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Putting A Pet Down


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I had to have my Dalmation Zena put down today. She was 10 years old the picture of perfect health up until the last 2 weeks. Her problem wasn't really debilitating per se, but an internal blockage (tumor) in the tube where it connects to her bladder prevented her from urinating (at least on her own.) and the Dr. said it wasn't treatable.

It's a shame because she was still full of life and wagged her tail right up until the end. Never thought losing a pet would be so hard.

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Sorry to hear that. I had to put down my best friend 2 years ago, and I still think about it. My boxer (Dexter) had cancer and was in terrible pain. My buddy was so weak I had to carry him, I put it off as long As i could. I actually cried, I didnt even think I could anymore, I had not cried since I was a young child. I swore I would never go through that again, but I now have another Boxer Named Maximus. I guess life must go on. Hang in there.

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My Hunting Buddy(Coon Hound) of 12 years ended up having Cancer and I chose to put him down too. He too wagged his tail all the time. I still get a tear at times and that was 20 years ago. Only thing as hard or harder was when my father passed away from a Heart attack.

Pets are SPECIAL, :wub: God blesses us with their time with us.

You were the lucky one to have had the time with her. :)


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I hate reading posts like this. I have an old blind bullmastiff who most likely won't make it for another year and I'm not looking forward to his demise. He's 180 pounds of waggin tail buddy who will be missed by all who know him.

Sorry for your loss, :(

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's just a shame that dogs--who are so unbelievably important in our lives--have such SHORT lives compared to humans and even to certain other animals. It seems unfair. Hopalong is right... pets are VERY special.

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Thanks for sharing. Sorry for your loss.

Siggy and Hop both nailed it. Pets are such an incredible blessing. And I've learned so much from mine -

Reality is that they live shorter lives than us in years, and longer lives than us in spirit. My dogs both are full of joy and love. They fight for what's important. They forgive and forget. They don't have bad days, they recognize only what is good. Today it's raining outside. It has been all day. I've played with them already - but if I walked out that door right now they'd come out tails a waggin saying "hey dad - what's up? Wanna play catch?" - like not a damn thing had gone wrong today. Amazing. They teach us about family and love better than no other.

I'm sorry for your sudden loss - glad Zena led such an awsome life with such spirit. It reflects both the spirit of Zena and you.

I'll be thinking of you.


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she was still full of life and wagged her tail

Remember that. I have no doubt that she was not only a loyal family "pet", but a member of the family. We lost our family pet 2 years ago. Mandy (chihuahua) was a sister to me. I still walk into my mom's house in Mangum and expect her to greet me.

I'm sorry for you loss. Hope to see you on the range soon old buddy.

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I am sorry for your loss. Like others, I have shared this experience as well.

My Shar Pei was a big part of my life for 12 years. She developed a tumor in her throat and could not swallow. The day I took her to the vet she was still vibrant and happy. I know she thought it was just another trip to the vet but I knew different. I stayed with her to the end. I was so unprepared and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I completely lost it and cried like a baby. The vet and his asisstant could not bear to be in the same room and had to leave.

A beautifully framed poster size picture of her is still on the wall in my office and it still hurts 2 1/2 years later. Zena was very fortunate that she could count on you when she needed you most. My dog made me understand clearly what people mean when they say that they want to be the kind of person their dog thinks they are. Me too.

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Our dogs are cherished family members. They keep me sane by putting a smile back on my face after a day of work in the cruel world. I was a basket case when one of ours had a 3 day hospital stay a while back. We enjoy our time with ours while we have them and it's a shame they don't have the longevity that we do. Very sorry about your loss!

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I am sorry for your loss.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of my Sammoyed. He was my first dog and I loved him damn near more than anything. But cancer won that fight and I had to see him to a better place than a painfull life.

You did the right thing even if it weighs your heart.

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