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Jim Zumbo Removes His Foot From His Mouth.


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I will send an e-mail tomorrow, letting those sponsors know that as long as Jim Zumbo is endorsing their products, I will never buy one, or in Cabelas case, buy from Cabelas as long as they have a relationship with him!!!

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I don't believe he is sincere,just overwhelmed by the number of negative responses.

If he is not sincere, then why did he say it?

Listen, as a member of the media ( know because I am ) he knows that anything he says is marked in history. A media/public person knows this. What he said was thought out and he knew what he was saying.

I, as a sportsman/shooter am VERY disappointed in Jim Zumbo.

He just lost all credibility in my mind.

Its obvious he is NOT sincere,, he is CYA mode. His IGNORANCE is also on display here as a common example of the hunting only crowd. I dont hunt anymore. The way I see it is if Im not going to eat it Im not going to kill it.

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I guess I should have put this into the HATE forums also. ;)

I don't think he is sincere either. He's just sorry he got caught being a fool.

This topic has come up with myself before. For some background on me. I'm 36, grew up in central California, hunted and fished every chance I got. Squirrels, rabbits, dove, ducks, pheasants, deer, bear, you name it. My Grandfather was even a state trap shooting champion. Guns were always within reach even when I was little. Even growing up in that environment, pistols and AW's were frowned upon. Yes, we had a pistol but I don't think it was ever taken out of the dresser drawer and I still have never shot it. Most guys that I hunted with still feel the same way about the AW's. They just don't see the link and have been brainwashed by the Libtards. I found my way into this sport when I had a personal situation that convinced me that I needed a handgun to defend myself and my family. I made a choice to seek out professional training and was then introduced to USPSA. Someone put an AR in my hand at a match and I was HOOKED :D Trust me when I say that there are thousands of average, GWB loving guys out there who feel the same way as Zumbo. My advice is to introduce your hunting buddies to USPSA and AR's. Show them the black light! Once someone shined it on me, I began to open my eyes to what was going on regarding 2A. Now I just need to save up enough for a new JP upper to mate to my Sun Devil Lower ;)

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If someone were to walk up to me and intentionally kick me in the nuts; then say I'm sorry 5 minutes later I ain't gonna buy it. Nor does it change the fact that they kicked me in the nuts.

Edited by SmittyFL
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The sad part is that I beleive this is a very common misbelief for people of his age and generation. Case in point. My father hunted all his life, and he and his buddies took care of the yote population in our area for decades.

When I came home and showed him my shiny new AR that I won at Second Chance he wasnt impressed. He made the normal comments about "what do you use that for.....people dont need them"....you get the drift. I asked him what he shot in the service, and asked him if he wanted one to keep for sentimental reasons should he have one....."well, Hell yes".... ;) I said the same things back to him and that no regular person should own one because all they are good for is killing...... :rolleyes:

The light clicked on, and then we went out and shot it.....problem solved. The older generation of hunters/gun owners/shooters get to a certain point in their life where they havent had adversity like we are facing, and have to be educated/pushed in the right direction. I really think that Zumbo is a case in point. We all know older men that are set in there ways and are inflexible, and here is another example...... Reality is that I really believe him to be just ignorant to something outside his sphere of influence, but when you have a bully pulpit as he does you CANNOT be ignorant, even about something so basic such as this.

In reading accounts, I think every generation is this way in some regards, I have mine so I am not worried about others.....We are facing an uphill battle as the population is loaded towards the older, set in their ways stubborn, where is mine generation right now, and we better do a better job of education on the younger crowds or we will really be in the shitstorm we dont want to be.

For those that are piling on Nugent......C'mon, really.....Nuge may be many things, but he is a patriot and staunch gun rights supporter. Zumbo may be nice guy and all that, but he peed in his feedbag. Zumbo is done, at least for a little while....We should all learn from this as well.



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For those that are piling on Nugent......C'mon, really.....Nuge may be many things, but he is a patriot and staunch gun rights supporter.

In my comment, I wasn't piling on Nugent. If anything, maybe he will teach him something. Zumbo stated in his apology that Nugent was taking him hunting with an AR. Obviously, Nugent has a stronger stomach than most of us do at this point.

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From the Remington website:

NOTICE: Remington is in the process of severing our sponsorships with Mr. Zumbo. Remington in no way shares or advocates any of the comments made by Mr. Zumbo on his blog site. A formal announcement will be released by noon today.



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Dumbo, Nugent, and Gresham all deserve each other's company for eternity: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=515668

It's totally transparent, they're hedging bets just on the one-in-a-billion chance that sponsors still back Dumbo after this, so that they can still ride the hunting gravy train.

Free vacations are not more important that my civil liberties. I'm almost glad this happened, because it's incredibly revealing as to where the major players in the RKBA inner-circle true sympathies and motivations lie.

May Zumbo and his a_-hole buddies burn in hell.

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I know my Dad is fond of saying "if you want to shoot full auto, then join the military" like we did. He sees no use for civilians with class 3 weapons.

I don't know if I've gotten through to him or not, but I've tried.

Now he's a big fan of the AR-15 since he feels everyone should own something similar to what our military is using in case we have to pick up their mags and ammo one day to use against them. Doesn't quite jive with his full auto opinion, but what the hell.

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Ya know, even if his apology is sincere, after some hindsight he came to realize "damn, I f#@%ked up, I need to make this RIGHT.

The fact that he made the initial statement, shows that those were his true feelings at the time!! He could very well regret what he said, before the backlash. Its the damage thats been done that is unforgiveable, As far as Gresham and Nugent coming to his aid, its just like all/most celebrities, they have to stick together and support one another. think about the Kramer (jerry seinfeld show) incident, sure people were appalled, but when he showed remorse, then...... "Oh my God, that poor man, he needs our help" its my chance to get some air time, and show what a great person I am.

Zumbo, is IMO the problem we as a gun shooting community have with ourselves, we cannot seem to come together, shooters can't understand why hunters KILL, hunters can't understand how BLACK guns have a sporting purpose.

I place most if not all of the Elite/Celebrity personalities, in my untrustable file, they seem to feel as if they are above us.


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Here is the e-mail I just sent to Remington

To: michael.haugen@remington.com, gregory.baradat@remington.com, eddie.stevenson@remington.com

I would like to congratulate your company on making a stand regarding the Jim Zumbo Blog. I have been a long time Remington Rifle shooter, and I can tell you that your stance will only make me more brand loyal, if that is possible.

On the other hand, had you not taken this stand, I would have boycotted your products like I plan to do with any company that does not take a similar stance to the one your company has taken.

My hats off to all of you at Remington.

Great Product, and now I can see you are a great company too!!

Keep up the good work.

Jay Townsend

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Tell Tom Gresham how you feel: info@guntalk.com

Just got off the phone with a friend. Turns out Dumbo writes a column for the NRA's Shooting Illustrated, which advertises heavily...you guessed it....AR-15's.

Looks like we all get to write to the NRA as well...

Register your ire at: https://www.nrahq.org/contact.asp

Regarding Jim Zumbo...

I respectfully request that the NRA immediately sever all ties with Jim Zumbo. His words were unforgivable and his apology was cheap, hollow, and insincere. There is no redemption from his effective condemnation of icky, black rifle owners as "terrorists."

I also request that the NRA re-evaluate its business relationship with Zumbo's apologists, which notably include Ted Nugent and Tom Gresham. In some respects, their defense of Zumbo is more offensive than Zumbo himself.

I was about to send in the remainder of my life membership payment, but in the light of Jim Zumbo being on the NRA payroll, I will withhold funds for now. In fact, if Zumbo remains on the NRA payroll, I will terminate my membership with the NRA.

I will re-evaluate funding the NRA after it does the right thing with Zumbo and either forces Zumbo's buddies to either toe the line or get out of the NRA (the latter being preferable). The current situation is utterly reprehensible and inexcusable. The key players in the NRA and the RKBA inner-circle had better get their motivations squared away. It's blatantly obvious that more than a few of them are playing the game for free hunting trips, free publicity, and other quid pro quos - NOT the defense of our Second Amendment freedoms. This type of garbage needs to stop and stop immediately.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely Yours,

Eric Wesselman



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There is the e-mail to Gresham


It saddens me to hear that you have taken the side of Jim Zumbo with regards to his Blog about AR-15's. I know that he apologized, but lefts face it, we all know it is too late, the words have been posted and printed. I know that you know what he did is wrong. Is it good to forgive, of course it is, but this was just beyond being able to forgive. In this day and age, when the politicians are lined up to take out guns away, writers and gun enthusiasts can't afford to make these kinds of mistakes.

I have written several e-mails to companies that have thus far not severed ties with Mr. Zumbo, stating that I will NEVER patronize their product as long as they continue their relationship with him. As you have decided to stick with Mr. Zumbo through this time, I will also choose to not patronize anything that you have to do with or any of the companies that sponsor or endorse you.

I hope you come to your senses.

Jay Townsend

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All owners and users of firearms are and will increasingly be under attack from those who would see all firearms banned. If one child errs he should not be run out of the family but corrected if possible and the family should settle down and get back together.

This unfortunate incident points out once again how the 'one true religion' gene seems to affect us all. I have a dream that one day little pistol in the white shooters and little black rifle shooters will shoot together....

Or in other words let's not let an occasional stupidity do to us what the anti-gunners could not do themselves.

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