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"Under the knife" tomorrow (Monday) for some outpatient oral surgery. 2nd time this year, both as a result of a cyst that developed above my front teeth.... Gah.... Won't have solid teeth there for 5-6 months (right about in time for the Open Nats, it would appear...).

Hopefully all goes well, but... I hate this crap :( Fingers crossed for me, if you can ;)

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Thanks a bunch, y'all!! ;)

You will just have to bounce the coins off the bar rather than bite them to test em now..... ;)

:lol: Gimme 6 months and I'll be back to biting 'em!!! Actually, the molars are pretty good for that action... ;)

That's what happens when you shoot those damn open guns!!!! Good luck Dave!

Man, if that was true, I'd just have 'em all pulled, and go dentures :lol:

At least the modern anesthesia is easier on my system... The doc tells me that this one, while a bit more extensive in terms of amount of work, it should result in less pain and swelling than the last one - if that's the case, and all goes well, it'll be pretty straightforward. I hope... ;)

Be kind to me tomorrow - any posts will be made under the influence of stout narcotics... :lol: Seriously, no binding legal decisions for me tomorrow and all that... :lol:

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Be kind to me tomorrow - any posts will be made under the influence of stout narcotics... :lol: Seriously, no binding legal decisions for me tomorrow and all that... :lol:

Can't guarantee that you won't get razzed, but I can promise ya that if the razzin' isn't friendly it won't be around when the medz wear off...


Good luck and update us on yer condition!!!

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mmmm sedation dentistry, I like!!!!!

This is a little more than sedation dentistry... :lol:

Back earlier this year, I had a cyst that developed between the front two teeth - a nasopalatine duct cyst, for those in the know... The cyst ate the roots of my front teeth in the process of growing. Both teeth are dead. After the cyst was removed, they've been "mobile" and loose, and a little sore. Eventually, they'll grow looser...

So, they have to come out, and implants have to go in today... gag... :wacko: I'm too young for this shit... ;)

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I had a tooth abcess the week before the Open Nationals, and it had to come out, and they also pulled one of my wisdom teeth, so while my process was not as entailed as yours, I definitely feel your pain.

I will be having an implant put in to replace the molar that was pulled at a later date.


Edited by Alan Meek
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Back home... hopped up on goofballs... mouth hurt quite a bit, a little better now, but got stronger pain killers coming, cause the Darvocet just aren't cutting it. Feeling pretty awake, but a little dizzy, so... gotta love the modern anesthesia.

Thanks again for the love and support, y'all ;) Next couple of days might be a bit rough, but I'll hang in there.

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Best of luck for a speedy recovery.

An off the wall tip that has worked for me before is "tart cherry" juice (not regular cherry). My local Kroger carries the R.W. Knudsen Family Just Tart Cherry juice. This stuff has natural anti-inflammatory qualities. An 8oz glass two times a day works surprisingly well. Sounds kooky but it works.

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Hmmm.... that's an interesting one, Vincent. My wife is heading out to get some stuff from the store - she's going to get some ;)

I'm also taking arnica montana - seemed to help some last time. Giving it another whirl this time... and some stuff to help support and clear the liver (AdvaClear). I don't honestly know if any of that helps - can't really hurt, I suppose, so why the hell not... ;):lol:

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