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Okay, I don't hate the show per se .... but tonight's episode (2/12) was sloppy, even beyond the normal sloppiness when it comes to details in TV.

If you have not seen the episode and have it DVR'd, TIVO'd, Taped stop reading now!

The whole 10/22 firing a round nose .223 was very sad. I mean geez! If you are gonna do the whole .223 route at least use the proper bullet and a reasonable firearm.

Also gemstones are not cut.... my wife has a large sapphire I watched the guy create from raw rock. Its all done with a specialized grinding wheel. It still take a lot of skill, but a chisel and mallet it ain't.

and I am not oing to even get started ranting about the whole melting down guns stupidity. There is just not enough bandwidth for that.

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I can ruin CSI Miami for you (read further at your own risk).

David Caruso...nearly every show, often multiple times...he will stand off, with his hands on his hips...pulling his suit jacket back in the process. Usually, he will complete the "superman" pose by turning his head and looking off to the side. I'm not sure what his motivation for the look that he gives is. I'm betting it's something along these lines...I think I just soiled myself...I had better keep my butt cheeks clinched tight...I wonder if anybody else can smell that...just look cool...nobody will notice

Go ahead...watch for the "superman" pose.

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I have only watched a couple of episodes of CSI Miami and I have to tell you I hate that show. I'll stick with the original. How come most spin off's just don't work? You can find technical problems with most shows but if the acting is bad you can't watch it long enough to care.

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My wife really likes the show and gets mad at me when I start yelling at the tv like a madman. I picked right up on the10/22 223 thing. Did you notice the bullet they wer looking at looked suspciously like a flat nosed 38 lead bullet.

This show was a continuation of last weeks gun heist. Where a kid kills his brother whith a gun from the heist. Is it just me or do the police usually clear the gun of live ammo before they put it into evidence?

I hate this show with a passion. :wacko::angry::angry:

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Yes, unfortunately David Caruso is rather formulaic in his behavior (he also actually SHOOTS/kills a lot of people in various episodes). He admitted he copped the sunglasses maneuver from someone else. I also find them artificially emotional at times, full of attitude and emotional fuming that probably falls into that category of "entertainment" rather than "education." It's all just too transparent and exaggerated at times and therefore neither stimulating nor realistic nor believable. :angry:

Not to mention the technical inaccuracies!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Though I've watched most of the CSI:Miami series, I've grown weary of them and even the newer episodes are too predictable and I've been known to just turn 'em off and go read a book. Something about the CSI:Vegas team sometimes makes more sense, though. Probably more a result of the chemistry of the personae being portrayed. ;)

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I know what you mean Lady. I normally only watch recorded TV so I can fast birn through things and delete them all. But I am in Pittsburgh, in a hotel, nothing doing last night, so I watched it real time. Now today is just worse since my client closed due to the weather and I am stuck in a hotel room..... can we say mini-bar?

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All of the CSI shows are so far fetched they aren't CSI.. the CSI people are not detectives they are lab rats. they aren't good looking and not generally COOL people by society's normal standards. if there were any CSI people reading.. they would have posted that those half brained theories on TV don't mean squat in most court rooms.

The whole CSI TV make believe stuff gets to me. .. my rant is over... i agree i've seen so many wrong calls on guns and ammo I could cry.

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I just exchanged an e-mail this hour with one of our forensics guys at the Sheriff's Office, reiterating a question about his camera (they got themselves a new Nikon D100 two years ago when I first covered the newsletter story about them). One of the first things we talked about two years ago was how contrived the CSI shows were and how utterly unrealistic they were... then we proceeded on to the REAL stuff he and his assistant were doing in their little basement rooms (can you say spider hole...?) underneath the Sheriff's Office building. CSI on TV was never like this!!! :o

And they weren't doing altogether all the lab work--much of that is sent to Portland or Salem, Oregon--but were stashing properties and preparing evidence for testing and keeping records of everything. Very unglamorous but necessary work. The fact that it took this long (as of two years ago) for them just to acquire their ONE digital camera was a remarkable thing. :rolleyes:

Yes, it seems like the CSI (TV) folks are doing EVERYTHING...!! Detection/Investigations, street police work, Interrogations, you-name-it!! What's with that, anyway?!?!? <_<

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Oh, and one more thing--

Huge Medical Examiner's morgue?? Not. Our county RENTS (yes, rents!) a tiny, tiny little hole-in-the-wall room, two or more stories down in the local hospital where an Autopsy Technician performs the duties with the occasional oversight of the Assistant Medical Examiner (more a legal entity than a medical one--he's not a doctor), and advanced autopsies are conducted, again, out of town--at great cost. And we're paying about $5,000/month rent for the little hole-in-the-wall morgue in the hospital as it is. This is NOT your Miami CSI.

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David Caruso...nearly every show, often multiple times...he will stand off, with his hands on his hips...pulling his suit jacket back in the process. Usually, he will complete the "superman" pose by turning his head and looking off to the side....watch for the "superman" pose.

+1 ...I was wondering if someone else found this behavior peculiar. He is so predictable I can always tell when he's preparing to cock his head like the little dog on the RCA advertisement. Good call Flex

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I was rolling on the floor when he flat lined and had been down for ten mintues.... then she slammed an epi needle into his heart and he jumped up, gasped for air and started looking around.

I was waiting for him to start tap dancing.......

David Caruso...nearly every show, often multiple times...he will stand off, with his hands on his hips...pulling his suit jacket back in the process. Usually, he will complete the "superman" pose by turning his head and looking off to the side....watch for the "superman" pose.

+1 ...I was wondering if someone else found this behavior peculiar. He is so predictable I can always tell when he's preparing to cock his head like the little dog on the RCA advertisement. Good call Flex

I'm sick of his patented:

Mumble...... look at feet.... look up out of the corner of his eye..... mumble some more.... look down..... repeat.

Somebody should wait for him to look down and smack him on top of the head......

At the risk of sounding very Metrosexual,

What's up with those boots and black suit that Callie Duqene is wearing.

Is she going to be the next cat woman or am i just leting my fantasies get the best of me??

In one episode, she was test firing some little gun from a crime in the lab.... she smiled and said it was a "chick gun".

That made me strangely aroused.......

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What's up with those boots and black suit that Callie Duqene is wearing.

Is she going to be the next cat woman or am i just leting my fantasies get the best of me??

In one episode, she was test firing some little gun from a crime in the lab.... she smiled and said it was a "chick gun".

That made me strangely aroused.......

Callie is the only good reason to watch this show. She's a babe. She the "firearms/ballistics expert." The only way she could be better would be if we found out she was striving to be the first female Grandmaster!


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I love it when the CSI (Miami) teams go w/ the Sheriff Deputies to serve a High Risk Felon Warrant and they are the lead person to enter the building or what not. I thought CSI waits in the van until the scene is cleared by SWAT or other units that have the knowledge to execute the warrant.

Don't even get me started on Caruso.... His one liners and looks aggrivate the piss out of me!! :angry:

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Oh, and one more thing--

Huge Medical Examiner's morgue?? Not. Our county RENTS (yes, rents!) a tiny, tiny little hole-in-the-wall room, two or more stories down in the local hospital where an Autopsy Technician performs the duties with the occasional oversight of the Assistant Medical Examiner (more a legal entity than a medical one--he's not a doctor), and advanced autopsies are conducted, again, out of town--at great cost. And we're paying about $5,000/month rent for the little hole-in-the-wall morgue in the hospital as it is. This is NOT your Miami CSI.

We've got a similar problem in this area.


Edited by DJPoLo
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Ah yes, Callie, Emily Procter. If you can overlook the eyeshadow applied with a trowel, the work clothes bought from the shrink-wrap collection, and the millions of dollars worth of lab gear they have, you could actually believe the shows.


the only one on all the shows who is believable as to the glamor and status of the work he does is the morgue assistant on the original CSI. That's what they all are, no glamor, no status, no Humvees to drive, and the whole damned system depends on them.

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