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Angry German Kid vs. Dramatic Prairie Dog

lynn jones

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give him a tablespoon of sugar and a double expresso and send him to bed.

I would not like to have his computer bill.

but I would like to be his repairman


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I don't think he was acting. That's what made it so funny. Kid needs some hard work.

I brought in a professional German interpreter (my wife who is from Munich).

Although the sound quality is bad, apparently the kid is attempting to get a video game to work on his computer; he gets "upset" when the game freezes or does not work the way he wants. We figure that mom & dad knew he was likely going to throw a tantrum and thankfully for us, they got out the video camera. There is no mention of Prairie dogs or chipmunks. But, we both found it realy amusing nonetheless.

I also googled Dramatic Prairie Dog and apparently its a short, meaningless UTube clip from a Japanese TV show with a host, 4 teenage girls and a prairie dog. Wierd.

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Jeezus criminy, that's frappin' SCARY.

I'd put the twit in a bag and drag him to the nearest mental health lockup... for quite a while. :angry2:

... and medicate him until he REALLY sees dramatic chipmunks climbing the padded walls of his suite. :devil:

I'm glad mine have never given me that kind of opportunity to administer a healthy dose of attitude adjustment.

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I don't think he was acting. That's what made it so funny. Kid needs some hard work.

I brought in a professional German interpreter (my wife who is from Munich).

Although the sound quality is bad, apparently the kid is attempting to get a video game to work on his computer; he gets "upset" when the game freezes or does not work the way he wants. We figure that mom & dad knew he was likely going to throw a tantrum and thankfully for us, they got out the video camera. There is no mention of Prairie dogs or chipmunks. But, we both found it realy amusing nonetheless.

I also googled Dramatic Prairie Dog and apparently its a short, meaningless UTube clip from a Japanese TV show with a host, 4 teenage girls and a prairie dog. Wierd.

Angry German kid trying to play games is another internet phenomenon just like the Star Wars kid...people combine these viral videos to make something funnier.

Apparently the Angry German Kid was fake(WARNING SOME LINKS ON THIS SITE NOT WORK SAFE):


Edited by SinistralRifleman
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......what is goin' on there?

If that's for real the kid needs to play outdoors for what...

two years maybe? A stick or bat and ball, chase girls, something.

A LONG technology break is in order.


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