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My most embarassing moment

Shooter Grrl

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Good one Matt! I had a great experience at the MGM this year....it rocked.

Had three funny incidents: the first one occured at the stage right before the tower -broken lugs on the pistol, even think you remember that!

The second, well lets say that I almost puked on the the house clearing stage at the bottom hill east of the tower...several hundred seconds to finish the stage. I gave it my best effort without slowing down because you and Dave still needed to shoot the stage....damn fun but I was completely spent! Felt like running a 400 yd dash.

The third happened later that day....one of the ar's broke while in use - the RO (Rocky) was super cool....he allowed us to run an AR out from the rack so the shooter could finish the stage. We all laughed!

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Not nearly as embarrasing as this one: luckily not many people watching around to tell the story (but then I decided to post)...

One of my first IPSC matches, had to shoot through an open window, then move about 5 yrds and open a metal door to shoot a 3 target scenario, with all the tension and focus of trying not to hurt myself I lost track of which of the metal sheets was the door and pushed wildly on the first 2 panels - no luck - got real nervous about missing the door that got to the 3rd panel and **kicked the supposed door - no luck either, the door wasnt there but the barricade sure flew about 5 yrds downrange!!!...

Laughed so hard couldnt finish the stage, turned around and of course people were laughing on their a#*.. has never happened before, I survived the scene and am on my way to becoming a decent shooter... cant even remeber what the RO did, not sure if he had scene this before.

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Thats pretty good. Another one I just remembered was at the SMM3g a couple of years ago. Did I ever tell anyone that I hate shotguns? Well I really did just after I tried to do the ski's through the doorway trick with one. The RO was laughing so hard he almost didn't get the time on the clock. :blink:

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Thats pretty good. Another one I just remembered was at the SMM3g a couple of years ago. Did I ever tell anyone that I hate shotguns? Well I really did just after I tried to do the ski's through the doorway trick with one. The RO was laughing so hard he almost didn't get the time on the clock. :blink:


I didn't realize that shotguns in general was the issue. I thought you just hadn't found the right one for you at the Texas State 3-Gun last year. It wasn't funny at the time, but you just had no luck keeping one going.


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I used to shoot a lot of PPC, which used to be pretty popular over here.

Anyway, I'm at Mattersey Gun Club, which is near to Nottingham, on a Sunday morning and it's been raining pretty hard. There was a large pool of water down at the 10 yard line that I ended up standing in to shoot match 1. Not a problem, decent pair of boots, doesn't worry me at all.

So I put down my brass collecting bucket and LAMR, focussing my mind on what I'm supposed to do, squeeze the trigger, nail the front sight etc. Buzzer goes and we start to shoot, 6 reload 6 in 20s. Half way through my 1st string of 6 I become aware of laughter behind me, but it doesn't draw away from my concentration so I carry on.

I come to do the reload, bringing the gun down and swinging out the cylinder, dumping the empties into my hand.

Imagine my surprise when my bucket wasn't there!! I stood there looking around like a complete idiot, before I noticed that it had floated about 6 yards down the line and was starting to pick up speed!

In situations such as this, many people resort to rational and logical problem solving, however I didn't. I knew I couldn't go after it, so I decided to launch my empty brass and then the used speedloader, so that I wouldn't lose them.

The cheer I received from the assembled onlookers, still haunts me to this day. Mainly because I completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing and stood there like an idiot, trying to remember the COF! Eventually it clicked and I rattled off the second 6, feeling like an absolute pillock!!

The moral of this story?

Archimedes knew what he was talking about!

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Your right it extends to shotguns in general. I can't tell you how many matches (due to the mental block I have imposed on myself) that I have lost because of f**king shotguns not working. I finally started doing really well in the last year due to the SG from Bevin Grams. Love that gun!!

Shotguns are good for opening doors and hitting people with slugs. (they have a tendency to stay hit)

I think that match was a record though with breaking or disabling 3 or 4 of them.

ARRRRGGGGG. Going to have to win a shotgun only match just to get over the mental block!


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Ok, I will add mine....

2003 Factory gun Nationals (my first Nationals) c class L-10 I don't shoot L-10 but was NOT going to oregon for Limited.

1st stage of match i'm 3rd or 4th shooter, good guy Chaz Myers (MS section coordinator) is running the timer.

he tells me LAMR. I get sight picture dry fire a target 2 or 3 times, pull out "barney mag" from back pocket, charge gun, put on safety, eject mag for full one, holstergun.

he asks are you ready? I don't answer I'm concentrating on first target, so the buzzer goes beep, I draw get good sight picture, bang, click WTF!!! look at gun

no mag in gun, look on ground no mag on ground, reload and go through stage, at the end Chaz told me to put a fresh mag in the gun next time after charging it and taking the "barney mag" out.

Thanks Chaz I WILL try to remember that!!!!! :lol:


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Your right it extends to shotguns in general. I can't tell you how many matches (due to the mental block I have imposed on myself) that I have lost because of f**king shotguns not working. I finally started doing really well in the last year due to the SG from Bevin Grams. Love that gun!!

Shotguns are good for opening doors and hitting people with slugs. (they have a tendency to stay hit)

I think that match was a record though with breaking or disabling 3 or 4 of them.

ARRRRGGGGG. Going to have to win a shotgun only match just to get over the mental block!


Well, haul your butt back down here again for next year's match. It should be a fun one. We have the BE Forum to thank for the theme, Coney Island.

Hopefully, I will draw a different stage out of the bucket to RO. Shotgun stages take all out of me. I think I ran a total of 5 miles on Easter Sunday this year.

Incidentally, you are not alone with the mental block thing. I have it for the rifle. The AR has a military link for me from when I still sucked with any type of firearm. As a result I have a mental block like you would not believe with the rifle. The military takes or tries to take ALL of the fun out of shooting. So far, the only two exceptions were at a Police Week Challenge, where the San Angelo Gun Club Ringers cleaned up and the last time I qualified with the Baretta. This last time it was sweet victory for me against a man who'd been giving me unmitigated crap about my lack of a marksmanship ribbon for two years. :P He was especially upset when it was briefed at a Staff Meeting that morning. :lol:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, true confessions time....It was my first IPSC match. I had been shooting for all of six months and all of it had been at the Police Range in San Diego. In other words, I started life as a sister of the single stack with no gear. I had a Viking holster with a thumb snap and no mag pouch. The stage was setup like a baseball diamond with shooting boxes for bases. A three target array was at each box (1st, 2nd, 3rd base respectively). Since I only had 7 round mags and would need two reloads, I put the extra mags in my jeans pocket. All went well in the first box but on the way to the second, I accidently pushed one of the mags into the hole in my pocket. That probably wouldn't have been a big deal but as I ran, the mag slid further down. At the second box, I realized the mag I needed to reload with was halfway down my pants leg. Hmmmm....what's a girl to do? I sure as heck ain't unbuttoning my jeans to get to the mag. So I run like Quazimoto, stomping my leg as hard as I can while running to the last box trying to coax the mag down my pants leg. I had already dumped the empty mag and as I arrived at the box, I lifted my leg in the air, pull up my pants leg, and retrieved the "lost" mag from my sock. I promptly stuffed it into the gun and finished the course of fire. I thought the RO was going to have heart attack (he thought I was going for a back up gun). When he saw the mag he nearly wet himself he was laughing so hard. I went and bought a mag pouch at the end of the match....

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  • 6 months later...

So I'm sitting at the range this past Sunday signing up shooters for our local match. We've got great weather, some good stages planned, and a record number of both veteran shooters and new shooters out for the match. We had just put on a USPSA demo the day before to get people interested in our sport and as the new President of the club I'm just as proud as I can be. In fact, we had so many shooter show up that we had to send someone to the store to get extra scoresheets copied (2 to a sheet) which was great because it gave me an excuse to whip out the brand new rainbow leek I had just purchased the week before to slice the score sheets in half right there at the sign up table.

If you don't own a Kershaw rainbow leek already, I highly recommend getting one. It's the only knife you'll ever own that will draw a crowd just to ooh and ahh over it. That sort of thing is really good for the old ego and will make you really feel good about your purchase...right up to the point when the blade slips off the table and you stab yourself in the thigh right there in front of God and everybody. Nothing like trying to call a shooter's meeting with blood running into your sock to kick the old self esteem right back where it belongs.

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well, this wasn't very funny then, but it sure is now. late 80's steel challenge used to have shotgun side matches. same as pistol, 5 runs at 5 posppers, 3-4 different courses of fire. anyway, shoot the pistol stages that morning, head over to the shotgun ranges up by mike's school. get to first stage, load trusty 1100. shotgun start is from a rail (ala second chance). in ready position, the RO sez, "you can start with the safety off". cool (except i've never tried that). so, you can guess what happens next. beep-boom!!! gun hardly left the rail. i stop, RO looks puzzled. i ask the stupidist question in the world "is that within 3 meters"? RO, laughing his but off points to what appears to be a trench left by a ditch witch. luckily, i was done shooting the side match only. that was back in the day.

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At a recent tournament, shooting one of the new classifiers (03-02, I think). I started shooting and after the reload, you have to shoot strong hand only.

Well, the first six went so well and the reload felt so nice, then a major brain fade.

I didn't shoot strong hand on the final six.

After unload and so clear, the RO says the time (don't remember what it was) and six procudurals. I didn't dawn on me until she said the six procedurals.

The only thing I could say after a few seconds was "Ohhhhhhhh....Yeahhhhhh!!"

The squad laughed and now every time I shoot with a particular guy he says "Ohhhh...Yeahhh, and laughs.

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At a recent tournament, shooting one of the new classifiers (03-02, I think). I started shooting and after the reload, you have to shoot strong hand only.

Well, the first six went so well and the reload felt so nice, then a major brain fade.

I didn't shoot strong hand on the final six.

After unload and so clear, the RO says the time (don't remember what it was) and six procudurals. I didn't dawn on me until she said the six procedurals.

The only thing I could say after a few seconds was "Ohhhhhhhh....Yeahhhhhh!!"

The squad laughed and now every time I shoot with a particular guy he says "Ohhhh...Yeahhh, and laughs.

SRT, you only did that after I did! Remember, I screwed the pooch on that classifier before you did. That at least makes me first in something. :D

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Just trying to follow in your foot steps, TT. :D But do you have others comment about your dialog following the big 0? :P

Remember, Ray S at last year's WIIT on the horse/rodeo stage?

I was embarassed for him but, to his credit, the gun stayed pointed downrange and he didn't get hurt.

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TIS, Been there...in dry fire. Thats my cue to chiil a bit on the speed. :)

I don't have one as embarrassing as SG's, but I did draw my docter beretta (in front of Flex) and proceed to engage steel with the damn dot cover on...TWICE in one day. Hell, this was last week.


I wanna know how many rounds you got off before you noticed that the sight was covered :D

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Ok, this isnt while shooting but it was on the range in Barry at the nationals. I had a little too much to drink the night before but I made it to the range and climbed the hill. Before we started that morning I was hurling in the port-a-potty. When i opened the door there was Rosie on his 4 wheeler with a tootsie pop held out. I said how did you know I needed that. He said man you could hear it echo all over the range. Everybody was looking. That was embarassing.

One while shooting. First match at Ashland Ky with the honorable Gary Stevens as RO. I drop my para mag on the ground. It was before I new to take an extra mag. I went looking for it turning in a 360 circle. Gun pointed straight down the entire time. I found the mag and finished. I think Gary went to take cover. After ward he just looked at me , shaking his head and said dont do that again.

Want to hear one or two On Brian?

We wont talk about the time in Misouri at the Area 3 we had to pick him up out of the parking lot and put him to bed in the hospitality suite. Hospitality suites can be dangerous.

At the Golden Gate one year 96 or 97. Brian takes off shooting a really long field course but his mags fall out and when he gets to the end of the winding hallway he tries to reload and no mags. He then backtracks all the way to the beggining to retrieve his mag and then proceeded to finish. Probably the only reason he didnt win that match.

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