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I am an NRA member. Been one for many years, and will be one for many more.

I get the usual barrage of "we want money" mail, complete with the offer of some

crappy made in China trinket for my generous contribution. Most of it gets "filed".

I feel that I do my part. Pay my dues, buy a sponsor package for the local Friends of NRA

banquets, and promote shooting and shooting sports on a daily basis.

I just got a phone call. From the NRA---or probably from some tele-marketing sleaze

hired by the NRA. Giving me the usual doom and gloom spiel and hitting me up for money.

Anybody else have this pleasure yet? I don't think I like it very much.


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Yup. That's why I called up NRA Membership Services Division and asked them stop all solicitations and mailings except for my magazines. now, I only get my copy of the Rifleman and don't get any phone calls or junk mail.

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Yup. That's why I called up NRA Membership Services Division and asked them stop all solicitations and mailings except for my magazines. now, I only get my copy of the Rifleman and don't get any phone calls or junk mail.

Sounds like a plan. The phone call ( the guy was REALLY pushy) was the last straw. Enough.

1-877-672-2000 First thing tomorrow morning.


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Become a Life Member, when I did 95% of the mailings just stopped.


Nope, I AM a lifer, and they still send me packets with fake "your name here" membership cards and coupons.

Save the money, spend it to beat the beast in 08.

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Become a Life Member, when I did 95% of the mailings just stopped.


I should---I just can't get too excited about it! Being an annual member, I kind of make myself

believe that my options are open.

Haven't seen you at a match for a while----you hibernating for the winter?


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I'd just as soon have them calling. They'll shake a few dollars out here and there and for those who discard the magazines and mail solicitations, the calls let folks know that the the NRA is still looking out for us.

If you'd rather they didn't call, just ask and they'll take you off the list.

I'm hoping to still be hugging my AR for the next thirty years and then passing it to grandkids. I know of at least two options this November who wouldn't want me to be able to do that.

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I have been a life member for years and I still get a both email and snail mail spam from the NRA. It sounds like if you give them a call the spam will trickle off though. As frustrating as the spam is I still give them money and I thinking about making the jump to a benefactor memeber. I wish my dues went to something more productive. Anyone know how the Gun Owners of America are for spaming their members? I was thinking about sending them some cash as well.

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I've been a member on and off for most of my life. The times that I didn't renew was because of the hounding. The last time I re-joined I made the mistake of doing it online and the next day had about half a dozen emails from them :angry2: I sent them an email explaining that this is the very reason that I have quit in the past and why can't they just be happy that I send them money. I got a very nice and polite response that my name would be taken off "the list" and they appreciate my support. Never received any more solicitations. Only my magazine and emergency alerts for local legislation :cheers:

I'm now trying to get my non-shooter co-workers to join. They are very interested/curious what the big deal is with 2nd amendment so I am more than happy to explain. Figure we need all the help we can get ;)


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Yup. That's why I called up NRA Membership Services Division and asked them stop all solicitations and mailings except for my magazines. now, I only get my copy of the Rifleman and don't get any phone calls or junk mail.

I found the same solution five or six years ago and I rarely receive anything more than my magazine. It's probably like giving them a 10 dollar donation each year when they don't send the weekly junk mail.

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Quick followup---Called member services this morning. Option 2, took about a minute, I am

now supposed to be off of all mail/phone lists soliciting donations. Given the volume of

crap I was receiving, it's probably more like a $15 donation to get off the lists.

Apologies if anybody thought I was running down the NRA. I think they do good work, and will

continue to support them and other organizations. I just got SICK AND TIRED of the constant

deluge of mailings. The phone call was the last straw. Easy fix---should have done it

years ago!


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Yup. That's why I called up NRA Membership Services Division and asked them stop all solicitations and mailings except for my magazines. now, I only get my copy of the Rifleman and don't get any phone calls or junk mail.

+1 Same thing I did... got tired of spam every other day.

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I let my membership lapse a year and a half ago because of the constant solicitations. I gave them money and they would be back a couple of months later asking for more. It never seemed to end with the requests. I wonder how many members they have driven away over the years with the constant badgering for money.

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I let my membership lapse a year and a half ago because of the constant solicitations. I gave them money and they would be back a couple of months later asking for more. It never seemed to end with the requests. I wonder how many members they have driven away over the years with the constant badgering for money.

I know for a fact of at least one person that quit because of the constant soliciting.

My father. He was a member for years. Just plain wore out 2 or 3 NRA caps.

One year he didn't renew. When I asked him why, he said it was because of

all the stuff he got from the NRA wanting money.


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They drove me away.

Then yesterday I got one more piece of mail saying it was my last one, asking me to renew at a reduced rate of 25.00 a year. I like all the shooting programs they provide, I do not care for the ILA arm of the organization. We pay Wayne 900,000.00 a year for his serivces, Chris Cox is close to that I am sure. And after their attempt to squash Heller vs. DC. I want nothing to do with the ILA. Maybe they should split the organization into two disctinct and seperate entities. They spend too much time and money asking for more money. Shameful behavior.

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I have been a life member for many, many years - got my first membership in the boy scouts in the '60's and upgraded to life when I could afford it and to benefactor after that. Both my teenage boys are life members.


I also am a life member of Safari Club International [which is the only hunting organization actively fighting for gun rights, as well as hunting rights], National Sporting Clays Assocation and of course, USPSA. These are all organizations I support because if I don't support them, WHO WILL?

Yes, I got tired of all the mailings, etc. and has been stated before the solution is NOT to quit the NRA!! Simply call them up and ask to be put on the no contact or reduced contact list and they will do it. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Don't throw away your support for a needed organization because you don't like this aspect of it - heck yes there are things the NRA does that I don't like but I'm not going to quit because of it.

Now, for the explanation of the solicitations that no one has talked about. If they don't ASK for the money, they won't get any money!!! Very few people just voluntarily wake up one day and say, I think I'll send the NRA a check! Just like in business, if you don't ask for the sale, the wallet will not open up. Yes, some do, but in the majority of cases, people don't even think about donating until reminded. When was the last time you just sent them a check? Do you think your membership fee covers much of anything other than the magazine? They lobby at a level that costs many, many dollars. Yes, they pay the staff a lot. Do you work for free? Would you want to live in [or near] DC and try to make it on a working man's salary? Yes Wayne makes a bunch of money, but look at other executives in business or even elected officials pay and you'll see that comparably it's not out of line. Join now and support your 2nd amendment rights. No one else will.

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Talked to that slick haired used-car salesman Wayne a few years back. In response to my complaint about all the mailed crap he told me that they get back a huge return on the investment for every mailing, and that the NRA was a "...money making organization."

I told him that I wished it was a real gun rights organization instead of one that supported every piece of "pro-gun" crap starting with NFA, through GCA, and to M/V. He did not want to talk to me any more.

I'm a Life/Endowment member. I'm also a GOA and JPFO member ;)

Friend of mine likes it when the NRA calls him. He explains his position (NRA should be pro-rights and not pro-compromise), and then politely asks if the NRA salesweasel has the GOA or JPFO phone number because he wants to donate to a real gun rights outfit :D


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I have been a life member for years and I still get a both email and snail mail spam from the NRA. It sounds like if you give them a call the spam will trickle off though. As frustrating as the spam is I still give them money and I thinking about making the jump to a benefactor memeber. I wish my dues went to something more productive. Anyone know how the Gun Owners of America are for spaming their members? I was thinking about sending them some cash as well.

What makes you think your dues aren't productive? NRA doesn't necessarily pay for the mailings. IIRC, with direct mail solicitations, an independent marketing stuff sends stuff on NRA's behalf in exchange for a percentage of the take. For NRA, it's practically like "free" money.

For those that think that the NRA does nothing but compromise, and think Larry Pratt and GOA are the hottest stuff around, when was the last time you heard anti-gun candidate or legislator say he or she was defeated by GOA? When was the last time you heard the same candidate or legislator say they were defeated by NRA?

Whenever they start saying that GOA is beating them instead of NRA, then maybe I'll consider diverting some of my funds from NRA.

Edited by mpolans
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They drove me away.

Then yesterday I got one more piece of mail saying it was my last one, asking me to renew at a reduced rate of 25.00 a year. I like all the shooting programs they provide, I do not care for the ILA arm of the organization. We pay Wayne 900,000.00 a year for his serivces, Chris Cox is close to that I am sure. And after their attempt to squash Heller vs. DC. I want nothing to do with the ILA. Maybe they should split the organization into two disctinct and seperate entities. They spend too much time and money asking for more money. Shameful behavior.

If Heller v. DC doesn't turn out well, you'll see exactly why they attempted to squash it. Learn about "stare decisis." As it is, I think so far, 2nd Amendment supporters have gotten pretty lucky in Heller, but the Supreme Court's ruling won't result in any meaningful change (Thank Mr. Solicitor General :angry: ). But, that's a topic for another ongoing thread.

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