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I can't stand the stuff....no really, I hate it. If you held a gun to my head, I knew it was loaded, and I really thought you'd use it, I MIGHT eat mayo :sick:

Luckily, my wife can't stand it either. When I found that out about her, I realized she really was the perfect woman for me :)

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You probably haven't had real, home made mayo. The sludge in the jar is only barely tolerable but home made is wonderful. Not a rebuttal...just an observation.

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You probably haven't had real, home made mayo. The sludge in the jar is only barely tolerable but home made is wonderful. Not a rebuttal...just an observation.

Your favorite recipe?

Details........I need lots of direction.

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And if you like garlic, Aoli is something this side of heavenly... actually roasted red bell peppers (Rouille), and Basil (Basil Aoli) are all forms of Mayo that need to be made fresh.. In certain instances they are very nice acoutraments.. (they go good with other foods). ;) Stuff in the jar does not compare.... :)

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I DON'T DO ANYTHING tomatoes in it!!! Pizza is only tolerable if there is only a light coating of thin sauce with NO tomato chunks!!!

Eating is about texture to me!!

Not a rebuttal ;)

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My mom used to make us peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches. Also velveeta and spam! I don't know what she was thinking [i do know that

we didn't have any money - this was in the '50s] but my siblings and I thought about charging her with child abuse after the fact but the statute of limitations has probably run out!

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My mom used to make us peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches.

Ugh...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :sick:

Mayo is an awful perversion of eggs beaten in a whipped frenzy into a foul tasting concoction that ruins the taste of all that it is slathered over. It is evil incarnate. :devil:

I'm not a fan of any common condiments. I suppose they can be used to mask the taste of bad food, but I generally prefer to taste my food, not some super processed mystery goo out of a squeeze bottle. When I do opt for a little something extra on my sandwich, a spicy BBQ or steak sauce or some fresh pesto is OK.

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My wife hates Miracle Whip... I like it... go figure... We both like Mayo... sorry, man :D

There are just some foods that are meant to have a (proper amount of a) condiment... I mean, bratwurst w/o a good spicy mustard and good sauerkraut just ain't the same, man :D We're talking enhancement, not camouflage, though...

Z, remind me not to have you over for the "straight outta Sicily" family recipe sauce... ;):D

ETA... I guy I used to work with used to do horrible things to steaks, though... He'd get an awesome piece of meat, and then dump a whole bottle of A-1 over it. Ok, maybe not a whole bottle, but literally like half the bottle. His plate was swimming in the stuff. Made me sick. I mean, I like A-1, and its my sauce of choice when the meat ain't so great, but damn... A good, appropriately cooked ribeye should stand on its own, ya know?? Now there's something I hate :D Watching someone ruin a good piece of meat like that...

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Not a rebuttal...a recipe...hmmm. Well, you see I am not one of those people that really goes with recipies. They are a nice starting point but then I tend to go off in my own direction.

They keys to good fresh mayo are fresh eggs, high quality extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice and quality vinegar. Some recipies call for sugar but if you use fresh ripe lemons the sugar is not necessary. Too sweet and you are headed off toward Miracle Whip.

I tend to just start with an egg in the blender and start adding other things. If it is going on a sandwich then a bit of mustard (dried or dijon or whatever) is great.

Aioli is awesome stuff. Dipping good fried calimari rings in that stuff is pure heaven. A good recipe is at http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/recipe_views/views/107026

Another variant which is awesome is adding some sun dried tomatoes. I also have been known to add basil (think creamy pesto...kind of).

A wonderful sandwich consists of ailoi with some basil added on toasted fresh bread topped with good dry Italian salami, greens, thinly sliced onions and your choice of cheese (I like provalone).

In my house, mayo or ailoi are really just a good starting point to head off to some special sauce.

But store bought mayo is disgusting. I'll give you that.

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This really goes deeper then Mayo

In my experience it goes deeper.


There are two kind of "children":

Hellmanns or Miracle whip


Skippy or Jiff

Who can set a POLL on this very important subject?

Later we can match GM's, M's & A's to their favorite combo!

This is IMPORTANT! :goof:

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