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Injury At Area 6


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It happened on stage 7 today, engaged the first 2 targets and was off to the corner. It felt like my calf muscle just SNAPED!! :(:angry::( and I went to the ground!! I have had muscle pulls before BUT nothing like this. Sort of reminded me of when you pull a shade down and let go and it retracts REAL FAST!! I iced it all the way back to Birmingham and now due to swelling it is 2 1/2" larger than my left calf and extreme tenderness and numbness has started to devlop from the bend on my knee down to the heel. It really SUCKS to have to withdraw from the match and even MORE IF I will even be able to shoot the MS Classic in 2 weeks and the Nationals in 5!!! I REALLY hope I am wrong but I have a BAD feeling that this thing is really messed up. It was caught on tape and I have attached some photos.

Thanks to Cindy for the ride back to the car and my Buddy Bryan who drove me ALL the way back to Birmingham and then retruned back to Atlanta to finish up his match in the morning, BEST OF LUCK AND THANKS MAN!! Even though I told him to just leave me in the room with a case and a little pharmaceutical help and I would be fine until tomorrow night....he would have nothing of it.

Best of luck to everyone shooting Sunday...



I have the video but you can catch basically the same footage on the Discovery channel...the episode where they darted a cape buffalo and it stumbled around till it FINALLY went DOWN.....you can get idea...





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After some Research I'm afraid everyones diagnosis is correct....I'm off the the ER to get the process started. Fortunately, we have one of the BEST orthopedic surgeon in the US....Dr. Andrews...question is am I "high profile" enough to get to see him???

Found the below and performed the test....NOT GOOD!!

Achilles Tendon Rupture

This may happen at any level in the tendon. A sudden severe pain occurs, which often feels like a violent blow to the calf. Swelling and bruising may appear, and the two broken ends of the tendon often leave a visible gap. Usually, you fall at the moment of injury, and walking is then too painful to try.

The cause can be a blow to the muscle or tendon when they are tensed. More often, the injury is caused by strenuous activity involving the calf, such as sprinting or playing squash. The injury may occur at the beginning of the activity, when the muscles are 'cold' and tight.

At the moment of injury, it may not be clear whether the tendon is completely torn. One test for this is to lie on your stomach, and have someone squeeze the calf muscle bulk gently: if the tendon is partly intact the foot will move to point downwards, but if the tear is complete, the foot will remain still.

This injury requires specialist treatment, which may consist of surgery, to stitch the two tendon ends together, or immobilization in a plaster cast, allowing the tendon to heal naturally. After surgery, you can usually resume sport within three to four months. If your leg is immobilized, the plaster will be on for eight to twelve weeks, so, after rehabilitation, you will probably resume sport about six months after the injury.

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You don't happen to be around 40 yrs old, are you? I have a friend who ruptured his playing racquetball a couple months ago, right after he turned 40.

Best of luck with your recovery.

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DrawandDuck, I feel your pain...literally! Last Feb. 18th, I was shooting a match and coming off the wall to turn, run, and engage targets; it happened. I felt an "electric shock" hit my my lower left leg. I started hopping on my other foot trying to stay up. The RO is an emergency room nurse and said he heard it pop. He told me right off what had happened.

A trip to the emergency room confirmed the RO's diagnosis. I was referred to a specialist and on March 1st I had the surgery. He made a 9" cut from my heel up the back of my leg. The tendon for my big toe was harvested (cut out) to make the repair. They attached the Achilles tendon to the big toe tendon then use a screw to attach to the heel bone. A shelf was ground on the heel to insert the screw. This has been no fun.

I was told originally that it would be six months to a year to walk, I am a 61 year old, insulin dependant, diabetic. However, each time I go for a check up the Doc says "your doing better than I expected" and I am 6 to 8 weeks ahead of schedule. I have started physical therapy and they think I will be walking in another three to four weeks. I have used crutches and a walker and THEY SUCK!

A positive attitude, good physical shape, and prayer will move you through this. I'll pray for your full speedy recovery.


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It was caught on tape and I have attached some photos.


I have de-interlaced the video captures for you. It makes the images just a little bit clearer.

I hope you have a speedy recovery.






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Good News/Bad News...Just got home and Dr. told me the tendon was not ruptured but a partial tear with ligament and a grade 3 tear of both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. I have an appointment next week with a orthopedic surgeon to determine the best course of treatment. I posted the tendon tear earlier now the muscle tear info for anyone who may be a misfoutunate as myself to have this happen....

"A torn calf muscle results in sudden pain and bruising in the lower leg

It is similar to an Achilles tendon tear or rupture, but occurs higher up in the back of the leg. A sign of a calf strain is similar to that of an Achilles tendon rupture - you may think you've just been hit in the leg and hear a "pop." There is sudden pain at the back of the leg, pain, swelling or bruising in the calf muscle, and you have difficulty standing on the toes.

This injury happens during acceleration or changes in direction. The torn calf muscle may spasm, and contract forcefully. The toes will point down. Bruises show up in the foot and ankle due to pooling of blood from internal bleeding.

Grade 3 Calf Strain : This is the most severe calf strain with a complete tearing or rupture of muscle fibers in the lower leg. Full recovery can take 3-4 months and, in some instances, surgery may be needed. "

BigDave, just turned 37 on April 8th....

DJ..thanks...now that I can see them more CLEARLY it hurts MORE...where did I put them Lortabs????

Thanks everyone on the well wishes....

In the process of canceling the MS Classic entry, Open Nationals (some lucky person will get in, good luck) and the GA State matches...THAT SUCKS!! ON top of it all the Doc Asked me if I had considered IDPA??



PS...and for a good laugh..not at my injury but at the GRACE and POISE I go down to the gound with!!!! Benny, my gun NEVER touched the gound till I placed it softly down when I finally got to my FINAL resting place!!


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Man, I didn't realize leg injuries were so prevalent in this sport.

I tore a calf muscle at the Florida Open and had to withdraw from the match.

It took about six weeks to before I could shoot again and I had to skip the Alabama Sectional.

Even with the best case scenario, I would guess that there will be no race gunning for you until at least the end of the summer.

I really hate it for you.

Best wishes on a speedy recovery.


P.S. War Eagle

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Sorry to hear about that Randall. I had heard there was an injury (other than one of Barb's Explorers who blew an ankle yesterday), but didn't know it was you until I just read this. My hear t is with you on this one.

I know this from experience -- get thee to the local heathfood store and get some amino acid tabs. They drastically speed the healing process of torn muscle, and put out that fire that currently resides in your calf muscle (you know the one I mean :o ). Don't take more than the recommended dosage, but get some now (!).

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Damn Randall,

That really sucks and video made me cringe watching you flop around like that, your right, kinda like a large animal darted.

Best of luck to you and hope you get well soon.

Michael (RO on stage 3)

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ON top of it all the Doc Asked me if I had considered IDPA??


PS...and for a good laugh..not at my injury but at the GRACE and POISE I go down to the gound with!!!! Benny, my gun NEVER touched the gound till I placed it softly down when I finally got to my FINAL resting place!!


Randall, if I personally knew you I would make some sort of joke about it being God's penalty to you for "gaming" that stage and not staying within the fault lines.

But I don't.

So I won't. ;)


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ON top of it all the Doc Asked me if I had considered IDPA??



I think I was in your squad the last time you shot IDPA with the Glock 35 that you'd tweaked a bit too much...:lol:

...and the last time you attempted to shoot a pistol without a dot. :lol::lol::lol:

Randall, if I personally knew you I would make some sort of joke about it being God's penalty to you for "gaming" that stage and not staying within the fault lines.

But I don't.

So I won't. wink.gif


I know him and I thought the same thing Chet... :P

Now that I've given you a hard time, don't you feel better? B)

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Well, the Doc told me "offically" expect to be off for 6 months...it just TAKES TIME for these type of injuries to heal.

Maybe I can make a comeback at Ft. Benning???

Jester, to be honest the pain from the "spring" fight was MUCH MUCH more intense and painful than blowing the calf muscle...HONEST!! But it did go away in 10 min.

Chet, if GOD was going to punish me for something, steping outside those fault lines would be the LEAST of my worries!!

As some of you know I am the MD for our USPSA matches at Steel City. Now with my newly acquired "BUM" leg I have to come up with stages I can shoot also (once I am physically able). While at the Dr. office today I was thinking of some stage descriptions;

1. Standing in Box A engage all targets from Box A ONLY.

2. Make all stages fixed par time! Par time will be based on my times during walkthroughs.

3. Upon start signal walk to shooting area A engage all targets as they become visible,

CAUTION, NO RUNNING OR FAST WALKING ALLOWED, 1 procedural per STEP taken while running or walking fast.

Now, where did I put that medical "BUMP" down request? :D

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