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Anti gun stores


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Went into a large, Value oriented, furniture store yesterday that was as big as a City. There was as sign on the door that said we provide a safe environment and there are no weapons allowed on the premise. I almost just turned around but decided to have some fun. First saleslady approached us and asked if we needed help. I asked her if they had an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled so I thought i better follow it up. Your sign not allowing me to carry inside your store takes away my ability to protect myself so I assume that your company has taken on that responsibility themselves and must have an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled and said no. Then I told her I typically dont spend my money in stores that post signs like that. SHe turned around and walked away. We continued to browse(with no intention of buying there) and salesman #2 approaches us. I said I am so glad to know that no crazed gunmen will come into their store, that once they see that no weapons sign they will stop and turn around. He said , " its crazy isnt it?" I told him I knew it wasnt his decision but i dont spend money at stores with those signs and if enough of us voice our opinion and take our dollars elsewhere they may think twice about it.

He seemed to agree with my position but said "thats all corporate". Then turned and walked away.

We dont see to many signs like that here in KY. Some companies will have an official policy saying they dont allow Carry in their stores but they dont go so far as to post a sign. I can appreciate the somewhat neutral position due to liability concerns. I hate the ones that are so antigun they neglect the liability created from the sign but just want to make an antigun statement. Yes I believe they create added liability by saying they "provide a safe environment" when in reality to keep licensed CCW holders from carrying on the property and not really providing some protection themselves makes an environment that is less safe.

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Chuck - is KY one of those states that makes it a criminal offense to carry in violation of a sign posted by a private business?

As a northeasterner, I find it ironic that one of the things I would find hard to get use to of I moved to Texas, Arizona or some of the southern states is that number of places I would not be able to carry in those states but am allowed to in the Democratic People's Republik of Massachusetts. (and no, posting a sign in a business in this state does not make it a criminal offense to carry in said establishment).

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I just noticed that walking into Tar-jay today....they had a big sign posted on the entrance saying you couldn't carry in the store. What baffles me is that the sign alludes to it being "illegal" or "a crime" to carry a weapon in the store. Scuse me, but if I can carry legally, then your talking about violating a corporate policy, not committing a criminal act.

Yeah, I love the way they portray people with concealed carry permits and the ones making society 'unsafe'. That's golden.

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Scuse me, but if I can carry legally, then your talking about violating a corporate policy, not committing a criminal act.

Except in those cases where violating such a posted notice is, in fact, a crime (for example TX law 30.06 - and yes, that really is the number)

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Send them a letter pointing out that not only are they liable for your safety in and around there store they are also liable for crimes committed with guns stolen from their parking lot because guns were left in the car because of this siign. That worked with a new Walmart in Virginia Beach, well that and the few thousand signatures on the bottom.

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If it is not a government building, a school or a bar that predominately serves alcohol, as per Florida State law, I am gonna carry.

"I would prefer be judged by 12, rather than carried by 6"!!!!!!!


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Its not illegal. Here if you are found out they can ask you to leave and if you dont then they can call the police who can cite you for trespassing. I dont usually pay attention and carry anyway. Yesterday I wasnt and the sign was just so ignorant. "we provide a safe environment.." All they did was post a sign which means nothing but make others feel good.

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Scuse me, but if I can carry legally, then your talking about violating a corporate policy, not committing a criminal act.

Except in those cases where violating such a posted notice is, in fact, a crime (for example TX law 30.06 - and yes, that really is the number)

The Texas Law is very specific on the wording, the size, and even the size of the letters for signs indicating do not carry on our premises. Yes, I've seen signs posted here in Texas, but I've yet to see one that met the legal requirements.

More frequently I see signs indicating it illegal to carry an unlicensed concealed weapon on their premises. Most don't take the time to really read the sign and assume they cannot legally carry there.


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In Louisiana, you'd be guilty of trespassing, but only if they asked you to leave and you refused. I think the underlying idea is that you're on private property, and the property owner has the right to not allow guns on his/her property.

It's easy - I just don't do business with people who think all gunowners are criminals...and this includes at least one gun store.

I was in Phoenix a while back and stopped at a huge sporting goods store with great prices on components (being from out of state I didn't check the gun prices). They had a sign on the outside to the effect of, "If you're going to show your handgun to someone in the store, please unload it before you come in." I could live with that.

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I just noticed that walking into Tar-jay today....they had a big sign posted on the entrance saying you couldn't carry in the store. What baffles me is that the sign alludes to it being "illegal" or "a crime" to carry a weapon in the store. Scuse me, but if I can carry legally, then your talking about violating a corporate policy, not committing a criminal act.

Yeah, I love the way they portray people with concealed carry permits and the ones making society 'unsafe'. That's golden.

The store mentioned in your post also banned the salvation army bell-ringers that show up outside most stores around xmas. Not making any political comment - just stating a fact. I personally avoid anti-gun / anti-carry corporations.

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In Louisiana, you'd be guilty of trespassing, but only if they asked you to leave and you refused. I think the underlying idea is that you're on private property, and the property owner has the right to not allow guns on his/her property.

And I can deal with that, it's like smoking. No I won't go to jail for "violating" a no-smoking sign, (at least not yet) but they may ask me to leave, which is their right as business owner.

How come they'll cow tow to smokers and not law abiding citezens?

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I just noticed that walking into Tar-jay today....they had a big sign posted on the entrance saying you couldn't carry in the store. What baffles me is that the sign alludes to it being "illegal" or "a crime" to carry a weapon in the store. Scuse me, but if I can carry legally, then your talking about violating a corporate policy, not committing a criminal act.

Yeah, I love the way they portray people with concealed carry permits and the ones making society 'unsafe'. That's golden.

Scuse me, but if you carry concealed into a store with the PROPER signage posted and they determine you are packing..you can be arrested in TX...they do not have to confront you, tell you anything..they just call the cops...with proper signage, it is a criminal act...

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Here is their response.

"Thank you for taking the time to contact our corporate office in writing.

The concealed weapons policy has been put in place for all of our corporate

stores and was implemented for the protection of our customers and our

business. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply to this message."

Notice no way to write back.

You would think after VTECH they would learn that disallowing the legal guns doesnt protect anybody but the deranged shooter or criminal.

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You know what, there's some little guy or gal out there somewhere who *wants* my business and isn't an in-your-face east coast liberal turd.

ETA: If there was a list of companies with these types of policies, it would be a great help in helping us to avoid them. I know about the ones outright donating to gun control, but this is equally offensive and deserving of similar boycott treatment.

Edited by EricW
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Notice no way to write back.

Write back via the first method referencing the reply. Ask them how can they ensure the "protection of [their] customers and [their] business"?

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The concealed weapons policy has been put in place for all of our corporate

stores and was implemented for the protection of our customers and our


And this is what frosts me. They assume - without research - that because we have guns, we're dangerous and going to hurt people. They equate law-abiding gunowners with criminals. Note that they don't mind LEO having them, just law-abiding gun owners.
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My work did a pretty nasty scalping of some employees, and one was rumored to be coming in to "kill the guy who fired me".

My partner and I were considering making shirts that said, "Don't shoot me, I'm not management!".

This was especially cause of their no weapons policy, we figured that it was the only defense (they know of) left to us.


ps. Interestingly enough, the guy rumored to come in on a killing spree did not, and never planned to. It was a rumor blows out of proportion. IRONICALLY enough, the company detective that got the guy fired and who is authorized by the company to be armed on the premises, went nuts and now is in the pokey for trying to kill his wife and children.

Edited by Ted Murphy
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The Texas Law is very specific on the wording, the size, and even the size of the letters for signs indicating do not carry on our premises. Yes, I've seen signs posted here in Texas, but I've yet to see one that met the legal requirements.

I've seen exactly one - at the match hotel for the 2006 Double Tap Championship ;) Luckily, not the match hotel for the '07 match....

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The Texas Law is very specific on the wording, the size, and even the size of the letters for signs indicating do not carry on our premises. Yes, I've seen signs posted here in Texas, but I've yet to see one that met the legal requirements.

I've seen exactly one - at the match hotel for the 2006 Double Tap Championship ;) Luckily, not the match hotel for the '07 match....

You can also see the legal sign on the way into Saxet Gun shows around here. Go figure. <_<

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On a brighter note, the local Sportsman's Warehouse has a sign by the front door welcoming legally armed customers....

I mentioned this to an employee, who happens to be a retired detective, and he didn't even know it was there.

What makes this strange is Wisconsin is not a CCW state.

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On a brighter note, the local Sportsman's Warehouse has a sign by the front door welcoming legally armed customers....

I mentioned this to an employee, who happens to be a retired detective, and he didn't even know it was there.

What makes this strange is Wisconsin is not a CCW state.

Guess they figure if you have cheese you don't need guns.... :blink:

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Went into a large, Value oriented, furniture store yesterday that was as big as a City. There was as sign on the door that said we provide a safe environment and there are no weapons allowed on the premise. I almost just turned around but decided to have some fun. First saleslady approached us and asked if we needed help. I asked her if they had an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled so I thought i better follow it up. Your sign not allowing me to carry inside your store takes away my ability to protect myself so I assume that your company has taken on that responsibility themselves and must have an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled and said no. Then I told her I typically dont spend my money in stores that post signs like that. SHe turned around and walked away. We continued to browse(with no intention of buying there) and salesman #2 approaches us. I said I am so glad to know that no crazed gunmen will come into their store, that once they see that no weapons sign they will stop and turn around. He said , " its crazy isnt it?" I told him I knew it wasnt his decision but i dont spend money at stores with those signs and if enough of us voice our opinion and take our dollars elsewhere they may think twice about it.

He seemed to agree with my position but said "thats all corporate". Then turned and walked away.

We dont see to many signs like that here in KY. Some companies will have an official policy saying they dont allow Carry in their stores but they dont go so far as to post a sign. I can appreciate the somewhat neutral position due to liability concerns. I hate the ones that are so antigun they neglect the liability created from the sign but just want to make an antigun statement. Yes I believe they create added liability by saying they "provide a safe environment" when in reality to keep licensed CCW holders from carrying on the property and not really providing some protection themselves makes an environment that is less safe.

they don't have armed guards at places like the post office or some schools and your not supost to carry there. :cheers:

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I have some business cards I was given that say:

My Concealed Carry permit background check attests:

No Felony Convictions

No Drug Convictions

No Mental Impairments

Do you know this much about your other patrons or employees?



On the back is some more information and a statement to the merchant that their name will be added to the Legal Guns Prohibited list

I've never actually given one to anyone as I'd forgotten I had them but now may be the time.

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