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Thanks for Dent


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My 5 day old truck has a nice dent in the driver side, thanks to some person at Area 4 in a small silver car the car was parked next to mine at the road, near (about 4 or 5 cars down) from the large Covered area on the right side as you are looking at the covered area on Sunday of the awards/ prize table. Looks like some one was not paying attention to thier door when it swang wide open I got a dent and some nice paint markes on my NEW white chevy truck. I gave them plenty of room to get in and out ( I did not have any trouble not denting their car). I am going on the premise that this guy/gal did not KNOW he did it and drove away with out telling me, to keep my faith in the high quality people I meet at these matches and its not a little door dink dent, Thanks alot! If anyone knows who this silver car belongs to please forward, not that I think I can get anything done about it now. Did i Mention the truck was 5 days old, less than 500 miles. and if you are the guy that did it and are reading this stand up and do the right thing and let me know.

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Man, you just had a heck of a weekend, didn't you??? :D

As time goes on, people become more and more selfish, it seems, and have no concerns for other people's stuff, or their own responsibility. Had the exact same thing happen to my new ride within a month of buying it.

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Man and I thought I had a rushed weekend. I need to send you a MOJO.

Ok the guy that dented your truck....His mom used to dress him in girl clothes becuse she allways wanted a girl. She even made him go to family reunion one time and told everyone she adopted a little girl. This was all before he was 5 so his mom thinks he forgot about it.

Oh his mom always had a new truck :blink:

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That is SO annoying!

I have had the same truck since 93 (just ordered a new one) and have always kept it in good shape. At one point, when I was living in a townhouse, I had new neighbors move in next to me. Within a month or two they'd put three good dings in the passenger side door on my truck. Ten years and one tiny mark on a door....two months and they put three big ones in it. I used to park WAY over next to my car so that everyone had all the room in the world, but they still managed to whack the crap out of it. It was always the woman or her kids getting in or out of their Suburban....and they'd park right on the line so it didn't matter what I did. I'm so glad I moved.

Just recently I got a new work car that isn't brand new, but is really clean....not a mark anywhere when I got it. I was thrilled as it's the best car I've had yet. Sure enough on the third day I parked it at lunch, in an end spot, and some idiot parks really close and puts a dent in the driver's side rear door....really must have smacked it hard. It's not even "my" car and it pisses me off.

In the first case I should have known it was coming. The guy's car was an old junk Chevy Beretta with primer on the hood and the Suburban wasn't much better. I don't mind that my truck has marks from honest use, but careless abuse is something else.

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My one week old Xterra was shot with a pellet gun while parked at Costco. Put a nice 1/4 inch ding and popped the paint off said dent on the leading edge of the hood. What pain, it will take about $350.00 to fix it right. It seems that the phase "I hate it when that happens" is becoming more personal to me.

I hate it when that happens. :angry2:

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I had a pretty severe hit and run at a match once. Fortunately a witness sat on the hood of my car and waited till I returned to gave me the description and licence plate number.

Here is hoping that someone comes forth with that kind of information.


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How do people live with themselves? I couldnt. I backed into a ladies car at a school a few years ago. Put a littel ding on her hood(my truck bumber on her hood). I sat there until she came out. Nobody saw it. Yes it was tempting to leave but could I live with the guilt. She took my name & number and said she would call me if she decided to get it fixed. Never heard a word from her again.

A few months ago my wife backed into a car and dented the bumper. It was a new Impala. Again no witnesses. She left her name and number. I offered to get the car fixed but then they started asking questions about insurance and money when they found out I owned a business. I told her straight up I would fix the car but if she reported it to the insurance company or tried to get more than a fair repair I would deny ever talking to her and make her sue me. It cost me 900.00. Wife had a bad accident last year and couldnt afford to turn another one in.

I just dont understand how people can do these things and not think twice about it, then again there are those that do allot worse and dont care. There isnt anything we can do about it. Just make sure we do the right thing.

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You know, bseevers has a theory on this type of event...

I am very sorry to hear about this gutless asshat. A pox of noshoots and mikes upon him!!!! (which, given the situation, this moron is accustomed to anyway)

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Yes it was a Hex of a weekend, Funny Thng I was telling the Guys riding with Me on Thursday I had a bad feeling about going out there. Was talking about taking the battery out of the truck so it would not get stolen like David Long's from Prescison Bullets Did a Few years ago. Found out that if you discount the battery on the new Chevy's it KILLS the radio and you have to go to the dealer to get a code put in through the on board computer to get it to work again. Of Course the guys thought i was Nuts about thinking about taking out the battery. Now I have an Alarm on it with a shock sensor that set off the alarm for 20 seconds. Like I said Im going on the premise they did not realize, But most likely they were in a hurry to get out of there.

Yes! Alamo You ARE FUNNY! thanks

Edited by nmipsc
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Yes it was a Hex of a weekend, Funny Thng I was telling the Guys riding with Me on Thursday I had a bad feeling about going out there. Was talking about taking the battery out of the truck so it would not get stolen like David Long's from Prescison Bullets Did a Few years ago. Found out that if you discount the battery on the new Chevy's it KILLS the radio and you have to go to the dealer to get a code put in through the on board computer to get it to work again. Of Course the guys thought i was Nuts about thinking about taking out the battery. Now I have an Alarm on it with a shock sensor that set off the alarm for 20 seconds. Like I said Im going on the premise they did not realize, But most likely they were in a hurry to get out of there.

Yes! Alamo You ARE FUNNY! thanks

Unless something's changed radically since I bought my Tahoe in 2002, the radio code is initially set by the factory to a default code the radio has in common with all others. The owner's manual contains instructions to allow you to change the code to own of your own choosing.

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Eugene, Oregon--already the bank robbery and red-light-running capital of the West--is exploding into greater infamy by establishing itself now as the hit-and-run capital of the West. And we're not talking about just running into someone's fence or mailbox and leisurely driving off... we're talking about idiots in cars hitting PEOPLE and KILLING them and then leaving the scene. Some of the things people are doing in cars around here is getting very, very hard to believe. :angry2:

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I occasionally will sit in my parked 13 yo beater of a Honda in the lot at the hospital where I work, listening to a favorite tune or the news, or reading if I've gotten in early. Three times cars have pulled up in the next stall and the drivers let their doors slam into the side of my car. None of those times did they even try to hold the doors, and neither did they even pause to check the damage. Three times I had to control the absolutely incredible urge to stand on my horn and make these white coated so called professionals jump and cr** their pants. One finally looked up, and had the decency to turn red and apologise once she realized why I was glaring at her. The other two didn't even know I was there until I got out and gave them a piece of my mind. It may be an old car, but it's mine, and if they want me to not open my door into their nice new Jags and Benzs, then they should do the same. It's a small lot and I see these people's cars daily. It's sort of fun exercising restraint, but even more fun speculating about any future failure of resolve :devil:

Now ranking right up there are folks who park too close and don't give you room to even squeeze into your car on the driver's side. I can understand how people get pushed over because the car in the next stall further over didn't park well either, so I don't automatically get mad at somebody occupying two spaces (unless it's blatant hogging to protect their new baby). But, hey, if somebody tries to squeeze in anyway, or just plain doesn't care enough even if there is room, and doesn't give me room to get in on my side, well, let's just say I feel that it's perfectly reasonable for me to at least try, and HARD, to get in on the driver's side... ;)

Edited by kevin c
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Area 4 is tough on new trucks. My 4 month old Tahoe got it's windshield broken by a riccochet bullet there.. Came back to find a clod of dirt and a smashed-up .45 FMJ on the hood.. that year you could hear them coming down all over the back bays..

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Yep, I hate when that happens. We bought a new Durango last summer and within a couple months, there are a few medium sized dents in it. One for sure from a car next to us. I had to restrain myself from getting next to their door and start Stomp Kicking :angry2: their door in until they either came out, the police stopped me or my foot started to hurt. My wife was in a hurry to get home so I left them a nice note on the car: "Thanks for hitting my car with your door, I really appreciate you not caring what you do with your $1,500 car to my $40,000 NEW truck. Have a Shi*y Day A$$hole! :devil: "

I guess there are good reasons it's against the law to shoot someone for being a dumb a$$, because I would have to buy a 650 to keep up with my ammo demand against dummies.

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You Know Glock Speed Thats a lot of It. I went out on a limb to get this NEW truck rather than a Used one and they are EXPENSIVE. ($29,856.53 and this is the Work truck model) so for that kinda cash I like to Have a new truck for more than five Days, if you know what I mean ( Yes I know its used as soon as I drive it Off the Dealers Lot, so don't post it)

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I hear you on that, I like to keep my vehicles nice and clean also, not once but several times I have had door dings fixed on several different vehicles. I don't consider myself anal by any means, but when you have a nice ride, you want it to stay nice as long as possible.

Last year I bought a 1994 S10 Blazer, I looked long and hard for this work truck, because it is what I wanted. The perfect color, in really good shape. Not easy to find for the money I wanted to spend! In February I was rear-ended while driving it, and eventhough the insurance paid me 90% of what I paid, it now has a salvage title. My cost to fix the damage (to where you cannot even tell) was just under $100.00.

Since February I couldn't count the dents and dings this truck has, all due to other drivers parking too close and hitting my truck with their doors. But for what it is, it is still a very nice truck, for what I use it for anyway!

I know my situation doesn't compare to your $30,000.00 truck, however the principle is the same! Lastly just keep a smile on your face about the situation, because in the end KARMA will get those who do you wrong!

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Have someone do it to the other side and then you can call them racing stripes.

Maybe they didn't know or perhaps they didn't see the that it actually damaged.

I guess you will probably get there early and wait in the parking lot for them next time.

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Many years ago, my father took the family into NYC for some reason. Had to be real good to get Dad to go. We watched a car pull up to a parking space on the street that was arguably as long as his car. He backed into the car behind him and then drove into the car in front. He did this until his car fit in the space with room to spare. He then got out and looked at his front and rear bumpers. Got back into the car and proceeded to repeat the process to leave the space.

There were literally pieces of both cars lying on the ground! Being NYC in its less civilized time (1970's) we decided not to get involved, too easy not to go home back then.

This has to remain the most egregious incident I have ever witnessed.

I have often wondered what kind of person can do somethiong like that.


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