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Two Less Places To Get A Cup Of Joe


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"Holy Crap!" (in the words of our illustrious Host BEing)....! When's this stuff gonna end??!! Wal*Mart eats KMART alive. Isn't that enough?? Star*ucks roasts local roasters! Now, that's TOO much. Dammit, I've seen so much of this kinda crap I'm all puked out...! :angry::angry::angry:

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[based on a question from another forum regular]

I didn't state this explicitly because I didn't want to start a RKBA thread, but my disgust stems from Starbucks giving money to HCI (or whatever their latest incarnation is now) along with Levi Strauss.

For a complete list, head to:

List of Corporate and Individual Financiers

Starbucks isn't on this particular list, but they ought to be. I'm 90% positive they're and HCI contributor. You'll never get rid of all of it, but the sure-fire way to nail most of the problem is to hit 'em in the wallet.

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I don't know about you guys, but I hate ordering a cappuccino in California. Everywhere else in the world (including the US East Coast), when you order a cappuccino they bring you, well, a cappuccino.

However in California, especially in LA (a.k.a. La-La Land!), you might as well be ordering a nuclear warhead, because the questions they ask include:

Staff: Yes Sir, how can we help you?

Vince: I'd like a cappuccino please.

S: Yes Sir. What sort of coffee would you like?

V: Um, er, what types do you have?

S: Well Sir, we have Blue Mountain, Jamaican, Java, Colombian, Venzuelan, Papua New Guinean, Nigerian, American, A ...

V: Whoa, I'll take the 3rd one.

S: Yes Sir. Regular or decaffeinated?

V: Leaded.

S: Sorry, Sir?

V: Regular.

S: Yes Sir. Single?

V: No, I'm married.

S: Yes Sir. I mean do you want a single shot or double shot?

V: I started wanting a single, but better make that a double.

S: Yes Sir. What sort of milk would you like?

V: Cow's.

S: Yes Sir, but do you want full milk, skim milk or Half 'n' Half?


S: Yes Sir, but do you want full milk, s ..........


S: Yes Sir. How much foam?

V: About as much as you can see coming out of the side of my mouth.

S: Yes Sir. That's double foam. Thank you Sir. Topping?

V: Topping??

S: Yes Sir, would you prefer cinnamon or nutmeg?

V: Cinnamon.

S: Yes Sir. Is that piccolo, regular, large, grande or super grande.

V: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

S: Sir?

V: Super-bloody-grande.

S: Yes Sir. Stay in or take-out.


S: Yes Sir, but do you ........


S: Yes Sir. Would you like a lid?

V: Oh, so you can see mine's about to blow, huh?

S: Sir?

V: No lid.

S: Yes Sir. Would you like a wooden or plastic stirrer?

V: (Tap, rack, click, damn) Whatever.

S: Yes Sir. Sugar?

V: What did you call me?

S: Sir? I mean did you want white sugar, brown sugar or sugar substitute?


S: Sir?

V: (Weeping uncontrollably) White sugar.

S: Yes Sir. Tissue?

V: (Sniff) Thank you.

S: Yes Sir. Can you name the 50 States? If so, you get a free bran muffin.

V: (Realising resistance is futile) Er, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, .........

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...in California, especially in LA (a.k.a. La-La Land!), you might as well be ordering a nuclear warhead...

A "nuclear warhead" is technically a double-tall mocha with three shots of espresso and 5 chocolate-covered espresso beans MIRV'ed on top.


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$3.50 for a cup of coffee = 43 bullets, I started boycotting coffee stands a long time ago.

NO kidding, buy a pound for about that, brew your own, and your good for just shy of a month. Lets not talk about the fat and calorie content of an upside down venti triple caramel iced latte, oh and a chocomocachinobran muffin. Why are Americans in debt up to their eyeballs? Save the seven bucks and put it in your IRA.

That all being said, I'm all for getting rich on some one else's habits, or stupidity. Ask anyone who bought McDonalds stock in the begining if they feel bad about it.

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I didn't state this explicitly because I didn't want to start a RKBA thread, but my disgust stems from Starbucks giving money to HCI (or whatever their latest incarnation is now) along with Levi Strauss.

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I encourage everyone to stay away from Starbucks mostly because of their overpriced, quasi haute caffeine (probably all from the same 50 pound coffee bag in the back room) and the attitude of Starbucks employees!

The Starbucked attitude was doubly apparent on Sept. 11 when Starbucks charged rescue workers for water! Don't worry it's not an urban legend I checked.


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I didn't state this explicitly because I didn't want to start a RKBA thread, but my disgust stems from Starbucks giving money to HCI (or whatever their latest incarnation is now) along with Levi Strauss.

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I encourage everyone to stay away from Starbucks mostly because of their overpriced, quasi haute caffeine (probably all from the same 50 pound coffee bag in the back room) and the attitude of Starbucks employees!

The Starbucked attitude was doubly apparent on Sept. 11 when Starbucks charged rescue workers for water! Don't worry it's not an urban legend I checked.


What a bunch of losers. :angry: :angry: No one should have charged for water for that "little" rescue effort. The relief workers probably had just about enough water pouring down their cheeks already. :angry:

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A "nuclear warhead" is technically a double-tall mocha with three shots of espresso and 5 chocolate-covered espresso beans MIRV'ed on top.
upside down venti triple caramel iced latte, oh and a chocomocachinobran muffin

Stop it, you're getting me all hot and bothered.

The entire corporation's attitude is represented by the actions of one store manager on one day? Maybe it's just a New York thing.

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This hurts, Seattle's Best actually sells good tasting coffie, vs. Starbucks overroasted under ripe Sara Brady supporting tree hugger sludge.

After 10 years in Seattle I developed a palate for good coffie, you need it when the high all year long is 80 and it rains on you all the time.

Yes, it is the prettiest city in the US (when its not raining).

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For a complete list, head to:

List of Corporate and Individual Financiers

I've just looked through this list. It always amazes me how a great many actors and directors seem to be able to discern a difference between actual gun crime and the screen depiction of it (often portrayed be the actual anti-gunners) but are unable to discern a difference between the use of guns for crime and their use in shooting sports. I think it's called cognitive dissonance. :wacko::blink:

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This hurts, Seattle's Best actually sells good tasting coffie, vs. Starbucks...

That's another crime that's going to occur. I can virually guarantee you that Seattle's Best will soon be grinding Starbuck's beans and not the other way around. The way they rationalize these freakin' buyouts is through consolodation of resources. SB's roasters and corporate support staff will be looking for work here shortly. It's becoming the new "American Way": Be competent at your job and sooner or later you'll get axed for it. Thanks to Starbucks, Americans don't realize that espresso and cappucino don't taste bitter and nasty.

If you want to know what good american coffee tastes like, get a hold of some incredibly fresh beans from a local, custom roaster. There's a place in Portland called K&F. They make some of the best coffee I've ever tasted. Unfortunately they don't retail it extensively for some weird reason. (I may have to fix that.) I didn't realize it was possible to fit sex into a coffee cup until I went there and sampled their espresso. It was that stunningly good.

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It's becoming the new "American Way": Be competent at your job and sooner or later you'll get axed for it.

That appears to be the trend in Australia as well.

Vince, that would be an appropriate translation. :D

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  • 1 year later...

I have hated Starbucks from the begining, and I seem to recall some antigun support from them in the past, but I can't locate it now. Starbucks could disappear completely and it wouldn't change anything for me. Support a local shop, get your own coffee, or just say no. The lack of support for the rescue workers is sad, I won't even address it, sad.

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We have sooooo many cool coffee shops and coffee roasters around here, we don' need no Starsucks. Indeed, they could "disappear completely" and I'd hardly notice. Or, well, I would notice but in the sense that I might find myself rejoicing for several days straight! :angry:

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