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This Last weekend at the hotel we were staying at to attened the area 4 Match. I had Parked My truck in front of our second story Room When I got out of the Truck and got my gear out of the Back. THis Complete Moron comes out of the First floor Room and Tells me I need to Move my truck NOW! He was VERY angry. I said Iam Going to put my stuff up and I be down to move it. He Started Yelling and Cussing and Told me "Move it Right F--k now and just say something to me, go on say something". My first thought was to step back and pull out my pistol and ask him "now what was it you wanted to yell at me about" But I did the right thing and just got in my truck and parked else Where. But i had a hard time letting go of it. Did i mention he was twice my size and half my age.

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As we get older we also get wiser. If that happened to me today I would probably do the same thing you did. 20+ yers ago it would be rolling around in the street with the guy. Getting older sometimes reduces the pain as in this case.

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Probably a meth dealer or something... waiting for supplies or drugs to show up, and wanted the spot right in front of his hotel room so to minimize the chances of being observed or something...

Pulling a gun might've resulted in a gun fight, rather than any sort of defusing of the situation... much less the fact that the guy might wait til you go into your room, and then trash your truck, or break in looking for another gun, or... I feel your pain - it perturbs me to have to do the politically correct "right thing" in these cases. Remember when doing the "right thing" would've involved ignoring him, and then beating the tar out of him should he have tried something?

Remember, you're supposed to be a victim, now... <_<

ETA - I had a similar incident happen to me, at one point, except there were three of them, and there was a racial bent to it (the three "gentlemen" were of a different racial persuasion than me). Happened in my apartment complex at the car wash area. Phone it in to the police, and to the apartment complex management (I had his license plate number, and was able to determine from that what his name was, and address - the apartment folks at least gave me that much) - neither group gave a crap about doing anything with it, even though he threatened me with bodily harm. Rampant racism is one of the reasons I moved away from Atlanta. That feeling of impotence is not at all relieved by knowing you "did the right thing" - not one single bit. :angry:

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Guest 38superman

I probably would have done the same thing.

I'm sorry you had to suffer the disgusting behavior of this human trash.

I'm even more sorry that we live in a society where we dare not stand our ground for fear of the legal nightmare that would follow.

That is exactly what allows this kind of ass to treat people that way and get away with it.

No ones going to hold his feet to the fire for acting that way but they would crucify you if you confront him with a weapon.

Thankfully there are states that have enacted the castle doctrine and even extended beyond your home to anywhere you have a legal right to be.

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What 38superman said.

Still, just that brief moment in time to see his face as you drew a gun, though, would be worth something.

But not worth risking your OWN welfare and inevitable dismal aftermath. (Or aftermeth, as the case may be). Unfortunately there are so many parts of the country (big cities come to mind) that are no-man's-lands of indifference, fury and crime. That's one reason I'm sorta hiding out right where I am.

Meanwhile, I'm really sorry you had to encounter that moronic a**hat. :angry2::angry2:

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Sounds like you did the smart thing and you're the better person for it.

The one thing that bothers me with these sorts of situations is that if you do the right thing and walk away, they never learn their lesson and go on treating people like that. Since it's unlikely the management is going to do anything about it, and you're not likely to get a law enforcement response, it's a catch-22.

Knowing myself, I'd have reacted differently, and while it's not something to be proud of, it does let them know that sometimes they pick on the wrong guy.

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Hello 911 yes I just saw a guy beating a woman in room --- at --- I think he is dealing drugs as well,no I dont want to give my name.

Of cours in that neck of the woods they may get to it in 5 or 6 days.

Knowing me I would have done something stupid, You done good.

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<_<:ph34r: I asked a Nija. No realy do you know what a Black Belt would have don????..... The same thing you did, but it would be eazyer to let go of. Size, age no mater, It would have ben good if you helped the less gifted in the bains department and notifyed the managment. And Insited his actions be delt with.

OR I have a gift for you, so as to set your mind at ease and let the thing go into the past. = I have "The Rest Of The Story" the reson why the guy was so -dificult- = ,is, the guys wife was going to drive up at any second and her big butt is so big it would not fit in any of the main doors. he had just put crisco on the door jam so that she could fit through. :blink: If you did not move she was going to kick his rear again all over the parking lot and put him back in the ER. :cheers:

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I think there is a lesson in this for all of us. That is, you never know if the guy who you are flipping off/yelling at is armed. Pick the wrong guy on the wrong day and it might not work out so well for you. Luckily for this guy you were mature enough to walk away without escalating the situation.

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Probably the only real good thing about the way you handled it (and I would have done the same thing) is that this afternoon you are able to bitch about it on these forums. If you had drawn your gun, he would have played the helpless victim and you would have probably spent the night in jail.

glad it turned out ok


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You are a better man than me. Although i wouldnt have pulled a gun i would have made sure it was available if need be and then stand my ground. Maybe get the cell phone and call 911 and tell him I want the police to tell me I dont have a right to park here. Then complain to management also. Of course if you stayed in that spot I am sure the next morning it would have been vandalized. Leaving that hotel is one option but not for you guys , I heard rooms were hard to come by. You did the right thing even though we really want to bust him in the nose.

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I look at it this way. As with most people who act this way, if you get to know them you will find that just being them is punishment enough. :blink: trust me They tend to be small miserable people with very little to look foward to. :ph34r:

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I am old enough to know better but too young to care. Skin and bones grow back. Maybe I look like a whack-job or something, it has been a long time since anyone called me out. A few years ago I know what my response would have been, and I might have paid for it, but I would have gotten a few swings in at the minimum. I just don't think I know how to back down from an aggressive hinderhole, hopefully it doesn't get me killed one day.

A great big guy with any sort of speed is incredibly rare, they are a lot easier to manage (provided they don't get a hold on you) than a wire framed guy that weighs half as much. It is the mid sized wirey guy you need to look out for, some of them will clean your clock before you know it was dirty.

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I'm very sorry that you had this terrible experience in my home state :angry2: . But, you did the right thing and probably saved yourself a lot of trouble in the long run. "The best example of good training is not getting in a fight." Sadly, hitman is probably right; the police would have taken too long to get there unless you had drawn a weapon. Then they all show up pretty quickly. Trust me, I know this from personal experience :rolleyes:

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That whole thing just sucks, sorry that happened to you! I would have done the same thing as you and then not have slept at all because I would be worried about the guy vandalizing my car or kicking down my hotel door (in the later case their would be rounds down range).

I know it is hard not to react. I was in a situation almost just like that. I had cut a guy off, (sort of accidentally, but surely my fault) and he started to follow me. I can see in the mirror that there are atleast two people in the car and atleast the driver is really upset. I was just comming home from work and I was carrying, so I was already aware of where this could go. I pulled into a parking lot, they followed. I parked and then they parked. I take a moment to collect myself (safety off) and observe them in the car and see things are relatively calm. I get out of mycar and approach theirs, I can see everyones hands except the person in the back seat who looks to be a quiet girl along for the ride. Upon arriving at the car he rolls down the window and I said "I am sorry I did not mean to cut you off back there I thought I had alot more room." he says, "ok I just wanted you to know you were wrong." I apologized again and we went our seperate ways. Other then me being stupid in the first place that went about as well as it could have, had two guys gotten out after I was outside my car I would have had to have drawn and taken it from there.

There is something comforting about knowing you can follow through with the entire action though and think all the way through it.

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Knowing myself, I'd have reacted differently, and while it's not something to be proud of, it does let them know that sometimes they pick on the wrong guy.

Your government credentials give you that luxury, as the responding officers will go into "backup a fellow lawman" mode rather than "arrest the winner, send the loser to the hospital and let the courts sort it out" mode.

Us civilians operate under a more restrictive set of rules.

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Knowing myself, I'd have reacted differently, and while it's not something to be proud of, it does let them know that sometimes they pick on the wrong guy.

Your government credentials give you that luxury, as the responding officers will go into "backup a fellow lawman" mode rather than "arrest the winner, send the loser to the hospital and let the courts sort it out" mode.

Us civilians operate under a more restrictive set of rules.

No doubt that's true to a large degree. I would still be very worried about a mistaken identity scenario if things went bad and law enforcement responded, so there is still risk involved.

Still, I know myself pretty well, and don't think I'd have reacted a whole lot differently back when I didn't have creds in my pocket. I've had my personality profile done several times and they always come back with the same results. One of the traits is "win at all costs"....yikes. I also think that these sorts of things are highly situational....are you alone or is your family with you...that sort of stuff. If my wife is with me I'd get her out of there and figure out some other way to get the bastard in trouble :)

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Thank you for all the Support on this Page! I don't Think the Guy was a drug dealer, I kept Watching My NEW truck from the window of the second floor and saw him later in a Bright Blue Jump suit in the parking lot that others around the hotel were also dressed in. I belive he was with some Crane and Rigging Company that was at the Hotel. He ended up leaving in a Blazer about 30-40 minutes later looked like he and several others were going to work.

Yes, I would have liked to see his face when he saw the gun but I think this guy probally would have rushed me. He was totaly off the wire. It all worked out. BUT Dave R. Said it all... does help the impotence you feel for a while by doing the right thing. I REALLY WANTED TO KEY THAT BLAZER the day we left . But again Did the Right thing and Went on my merry way with out any Revenge, not stooping to his degree. Holding on to my firm belife.... THAT WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND!

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