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How many have you have switched from 147s to 124s


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On precision delta's sight you'll save about 9 per K and you have to buy 2K so 18$ per order. Or have you basically just sucked it up and payed the 18$ bucks extra? When my moly supply drys up I'm going to go to jacketed for my bullets other than .45 for my matches and lead for practice and I'm trying to find the best deals like everybody else.

147 jacketed I think I need about 3.3 grains of TG and 124s I think is around 4.0-4.1 as well. I love 147 though, they are poofers and still take down steel quite well.

Edited by steel1212
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You can think of it this way.

$9 per 1000 is little less than $0.01 per bullet. But you will be using more powder, which will bring that cost back up. Either way, you're going to pay the piper.

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Sticking with 147 gr Zero JHP as long as they can be begged, borrowed or....received after lengthy backorder.

They've worked fine for me for a long time...not worth changing and developing new loads to save a handcart of bucks in a bucket truck of shooting expenses B)

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Air the tires up on your car and take a sack lunch to matches and save more money than switching bullets..... It's really a false economy...IMO. :)

Car pool to matches, increased dry fire, And a purpose to your live fire.

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Will be shooting 124g for awhile. just picked up 6K from precision this week, they were the ONLY bullets, I could find anywhere...I picked up a 1050 last week,,,very hungry, keeps whining, FEED ME, FEED ME, FEED Me.,

PS< precision is runnning 115g bullets right now... I believe they told me, 147g will be next.

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I switched from 147's to 125's because the gun told me to. It started barfing at a PF of 132 but eats 125's down to a PF of 127. So I have no choice but to feed it what it likes to eat.

Personally I love steak but since it & hot dogs increase the risk of cancer I can change my eating habits to match that of my gun.

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You can think of it this way.

$9 per 1000 is little less than $0.01 per bullet. But you will be using more powder, which will bring that cost back up. Either way, you're going to pay the piper.

Just for fun I put it in a calculator for loaded rounds. I came up with 1230$ per a 10K season of 125 grain JSP zeros vs. 1376.10$ per 10K season of 147 JHP zeros. Savings of 146$ if you shoot 10K. That was just doing the powder grain difference and bullet cost. Now prices maybe cheaper on both ends depending on price of powder primers etc.

In the end I'm switch due to the fact that I like the feel of the 125s better than the sluggishness of 147s.

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I went from 147s down to 115 based on cost AND availability. I forgot how much I disliked 115s, so now I'm sitting on a case of a 1K that I'd feel better throwing downrange by hand. -_- I'll burn through a few to see if I can find a formula that isn't too snappy for what I like in a 9MM.

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  • 3 months later...
I went from 147s down to 115 based on cost AND availability. I forgot how much I disliked 115s, so now I'm sitting on a case of a 1K that I'd feel better throwing downrange by hand. -_- I'll burn through a few to see if I can find a formula that isn't too snappy for what I like in a 9MM.

I did the same thing. Tried some 115s due to availability, but, accuracy-wise, my Glocks like 115s the least. They seemed to preform best with Remington, Golden Sabre 124 jhp, but, the price just about doubled on the Remingtons since I ordered them last so just for kicks, I loaded a few Zero, 125 grain jhp, .356, that I run in my open gun, and my Glocks are happy with those, but, all of a sudden, the Zeros aren't available. :sick:

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I've used 124's, 125's and 147's. I like the 124-125's best. I would use 125jhp zero's if they were available. Now I am using Montana Gold 124's. My CZ75 shoots the middle weight bullets best and I like the recoil characteristics. My CZ does not like Titegroup.

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Well I cant say for 9 but in 40 I just switched from 180 to 155 Precision

and that gets an extra 500 in the case for the same price !!! 2500 for $205 or 3000 for $205

now thats worth it!! :P:P

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