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I guess she don't trust me.

Flatland Shooter

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Forget the vacuum

Forget the maid cleaning surface.

If I had enough time, I'd haul a$$, pull up all the carpet, and put down a prefinished wood floor. Or pergo.

Then if she asked about a vacuum, I'd pull out one of those swiffer floor sweeper dealie-oh's.

"A'yup, this works pretty good. You don't even have to plug it in, and it doesn't make any noise."

Ha ha he he.

(yeah, doing a whole house wood floor you're already living in would be a PITA, so maybe just one or two rooms).

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Two things

1. I would have hired a cleaning service and not said a word.

2. Hide the new vacuum so you have it next time :)

Edit to add:

I guess Carina's husband & I think alike :cheers:

Brilliant. Sheer genius! Number 2 is the way to go. I'm way too cheap to go with number one and she knows it.

Since she drove my truck and I loaded it with the Christmas presents I know she didn't take the vacuum cleaner with her and I'm pretty sure she didn't stash it at the neighbors, so I'm going with number 2.

I'll finish cleaning the house then stash the new vacuum cleaner out behind the gunsafe. If for some reason this doesn't work as planned, then "Surprise, surprise, surprise. Look at the new vacuum cleaner I got you."

Yeh, that will work. (If it don't work, I'll let you know. If it does work, I'll never mention this again.)


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I told my husband your story and his comment was, "Who cares where the vacuum is? Call a maid, they bring their own." How funny would that be? She gets back with the vacuum cleaner in her trunk but the carpet is showroom fresh! You might be able to have the maid to dust, clean the kitchen, etc for the cost of a new vacuum.

That is a great idea, but not what I would do

I would.........

Just leave it dirty, set a low standard and not much will be expected of you in the future.

Who are you trying to kid, you would have gone with the Maide idea


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Ah! that is a riot! I am still chuckling....

my answer to all those questions was

"nope. I want you to know We MISS you!"

can't live without you etc...

I see it as a win-win

I don't have to clean and I let her know how much I love her

all in one simple sentence....

:-) good luck at the match.


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Chances are that the vacuum broke the last time she used it, she trashed it without informing you, and now she's putting you at trial ... this is the way a feminine mind works ...

... at least this is the way my wife's mind works ... :lol:

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Not Safe For Work

I'm not sure how this ties in with this thread...but it does (I guess there is no sweeping the floors going on here either) Funny as hell.

Moderators, if you find this offensive, please delete. (<<<< I always find it funny when people say that when they post something they probably shouldn't. Is that like going to confession? :blink: )

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An update.

Dogs are washed. "Check"

House is cleaned and expertly vacuumed. "Check"

The new Vacuum Cleaner is stashed in garage. "Check"

And the last step, I create a diversion. (This is what separates the "soon to be single" from the "still married and able to afford shooting.)

The Eagle has landed and we are successful. The little lady is home.

The first thing she see when she walks in the door?

Clean house? ... No.

Clean dogs? ... No.

Me shaved and showered? ... Not even a close.

A dozen red roses and a nice "Welcome Home" card? Yes!!!

All is right with the world and I can sleep well not concerned about my safety.

All this, and now I have to deal with the new gun I bought from DT1. Made the deal when I thought she was staying in Oklahoma for another week. I was certain it would be here before she showed up, but what the heck. She's dealing with the "Flatland Shooter, Master of the Universe". (I will now savor the sweet taste of success. At least for the next 5 minutes or so.)


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Where was the vacuum?

Don't know, didn't ask. Starting tomorrow the sole responsibility for the welfare of the carpet will be returned to the little lady.

Which gives me pause for thought. What if, after her extended absence she no longer remembers where she put the vacuum?

Dang vluc, why did you have to rain on my parade. My 5 minutes as "master of the universe" is over. I secede the throne.


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This entire thread is definitely recommended reading for any newly married man or those who just haven't figured it out. Special emphasis should be given to the diversion towards the end; this is a sign of someone truly at the top of their game.

I used a similar method just today when my wife got home from work. She looked at me and sighed; I had no idea what I had or had not done to warrant such a response so I blurted out "I know, work was just non-stop today so I haven't had time to empty the dishwasher today.". While what she was actually referring to was the fact that for the 800th time I had ignored the fact that kitchen garbage can had sat all day with no bag and she now had to get a bag to throw away trash she had in her hand. In reality I knew the can was bag-less which is why I used the can in my office all day.... :ph34r: The end result which could have been "can't you put a bag in the can dumbass" turned into "Oh, I understand, I really would appreciate it if you did that later." So 10 minutes of emptying the dishwasher while watching PTI will save much grief over my in ability to put a bag in the can over the last 6 years..... ;)

Edited by j2fast
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marry the right one....

marry the right one...

I have no idea how I have stayed married.

I cook... occasionally

vacum ... occasionally

I think I tell jokes a lot....

get her to laugh and I am off the hook most times.

take home flowers and get

aaack! now what have you done ?!?!?

marry the right one...


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Call me crazy, but isn't it just easier to choose a wife that won't put you through these tests?

Wait a minute. What the hell am I saying?


Yes, life is much easier with the right partner.......

....at least we don't disagree over little stuff like garbage can liners, vacuuming (I'll vacuum when I can buy one with a silencer), cooking, shopping, or laundry (I can manage all three....)

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this is a sign of someone truly at the top of their game.

I dunno...

... she goes away for a month

... she expects him to do housework while she's gone

... she lays traps to see if he really does

... she takes his *truck* (!!!!)

... and... he's worried about "not getting busted".

With all due respect, sounds pretty "whipped" to me :PB):ph34r:

B (the flower-diversion was a stroke of genius, though!)

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this is a sign of someone truly at the top of their game.

I dunno...

... she goes away for a month

... she expects him to do housework while she's gone

... she lays traps to see if he really does

... she takes his *truck* (!!!!)

... and... he's worried about "not getting busted".

With all due respect, sounds pretty "whipped" to me :PB):ph34r:

B (the flower-diversion was a stroke of genius, though!)

... she goes away for a month ------------ Yup.

... she expects him to do housework while she's gone ------------ Which didn't get done!

... she lays traps to see if he really does ------------ Dodged the bullet, still not busted.

... she takes his *truck* (!!!!) ------------ But I got hers (much nicer than mine).

... and... he's worried about "not getting busted". --------------

After 29 years of putting up with me. What can I say. Your view is "whipped" while my view is "still married and able to afford shooting."

Bill :)

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Your view is "whipped" while my view is "still married and able to afford shooting."

<laughing> fair enough. I just had a gut reaction in there somewhere... you don't *mess* with a man's *truck*!!! :P


PS - I have a friend who, when he first got married, did everything he was asked to, but as *badly* as it could possibly be done. Laundry? Dishes? Vacuuming? Somehow, something got ruined or destroyed every time he "helped". By the end of the first year, she never asked for help anymore inside the house anymore, leaving him to do the outside things (which he enjoys). They've been married 25 years, and they're as happy as clams. Something worth learning, there. :bow::bow:

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I had a friend tell me this one....

For Christmas one year he bought his wife a gun that he really liked (read for himself). She opened the present and was very appreciative of the thought.

She bought for him on his birthday the next year a SEWING Machine!!!!!! :surprise:

He never made that mistake again :lol:


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