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CM 99-39

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This was my very first classifier. I fumbled a little bit on the leftside cost some points and time. Shot it yesterday.

pts 116 time 32.53 hf 3.5659 %54.029

(Edited by Jon Merricks at 12:04 am on April 8, 2002)

(Edited by Jon Merricks at 10:44 pm on May 21, 2002)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Kyle, sorry for the lateness of my reply. I haven't checked this thread in quite a while.   I shot position 1 then 4 from the outside in.  Also outside-in on positions 2 and 3.  Position 3 was a real strain, I barely had the flexibility to reach the farthest target.   I definately remember rolling my entire upper body sideways on position 3.  On the free style string I went for 1-4 again.

   Funny thing, I was only trying to survive this classifier, so I shot slowly and deliberately.  There's gotta be a lesson for me in that.  

     A guy who shot it after me really did a cool thing, I wished I had thought of it.   A the beep, he immediately dropped to one knee and just shot over the bar to use position 1.  So, he was really quick getting into position 4.  He did the same on the other 2 strings.   His time was great, but he got a little wild and miked a couple.  If I ever see this one again, I may try his method.  


(Edited by bonedaddy at 6:48 pm on April 28, 2002)

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  • 5 months later...

Shot this one at the Georgia USPSA Championship this weekend.  

Time:  20.29  

Points:  113

HF:     5.5692

Probably much too conservative on this one, but I had already shot a couple of stages poorly at this match and my last few classifier entries have been horrible.  So my plan was to make sure all the hits were there.  Shot it just like Bonedaddy mentions above and agree that position 3 was uncomfortable to say the least.  Seemed like I lost lots of time at that position, but needed that much time to be sure of the hit.  Beginning to think a good option (for right handers) might be supporting yourself with your strong hand on the horizontal bar and shooting position three weak hand.  We also had a couple of guys drop to kneeling initially and shoot just over, then under the bar on strings 1 and 2.

USPSA Percentage:  84.382

(Edited by cpty1 at 12:24 pm on Nov. 15, 2002)

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  • 1 month later...

We shot this Sunday, in the "Snow Bowl" that northern Virginia can be in December.  I think that made a few of us re-think our strategy , as no one wanted to get into the melting snow.  

I shot standing then kneeling on the 1st and 2nd strings, and then used the top right and top left for string 3.  I, and most everyone on my sguad shot outside in, also.  

In the set up and walk thru (stand thru?) I felt I could have gone to  kneeling at the beep for both positions on either side, string 1 and 2, but the snow and ice made me rethink that, as I did not want to slip down and slam a knee on the box.  In the end I took the conservative route.  No guts!

The 1st and 3rd strings were OK, but the 2nd was a bear, getting the gun that far back to my right for the last target.   I'll have to play with positions like that a little more to see where it goes, as some suggested weak hand for that side???

My HF ended up at 5.1378, with strings in the 6.?? for string 1 and 2, and an 8 or so run for string 3 If I remember????

Is dropping to kneeling for the 1st 2 strings better?  


I'll edit with a national percentage later.


(Edited by THS at 5:45 am on Dec. 9, 2002)

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  • 1 month later...

Shot this  a couple weeks ago,

   Limited  20.79 sec   107 pts     5.1467  HF

   L-10       23.79 sec    109 pts    4.5818 HF

 Will be curious to get the %s  on these.....

 Shot it the same way as THS....

Would have a better run on the Limited had I not "gotten lost" on the 3rd string......almost forgot the reload.......



(Edited by kahana at 10:10 pm on Jan. 28, 2003)

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   Thanks for the numbers......... one of the other shooters at the match had told me what they should be but I hadn't written them down and I knew the ballpark, but couldn't remember the actual %...........

Thanks again and take care



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Shot this one today (7/27/03)


17.20sec / 114 points / HF 6.6279

That's 100.4% ;)

I think the trick to this one is dropping as you draw.

As you are unholstering, use that time to get down.

From that position, you are at the right height for both upper&lower shooting areas. I saw too many people waste time going from a standing position to crouching on strings 1 & 2.

Crouch as you draw. Be efficient.

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  • 2 months later...

This is GREAT! I just found out that I will be shooting "Off Balance Blast" this coming Sunday at our monthly match, and I wanted to look on the forum to see if there were any tricks I hadn't thought of. I have only shot this classifier once before, and didn't think of dropping to the kneeling possition as I drew. Awsome that there is a place like this one to pick up ideas that just haven't occured to you. :D

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Shot this one today 10/5/03 Linited-10.

Time 20.35

Points 106 (ouch!)

Hit Factor 5.2088

If I figured things out right, that should post as about 78%. I wish the hits would have been better, but it will still help a little towards making it to A class. Thanks again to the people who posted tips on this one. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, I shot this today and couldn't see over the bar if I went kneeling. I just shot outside to inside then droped down to my knee(s) and went back inside to outside on the 1st two strings, on the third string I shot all from the right side, reload when I dropped to the lower position, it was simple and seemed pretty efficient.

L10 - 4.4, 5.78, 6.46 115 pts hf 6.8945

Limited 4.57, 6.15, 6.45 112 pts hf 6.523

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I shot this for the first time ever today. Who thinks up these things!

Jones, Kevin B Open 109 0 20.96 5.2004

I usually screw up classifiers by trying too hard. Today, I was experimenting and shooting the entire match faster than I reasonably could. Since this was a classifier, I slowed down just a fraction to make sure I actually hit something, and it appears I did.

I put on knee pads and dropped so my knee was on the wood for both low shots. Not my favorite but I think I do better than most on things that involve standing up or dropping down :-)


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  • 7 months later...

Did pretty well on this one.

5 Rhines, Chris 37 C Limited 106 0 20.18 5.2527

79.6% nationally. I'll take it.

Shot the last string position 1, then position 4. Didn't take a knee during the draw - wish I'd thought of that.

- Chris

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  • 1 month later...

Meh. I hated this thing. 106 points in 25.somthing for about 63% in production. Last stage of the match after 7 hours in the sun did not make for me being spry and bendy. This is one of those stages to be shot early in the day. Specially the left side, which I ended up shooting weak hand only for the lower port.

However it would make a great practice scenario so I'll try to set it up for practice.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just shot this over the weekend, who approved this nightmare???

It was a poor showing for me as a shooter because the bar was so low, but I didn't like the way I was watching people try and shoot it.

Looked like the majority were trying to shoot it without going down on their knees by just leaning over and trying to look under the bar that way, seemed very unsafe that way to me.

Just felt like I needed to add that comment in the mix.

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  • 6 months later...

Shot this one yesterday at ALSPPC.

On string two I went down to my right knee instead of my left and then ate a bunch of time switching over.

Reminder to self: Bring kneepads to each and every match. <_<

Open division with a hit factor of 4.4966 looks like I'll earn a 57.6487% in the USPSA classification system. Not a personal best... :unsure:


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I suffered twice on my run this weekend, Chet, so don't feel bad :) Actually, I suffered thrice, but you got one of them corrected (was assessed two penalties for one extra shot (no extra hit)). Rubbed the slide pretty hard w/ my strong thumb on string two, shooting under at the right target. Then, on string three, I ran past the the third target before the reload, and had to put an extra shot in it... Hmmmm...

So, I end up with a 78-ish% run, according to the calculator (if it's right) in L-10. W/o the extra shot - 85%. W/o the 2 seconds I spent assessing and correcting the jam I caused with my thumb - 95% ;) Jams and penalties are not good ways to get business done... but then, y'all already know that :lol:

Updated to add 5.1706 HF = 78.3425 by the calculator, and 78.3439 by USPSA - pretty darn close :)

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