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I have a friend (who I will not name) who recently got an air soft gun. He wants to see how much velocety the 6mm balls have and gets a bananna out of the kitchen. He puts two on the bananna and upon a quick examination is doesn't even have a bruise soooooooo he puts his hand up and.....cranks one off. After a closer look at the bananna there ARE two holes in and out of each bananna and his dogs will need some counseling. He told me this in confidence and that was a big mistake.

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I was trying to figure out a more entertaining way to dryfire in the house and realized that a .40 case is the perfect diameter to hold a valve stem cap from an ordinary car tire. I drilled out the flash hole on a few old pieces of brass and loaded up a few rounds with just a primer and valve stem cap. Now to find a suitable target .... my wife's Lhasa Apsa dog hopped up on the couch as if begging me to pop him. I was actually prepping the trigger with the sight on his rear end (I hated that dog) before I decided to test it on an inamite object first. I moved the sight just to left a popped a hole straight through both sides of a throw pillow that was on the couch! Went into the garage and set up the chrono to learn that they were going 800fps. That would have cost me a large vet bill and knot on my head, from my wife.

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plus a the hospital bill from having a valve cap removed from your a$$ ;) I was messing around with my Hi-Cappa 2011 airsoft and blew a hole THROUGH the miniblinds in my apartment :o Be carefull.......

Edited by DanM
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great thread...many years ago, cal elrich (he of fast draw fame) and a great ipsc shooter, sold a line of wax bullets. he sold these with .45 acp brass that were drilled out to accept shotgun primers. they were used for fast draw practice.

anyway, me and a buddy are having a few ales and he announces he wants to get shot in the arse with one. i oblige. it was simmer and we went out in the yard and i prroceeded to load one in an old plaxco pin gun i had. wham, right in the backside, just below where his cutoffs were. most amazing and immediate bruise i've ever seen. funny as hell. didn't chrono it, but it was moving.

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Worst one I know of was a local guy that was doing the wax bullet thing with his .357 revolver. Spotted his wife's in the shower and figured the shower curtain would stop the wax .... WRONG! Went straight through the curtain with enough force to put a huge welt on her butt, and a huge knot on his head as she beat him (repeatedly) with a shampoo bottle.

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I have heard of some swat teams running drills shooting compress laundry detergent bullets at each other. Any one heard of this? was wondering if there is such thing as that. I bet they would give a good bruise getting it. I think the used paintball mask's to protect there faces also. No idea if that is what they used any of you every heard or seen any of these so called compressed detergent bullets???

Edited by newshooter
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My Dad was a policeman in our local town and I spent a lot of time at the police station in my teenage years. (by choice, not by neccessity :D ) They kept a .22 autoloader and long rifle bullets for dispatching vagrant dogs at the pound. Well... we would pull the lead out of the round and replace it with a tightly rolled piece of paper and shoot it at each other. (I know Jim, but I was a teenager with diminished cranal capacity :lol: )

The paper would unroll as it left the barrel and would be almost, but not quite, unrolled when you got hit at about 8-10 feet. It was a lot of fun until one didn't unroll enough and popped you good enought to bruise you. :lol:



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Heres mine,

I was about 11 years old, dad and i ccan hear a bird in the loft space, turns out to be a crow.


Dad decides the best way to get it out is to take a his .357 revo out and load up a case with a no powder and a wax Semi wade cutter, with just the primer for power.

So up goes dad with six of these saturday night specials loaded up in the cylinder.

about 30 seconds later

pop, pop, pop. pop pop pop.

Oh dear, dont tell you mother.

the crow does a lap of the attic as my dad blasts away, and the narrowly escapes out the tiny hole it got in through.

However there are now 6 rather waxy .357 size hole at various points in the roof felt, where he missed.

Good old dad. i would have loaded up the 12 gauge and given the dame bird a heart attack peronaly. lol

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What was that Jeff Foxworthy said?

Here's your sign !!!

That would be Bill Engvall. Dang! Does that show the redneck in me or what. Foxworthy would say, "If you ever shot your wifes dog in the house... you might be a redneck."


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I had a dumbass roommate once who bought an air gun that does 1000 fps. He was going to sight it in, in the garage. So he put up a piece of cardboard and a pillow against the garage door. Some how he manage to miss the car outside by about a foot when the pellet went right through the aluminum garage door. He might have graduated at the top of his class in college, but he was a moron.

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Sadly, a lot of people actually believe that the armor plating that the A-team made out of old oil drums will deflect a .223 round.

It should be noted that 1/4-inch mild steel at 100 yards will NOT stop a .223. And I am not refering to greentip, just regular 55 grain ball.

We had a truck to use a s a prop, it was it running condition. Someone decided to see if the doors would stop rilfe rounds like they do on TV. Car doors DO NOT stop bullets!

Now that I have gotten that off my chest.

I have plastic snap together rounds that are supposed to be used only with a pistol primer, no powder....

A cardboard box full of rags will stop the primer powered rounds....


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I have heard of some swat teams running drills shooting compress laundry detergent bullets at each other. Any one heard of this? was wondering if there is such thing as that. I bet they would give a good bruise getting it. I think the used paintball mask's to protect there faces also. No idea if that is what they used any of you every heard or seen any of these so called compressed detergent bullets???

You're thinking of Simunitions. The rounds are cut back pistol cases (9mm, 40, etc.) with a plastic "piston" that is linked to the cut back case. Sitting inside the piston is a small (usually 7mm) plastic projectile filled with colored laundry detergent (makes it easy to clean your clothes afterward).

The round is primer powered and upon firing the piston propels the projectile out of the sim gun at a good velocity. You definately have to wear head gear and body protection is a good idea too.

The guns used are any of a variety of duty guns, Glock, Smith, etc. The guns cycle and function normally. It's excellent force-on-force training and gives you a greater appreciation for how hard it is to hit somebody who doesn't want to be hit and wants to hit you.

At the '05 Nationals I was talking about some scenarios with another shooter when the topic of Simunitions came up. I asked Jerry Miculek if he had any exposure to them and he replied, "Yeah, they're real humbling". It's real easy to get great spilts on a piece of cardboard that you know is going to be there when you round the corner and isn't going to shoot back.

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I've used simunitions in live, EXTREMELY REALISTIC, training excercises. You're right it's humbling. I received a few hits, but gave plenty back.

The think I learned most was to not stop fighting/shooting/whatever after being hit. Even to the point of doing mag changes, etc. Do not stop until the threat is no longer a threat...

It makes you realize that the shooting we do is only one facet of firearms defense training.


Primers do pack alot of punch though. I remember hitting one with a hammer on the concrete in the backyard when I was a kid... My ears are still ringing...


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Your tax dollars in action. I was working night shift in a small radar sqd that had a big field mouse problem. We had cable troughs that ran outside without any barricades in place. Well the only place to sleep was up high so a friend & I took some 357 cases & shoved them in paraffin wax loaded with a magnum primer. When we stopped shooting we discovered all the wax marks on the floor & a couple of holes in some interior doors. We decided that mouse traps were a better idea. That's when we decided to teach shift workers how to play pinochle in the Operations Area.

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