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2008 Rocky Mountain 3-Gun - September 4-6

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I thought that it was an excellent match. Kudos to John Paul, JJ, Denise, the generous sponsors, the NRA Whittington Center, and the ROs! Great job. Congrats to the winners.

I enjoyed the long range rifle shooting. You'd better know your zeros and be able to fire an accurate shot on demand if you want to attend this match. The best shooting that I observed during the match was the AMU's Sgt. Robbie Johnson engaging the long range steel with his iron sighted AR. Simply phenomenal.

The surprise stage was excellent! It remained a surprise at least through my squad. I also enjoyed the sporting clays portion of the match - something that I would like to see more of in other 3 gun matches as I think we should be challenging our shotgun shooting at all levels.

The Whittington Center is simply a fantastic place to have a three gun match. If you can make it, I recommend it.

But can we please get rid of the twofisted revolver and hip shooting! Please!! :ph34r:

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But can we please get rid of the twofisted revolver and hip shooting! Please!! :ph34r:

The hip shooting would be a good element to have on a stage if it was real shooting from retention and the target was the first one engaged on the stage within arm's reach. The only problem would be muzzle blast rapidly destroying the targets.

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Great match had a good time. Glad to see Retzkek is posting and not lurking. It was a pleasure to shoot with you and everyone on Squad 11. One sugestion, GIVE THE R.O. s SHOVELS for dispatching snakes.


Edited by TSOL1
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Great match had a good time. Glad to see Retzkek is posting and not lurking. It was a pleasure to shoot with you and everyone on Squad 11. One sugestion, GIVE THE R.O. s SHOVELS for dispatching snakes.


41 mag with snake shot ...seemed to work out ok :roflol:

what a great match!!!!

I will post some critter pics when I get a chance.....lions and tigers and bears...oh my :surprise:

Well......Bears anyway :closedeyes:


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Overall, it was a fun match. The surprise stage probably did not really need to be a surprise, but it did not detract from the competitive equity of the match (which is often the risk with surprise stages). The 5-stand stage was fun, and I did OK on it, although I remain luke warm about flying clays in 3-gun. My rifle match pretty much stunk the place up - first, the wind blew my little 55 grainers all over creation, then this happened in the middle of stage 6 :wacko: :


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Overall, it was a fun match. The surprise stage probably did not really need to be a surprise, but it did not detract from the competitive equity of the match (which is often the risk with surprise stages). The 5-stand stage was fun, and I did OK on it, although I remain luke warm about flying clays in 3-gun. My rifle match pretty much stunk the place up - first, the wind blew my little 55 grainers all over creation, then this happened in the middle of stage 6 :wacko: :


I thought you get a reshoot out of gun failure like that. Did you get a reshoot or just have to suck it up Richard?? I heard others got a reshoot for gun breakage on that stage???

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Overall, it was a fun match. The surprise stage probably did not really need to be a surprise, but it did not detract from the competitive equity of the match (which is often the risk with surprise stages). The 5-stand stage was fun, and I did OK on it, although I remain luke warm about flying clays in 3-gun. My rifle match pretty much stunk the place up - first, the wind blew my little 55 grainers all over creation, then this happened in the middle of stage 6 :wacko: :


What kind of bolt is this?

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I'm really sorry about the wait for results! :(

But Roger was kind enough to stay through Sunday before he headed to pistol Nationals, and it just wasn't practical for him to work on the website!

I know they'll be worth waiting for! :roflol:

We'll post by Divisions as well as overall with just 1-100% per stage. It should be very interesting!

Thanks so much for your patience!

Just think, you can relive the match later when we finally post! :D Okay, that could be a good or a bad thing! :wacko:

Thanks again to everyone!


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Benny suggested that I put this score sheet on the fridge so I can look at it and smile whenever I walked past.

Not bad for Irons. :cheers:

Nice job on Stage 3 Scott...

You did awesome!

I shot right after you and it was my best stage (although nowhere near an 86.24)...you must have left some good mojo behind! :) ty

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I thought you get a reshoot out of gun failure like that. Did you get a reshoot or just have to suck it up Richard?? I heard others got a reshoot for gun breakage on that stage???

Nope, but I was consoled by a hug from Denise :D

Sadly, the mean match director said "no".

No one should have gotten a reshoot! :unsure:

You try to make it the same for everyone. No reshoots unless okayed by the match director or match master! :rolleyes:

Though Richard, I got to admit, that's one broken bolt!!!

Hope you had fun on the other stages!

I did thoroughly enjoy the match - it was great, as it has been for the past 3 years I have competed. My only criticism, and it has been a criticism for each of the times I have come, is that the ROs want people to have fun a bit too much. In this match alone I was personally aware of two reshoots given by the RO only because the competitors guns were malfunctioning badly, and in previous matches I saw decidedly unsafe behavior, including an AD on unload, that was "forgiven" by the RO. The ROs also like to coach the shooter by prompting them when they have run by targets - this can cause problems, as a few times shooters were brought back by the RO to engage a clay that was already hit by the magic BB. We all like to do well at matches, but ROs really need to remember that their primary role is to create a competitive environment that is (1) safe, and (2) equitable, and they need to restrain their instinct to "assist" the shooter while they are shooting... this is something that will need work at future matches IMHO.

Thanks again to Denise, JJ and the crew - they put in a lot of hard work, and it paid off by yielding another a great match.

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Our RO's are told to help you have fun, safety first and I believe they do that!

I kind of disagree about the RO's making a competitive environment. Their job is to make a safe and equitable environment. The competition comes from the shooters.

As far as reshoots, the MD is supposed to be called, but RO's occasionally make their own decision in order to keep their stage fair. To an observer, well, honestly, you may not have all the information. A reshoot on a stage sets them behind, and that's the last thing they want, so if they give a reshoot on their own, they must think it is a fair and equitable thing.

As far as the AD last year. Again, maybe you don't have all the information. Even USPSA allows AD's as long as they stay in the berm and Whittington Center's "berms" are very special.

If the golden BB was on a clay on 8, we told the RO's to not let anyone not engage a target. I'm sorry if that messed someone up!

If you want stages that can be run almost exactly the same for every shooter, go to USPSA Nationals. Because of stage design, RM3G stages are never going to be identical for all shooters. But, the RO's do their best to make it so!

We stand behind our RO's. They put safety first, and assist the shooter as they have been asked to do. ROing is a terribly hard job. It's a lot of work and energy, and the level of appreciation is really not equal to the task. If the shooter shoots poorly, it's often the RO's fault. IF they shoot well...well, it's not because of the RO. Trying to run 200 people through a stage exactly the same isn't even doable. They do their best! And I think they do it well.

Now, the big thing we need to work on for next year is the weather! :blink: What's up with wind in the mornings when it's supposed to be calm? And the bugs? :sick: If you get bit by a bug while shooting and someone else doesn't, do you get a reshoot? How big does a bee have to be behind your glasses for a reshoot? :devil: What about a rattlesnake? Okay, okay, a live rattlesnake during your stage is a reshoot(I think) even if it doesn't bite you. If it does bite you, will you really have time for the reshoot after returning from the hospital? :ph34r:

Sorry, I just wanted to add some humor because I take the RO topic very seriously!

We really probably won't be fixing the weather, and next year's going to be hotter, so bring some sunscreen! The heat might kill off the bugs! :unsure:

Hope you did have fun and take care!

Denise and JJ

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No disrespect to the ROs - I also RO a couple of major matches each year, and I know how hard they work. However, I stand by my position that the competitive playing field should be level. This may make the match a less enjoyable experience for some, but it is the only fair way to do it. The AD I have specifically in mind was in 2006 - I know because I witnessed the incident first hand; even USPSA does not permit a discharge after the "unload and show clear" command, no matter where the shot goes.

I realize that the RM3G is not run under USPSA rules, so I acknowledge that you may choose to give your ROs whatever discretion you like. I'm just sharing my perspective as a competitor, hopefully in a respectful and constructive way, in the hope that it will help you improve on an already great match in future years.


Edited by StealthyBlagga
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Thanks Richard!

I just get a little uppity about the RO thing!

Whew! If the AD was in 2006, although I was trying to run things, it wasn't really my baby and I didn't give the RO's any directions! Dodged a bullet there!

We'll talk more about the equity thing! You take care and see ya' next year!

Maybe your bolt will stay together for the whole match! :devil:


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