plastic Fantastic?" No wonder you've got breakdowns ---- you want it done right get a German to engineer it; in a pinch use an Austrian.

Heat and Humidity ---- I couldn't agree more. My mother-in-law, who's terminal with lung cancer in our house right now, won't let me put an air conditioner in her room. She says she's comfortable in 90 + degree temperatures with 80 + % humidity. I think it's better outside than in her room..... I think all major matches should be shot under a climate controlled dome ---- how much could it possibly cost to put a roof over PASA park?

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