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Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. Thank you for everyones post and comments. I have said what I needed and may look at this in the future a different way. I guess your right the match fee is not the biggest part of the expense, after hotel, plane flight or gas food and alike. Also thanks for the update on Area 2 and the World Shoot never put them together. Wondered why so little turn out of the "names" One last thing a GOOD quality match (IE: Fun, creative stages, well designed, good RO staff) 300+ rounds 12-14 stages. Large prize table. Good awards for winners, and such. How large an entry fee would you pay to go. 150? 175? 200? 225? 250? make a difference weather the "names" show up or not at the match?
  2. OK the whole real jess is that MOST of the big matches paying out money the entry fee is around or above $200.00. That is a good chunk of change. So just to compete with Joe Blow's Payout Match, other matches will need to raise their entry fee to the same price so they can payout the Big Money also. to try and draw the "names." Seems that some would not let some play because they where priced out of the matches. it's expensesive enough. Seen this in shotgun clay's Just cause you have a GM card don't make you a name. There are lots of GM's that never win big matches, like area 2. Just like pro golfers, lot of good ones out there, just a few you have heard of that won the match. The GM's I respect the most are the ones that have another JOB like Jake D. and Adam P. off the top of my head. "Names" make a living shooting, either shooting, giving classes $275-$300 a day per person, being on TV with pro tips, shot show appearances and all the other stuff that goes with being a "name" not just pulling the trigger at a match. I don't begrudge them some have spent a life time getting where they can shoot. Just lets not make this a money race with entry fees. Not trying to piss anyone off. just seems like s slippery slope. If i sound like i'm whining, i am sorry that is not my intentions How much more would you want to pay to shoot with the "names"? $60.00 to $100.00 more.? or does it matter if they are there?
  3. Ok let me clearify. I don't blame the top guys for going where the money is (But don't they allready have a sponsor that pays them to shoot IE: Army, Glock, S&W). I blame the MD for putting on half a-- simple stage match which makes it even easier for the top guys to beat everyone and then attract the top guys by paying out big money. So some folks putting on a good to great match is not the draw anymore.... it's the money? I guess that is the point, money verse great matches. like Area 2, besides Taran and Henning, no names!
  4. so seems like most are OK with the top guys getting big cash and the Classes that support most matches the C and B shooters supsudize them? is that what i am reading? some are making a descison on where to shoot based on money payout . Example: Heard Taran Say on burkett's radio show he went to a glock match and could win $3000.00 instead of a frame at another match the same weekend. which started this question I also understand the easier to write checks than to call sponsors and plead. Just don't think you should pay CASH in an ametuar Sport it's a slippery slope. This N0 slight to the matches that Pay cash
  5. having ROed a several major matches got to looking at the draw times on the new CED timer. Best I have seen is a .90 from TT at Texas Limted 08. Most EVERYONES (including the big dogs) times are around 1.10 to 1.30 for GM M A B class C and D are around 1.70 -2.5 at targets about 10 yds or less.
  6. second Stage should be called the Hokey Pokey, Put your left foot in, put your left foot out and shake it all about.... what a memory course
  7. Looks like more and more USPSA matches are giving away CASH to attract and pay only the top shooters to their matches. Distrubs me, what do you Guys think?
  8. AZ38super wrote: "All of the stages had shooting areas, ports and fault lines defined but since you were not there you would not have seen that. There was no reason to write things like from Area A." NMIPSC wrote: I understand fault lines and such BUT they don't tell me where to shoot from. For all I know I was to shoot from outside of them IF I started outside of them. You should define the area to shoot from. I saw this in 06 also which lead to the Matt burkett deal. whats the big deal just add "from Area A" other wise if going outside the non-discript shooting area is faster, that what I will do. Shooting them "as I see them". Sorry this probaly belongs on its on tread.
  9. I did Not get in but I notice on the Stages they did not define the Shooting Area. Did they do that on the walk thru's? Went in '06 and they had the same problem then. "Shoot as you see them" - not - "Shoot them as you see them from area A."
  10. heard from Robert today that Max & Travis are going to hosting a 2 day class after the Double Tap Champ 09. This will be an advanced class basically for High B Class UP on how to become a grand master shooter. No basic stuff that M,A, B already know. Trick and tips to make you a GM. Cost is $550.00 per person. contact Max and Travis for sign up. This great Max and Travis will be back at the Double Tap after their absence last year.
  11. I just got ( about two months ago) the new Smasung HD Camcorder OMG! This thing takes video like being there. It kicks the S--T out of my older digatal Sharp camara. Has 8gigs of internal memory. Shot 6 guys at a major match did not use it all up. light weight, small, easy to use, takes Great still photo's, about $400.00 at Walmart did I say the video was Assume?
  12. North Texas Section Championship One Day - Sunday October 12th. Only 75.00 entry fee, 8 stages, 240+ rounds Greenville, Texas Giving Away Guns and Slots to the Nationals IF you are a NTX section club member and More guns, did i Mention Guns. Anyone that enters the champ can win a gun.
  13. They started the awards about 3:50ish I left the range and was the last one off at 5:20 Appearantly they had the same problem they had at this year at the Double Tap. Jimmy told me they bought a new HP printer and either the printers are screwed up OR the scoring program does not like HP's cause they had a printing problem also. Could not get the computer to talk to the printer.
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