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Audio Version Of Practical Shooting, Beyond Fundamentals


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Now and then, it's been suggested that I record an audio version of my book. Well I'm finally getting around to it. But I can't decide - Should I read it, or should I hire a professional? So this evening I auditioned a professional speaker for a trial run. I picked the last part of page 49: Sight Tracking, as it's always an interesting topic. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

(Note: Please excuse the sound quality.)

Audio Book - Test Recording


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B, If that's a professional save the scheckels and do it yourself.

On the serious side I think people would get so much more listening to you simply because your knowledge and familiarity of the text will come through in your reading.

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I'm with the other guys...do it yourself.

Or at least have someone who understands what they are reading.

Unless the orator understands the subject and emphasises the correct parts the message will not get across.


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I think people would get so much more listening to you simply because your knowledge and familiarity of the text will come through in your reading.

+1 Agreed on that. She was atrocious. Please do it yourself Brian.

But I still have to ask ......... is this a joke ??? :huh:

Mods: Please move this to the Humor Forums ;)

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Hey Brian I would be happy to narrate for you in my mild scottish accent.

It will go over a bomb with the ladies, and I won't charge you a penny.

But just to be on the safe side I think you should spend a couple of days with me to make sure I understand every detail before I start.


(Never afraid to step up to the plate)

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Brian it wouldn't be the same it you didn't do it yourself, and you could eloborate on things, or give a review after each chapter. Awsome idea for the people with fast pace lifetyes who maybe stuck in traffic, or may want to listen to it on the way to a match and want to hear it from you than having to read. I will definately buy it, once you get it going, but to have some one else talk about it, it may not come out right the way you intended it to mean. And you could go into further depth into some of the major issues, that you commonly see in shooters.

Great Idea!!


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I agree I have heard Brian's voice on Matt Burkett's show and I think he should do it himself it would be nice if he elaborated on his ideas and thought as mentioned above to give those of us who have read the book 50 times another reason to buy the C.D.


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Mods: Please move this to the Humor Forums ;)


Okay here's the real story... I was working late, and my friend, Nidaa, was working on her computer next to me, learning a new program (iMovie). It was the first time she'd ever recorded her voice directly into the Mac... so she was having some fun with it. A blem copy of my book was setting on the desk... and she just flipped open to a random page and started reading, with her usual silliness. I was working on a web page at the time, so I wasn't really paying attention. Then when she played it back we were both practically in tears. Then it hit me to it under the guise of a real audition... since it actually has been suggested that I release an audio version of Practical Shooting...


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yes, absolutely, you should read it yourself. I'm a big Shelby Foote audio book fan. IMO, there's always an element when the author does the reading that's missing otherwise. I think because of the subject matter, that would be especially true in this case.

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Mods: Please move this to the Humor Forums ;)


Okay here's the real story... I was working late, and my friend, Nidaa, was working on her computer next to me, learning a new program (iMovie). It was the first time she'd ever recorded her voice directly into the Mac... so she was having some fun with it. A blem copy of my book was setting on the desk... and she just flipped open to a random page and started reading, with her usual silliness. I was working on a web page at the time, so I wasn't really paying attention. Then when she played it back we were both practically in tears. Then it hit me to it under the guise of a real audition... since it actually has been suggested that I release an audio version of Practical Shooting...


1. I'd like to have an audio copy of your book and suggest you read it. I hardly listen to the radio anymore, just audio books when I'm driving.

2. Make sure this snippet is included! Additional commentary from the two of you in a bonus section would be a hoot!

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Definitely narrate if yourself. I believe that a lot of competitors would want a copy.

Also, you could pick a few GM class forum members and let them say a few words on select topics. It would be a cool bonus.

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