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Ft Benning 3 Gun Match

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Friday plus Saturday stage results are posted. Pleased to say all the dismal weather reports were wrong! :)

See the Ft Benning 3 Gun website.

There are only stage results posted -- no final results.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Just got in. I'm beat. Great match with an awesome prize table. A bunch of top notch shooters and well designed stages and props. Those that did not make it missed a good one. Look forward to next year. Maybe the stats building won't be cursed next year. Thanks Jeff and Linda and all the AMU guys. And also a thanks to those that volunteered to RO. And one hell of a thanks to the sponsors for making the prize table so awesome.

My only constructive criticism about the match were the bonuses on the two stages that involved the military weapons. Next year.......maybe make them part of the stage but don't bonus for them.To those that did not make them,might as well consider it a penalty. YMMV :)

Edited by 00bullitt
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Darst was on the same squad as me and he shot like a house a fire. Scores from 6-9 have not been updated yet. There was a problem with the stat computer and Linda may be struggling to recover data. She may of had to start over. I'm sure she'll update us once she regains here composure.

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I would like to give a huge thanks to all that participated in the match, shooters, sponsors, staff, food folks, and the Army Strong. I have never heard so many compliments about a match while it was running as I did through out this weekend. I know the scoring gremlin struck and think Linda may still be up and drinking coffee trying to recover it as we slept, her efforts to make the match end as well as it ran will never be fully appreciated by those that did not see the pain she was going through. She is one of a kind and I would pick no other for any match I am associated with. OOps, she fixed it whil I wrote the message, I know her and Sandra must have been up all night!

It was great to see all the old friends and make some new ones. I hope to see you all there again if we can pull Aaron and Linda back into the arena.

I did note the input from the shooters in the match from things they liked and didn't and hope to be able to address them in the future, cross your fingers and let them know how much you liked it and maybe we can have another go next year.

If you have input you would like to add please PM me and I will try to incorporate in any matches I have input into.

enough babble, flattered to be your RM


Edited by benelli2
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I have never posted on this forum before but I do pay attention to what is said here and I feel that in this situation I should make my voice heard.

It is my humble opinion that Linda Chico and the AMU staff have successfully put on the best match I have ever had the privilege of attending despite all setbacks. I also think that Linda and the AMU staff deserve the upmost respect for their handling of every problem that was thrown at them. I think that given the number of shooters that competed over the past three days that this was an amazingly smooth running match. I do hope that the AMU will host this match again next year and that Linda and Jeff will agree to be part of it.

Linda. Thank you for all your time and effort. You so deserve a rest after all you've gone through.

Jeff. The next time the timer goes off and you drop your belt make sure your pants go with it so we can all have a good laugh. You might even get a reshoot out of sympathy.

To the guys on my squad, Kurt, Trapr, Darby, Evan, Mel, Jerry, you guys were great. Hope to see you all again real soon.

On another note. I have never served in our country's armed forces, but I have to say that the men and women I met over the course four days were without a doubt our nation's finest. To be given the opportunity to interact with them was an honor. My hats off to every one of you.

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well said, Stefan. What a great match! And, WOW! the prize tables were huge, with 14 guns for the taking. Hats off to Aaron Hampton and his team; please consider overseeing this again for us, as you lend some comic relief that I feel we would miss if you didn't return next year. Thanks to Sandra, too, who cut her teeth in stats with

Linda and co.... Probably the last time we'll see her adding, checking, and entering...

Aaron, if we can pull this off again next year, please consider the M203 as a side match

where we can put up a few bucks, and have some more fun! That gun was a hoot!

I would like to compliment my fellow RO's on stage 9 for their work and commitment: Greg Coker, Greg Wilson, Mark Silva, and Todd Seigmund. It was a pleasure working with you all, and I look forward to the shooting and working the next one! Thanks a bunch.


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First let me say that the match itself, the match officials, the RO's and the AMU staff were all top notch. The stages were challenging, well designed, and well run. I have come to this match for the last two years because of this fact and because coming to Ft. Benning is like going home for me. My hat is off to all the people who made this match happen and I appreciate their hard work . I understand as well as anyone that Murphy is alive and well and will pop up where he pleases and I can relate to computer problems as well.

With that being said, I have to say the way the match results, as related to the prize table, were handled really put a black eye on the whole process. Last year when the computers went tits up, all the awards were held until the results were right and I was fine with that. This year it seems that the results were thrown together quickly and mistakes were made in the order of going to the prize table. As an example, the top 22 shooters in tactical optics were called to the prize table in the "order" of finish and everyone else was called up by luck of the draw. Today I see that the final results show me as being in 21 place but, at the range I was not listed in the top 22 and my name was not called until after about 15-20 luck of the draw were called. I would be surprised if there weren't other mistakes also. I do not go to a match for the prize table I go to a match because it is challenging and fun and well run but, if there are awards/prize tables I do expect them to be as well run and fair as the match itself. Last year even with all the computer problems the awards were fair and well run. This year despite a valiant effort they were not.

I will be back next year because this is a great match and is well run and because I love Ft. Benning. I just hope that the bugs (curse) get worked out and the awards ceremony finally comes up to the same high standard as the rest of the match.

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Thanks to everyone who made this match possible. I must say that it was even better than last year. I see by the remarks that many share my opinion of the luck factors on Stages 1&9, but as far as the shooting goes, it was unbeatable.

The prize table was great! Fourteen guns on the Tact Opt table, and several more on the others! Top notch!

This is quite an effort, and everyone involved should be applauded.


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One of the top shooters, Chuck Anderson, was missed in our efforts to award the top of the pack above the random distribution, placing 9th in this distinguished field of Tactical Optics. He brought this to our attention but it was a bit late to start taking things away from other people. I didn't find out until Linda completed the posted results. Discussing this with one of my fellow shooters who was estatic that he did get a pistol from the incredible prize table. He quickly and graciously volunteered to send his pistol certificate to Chuck in an effort to make this right as Chuck had placed above him in the standings. This from a relatively new shooter who had just won his first gun ever, at his second 3 gun match.

I am so proud to call so many of you folks friends, you are inspirations

I'm getting Chuck's address and will be getting it to him ASAP


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One of the top shooters, Chuck Anderson, was missed in our efforts to award the top of the pack above the random distribution, placing 9th in this distinguished field of Tactical Optics. He brought this to our attention but it was a bit late to start taking things away from other people. I didn't find out until Linda completed the posted results. Discussing this with one of my fellow shooters who was estatic that he did get a pistol from the incredible prize table. He quickly and graciously volunteered to send his pistol certificate to Chuck in an effort to make this right as Chuck had placed above him in the standings. This from a relatively new shooter who had just won his first gun ever, at his second 3 gun match.

I am so proud to call so many of you folks friends, you are inspirations

I'm getting Chuck's address and will be getting it to him ASAP


Don't worry about it at all. I know Linda and the whole stat's crew worked their butts off. Mistakes happen and I'm certainly not upset about it. I already got it squared away with BigHamp so no worries. Please let the new shooter keep the gun. I appreciate it but I know how it feels to win that first gun. I certainly won't take that away. This was a great match all around and I'll definitely be back again next year.


Chuck Anderson

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Holy _ _ _ _! That was plain out fun. First time three gunning and I hope the rest are as much fun. As a match director, I know the head aches that go into making everything just perfect for all involved and then Murphy hits!!!

All I can say it that I will be back next year to have fun again and yes dragging 2 other people for the 12 hour drive.

Great job to the AMU, a credit to shooting and the United States Army. HOOAH!

Hey BTW, anyone see the M1A1 tanks rolling by on Saturday...brings back memories, even got a kick out of watching two of them getting towed back to the motorpool! :)

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Great shoot. The young men and women encountered at Ft Benning were the most polite and helpful people I have seen in the last 20 years. It would be nice if all of our young people acted as these people do.

To Linda and the AMU thanks for a great shoot and a great time. I am looking foward to next year.




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As for the match itself, it was great just like last year. Stages were fantastic and fun to shoot. Great job by the MD, RO’s, and the Army staff. Everything ran very smooth right up to the last shot fired.

Unfortunately things went down hill after that. After last year the last thing I ever expected was another computer/program/results problem. I understand we are at the mercy of computers and those things happen sometimes. I’m sure none of that was intentional by anyone and would hope there was adequate testing done before the match.

Last year we experienced what appears to be the exact same problem as this year. It was a problem but was handled professionally and fairly. This year the fairness was thrown out the window. Only the top 20 or so were calculated and called to the prize table by order of finish. I couldn’t help but wonder how they determined who the top 20 shooters were without calculating the results of every shooter. Did they just look at the shooters who they thought would finish in the top 20? To single out a select population of the division and award prizes by order of finish then change that (luck of the draw) for the remaining 80% to 90% is just unfair. The shooter who finished in the bottom third spent just as much money, traveled just as far, and deserves to be treated just as everyone else. The tactical optics prize table should have been shut down until a complete final result had been calculated. Doing it any other way sends a message to the majority of the shooters in that division that you are more interested in making sure you keep a select few shooters happy.

That’s my only complaint. If they can ever get those dang computer and stats problems worked out it will be one of the best 3 gun matches in the country.

edited to remove an unintentional bad chose of words on my part.

Edited by lbritt
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Aaron, Linda, the rest of the AMU and the RO's running the match......top rate!!! As for the little glitches. I guess a word from someone who has shot em, RO'd em, planned em, run em, worked em, sponsored em........"Plan for perfection and on the day of the match....go with the flow". Overall you all did fine. Aaron, I'd hire you again to run it next year again.....although I am sure you will volunteer (one way or another).

I'd come shoot it again in a heart beat......the AMU has the facilities, the resources to make this a premier match and it is very close to that already.

In a few short years, there are now a hand full of must go to matches in the country and this one is at or near the top of the list.

Congrats to a well run match, mission accomplished, well done!!......hope to see you all again soon!!!


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One of the top shooters, Chuck Anderson, was missed in our efforts to award the top of the pack above the random distribution, placing 9th in this distinguished field of Tactical Optics. He brought this to our attention but it was a bit late to start taking things away from other people. I didn't find out until Linda completed the posted results. Discussing this with one of my fellow shooters who was estatic that he did get a pistol from the incredible prize table. He quickly and graciously volunteered to send his pistol certificate to Chuck in an effort to make this right as Chuck had placed above him in the standings. This from a relatively new shooter who had just won his first gun ever, at his second 3 gun match.

I am so proud to call so many of you folks friends, you are inspirations

I'm getting Chuck's address and will be getting it to him ASAP


Don't worry about it at all. I know Linda and the whole stat's crew worked their butts off. Mistakes happen and I'm certainly not upset about it. I already got it squared away with BigHamp so no worries. Please let the new shooter keep the gun. I appreciate it but I know how it feels to win that first gun. I certainly won't take that away. This was a great match all around and I'll definitely be back again next year.


Chuck Anderson


An example of "class" behavior that all should observe and try to emulate in their own actions.

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I thought it was an awesome match and my compliments to the entire staff and to the AMU for hosting such a great match.

I feel that the prize table was handled the best way it could have been to appease the masses but you can never please everyone.

I hope you will put yourselves thru the torture of hosting this match again and i look forward to it.


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Okay, I've had a little bit of sleep in me after getting back to Oregon. This was, bar none, the best three gun match I've ever shot. The stage design was fun and challenging. With some actual running (and this is coming from a fat guy) that we hardly see any more. The long range shots were a perfect blend of distance, making them challenging but possible. The close range stage was fun also. The only problem I had as far as stage design comes from the method the sttages are scored. When all the stages are even in score they really need to close in time. For example, say I shot stage 1 in 100 seconds and another shooter shot it in 120 seconds, 20 seconds longer. Less points but not too bad. Now what about Stage 2. 20 seconds longer was an eternity. By throwing a few speed shoots into a match where all the stages are the same value, really overvalues those stages.

As far as the scoring problem goes. There's nothing to say to improve it. The scoring crew worked their butts off. As far as the "select group" of shooters that helped with scoring. I was over there for a while. The only shooter that I saw was Kurt Miller. He was also match staff and I trust 100% that he did his absolute best. The AMU and stats did what they could. There is no good solution in that situation. If they had waited till the stats were reentered, which I'm sure took them all night, no one would have gotten to select their own prize. It would have basically results in an order of finish drawing for a prize and would have probably results in the AMU paying a couple thousand dollars for extra shippng to ship prizes (mostly for the guns) to the winners. And even then people would still complain that, " well I didn't want the 9mm M&P I wanted the .40" I don't know how they could have fixed it better than they did.

I'm glad I went. I'll go again next year if I can get in. And I'm going to recommend the match to my friends (you know, after I get in). Hats off to everyone involved. You guys did a great job.

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Lawman - I have never met you, but if I do, please let me buy you a beer :D . Very nice what you did. For the other shooter that was willing to give up his weapon, he has a beer waiting for him also.

I was unable to attend the match. I was thinking how nice it would have been to have watched some of the match on ESPN. Hell, they have Professional Bowlers Association on the air for crying out loud! (no offense toward bowlers). Or at least have been able to have instant stat tracker like they use in Fantasy Football :D .

I am glad all had a good time, wish I had been there.


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Well, we just got back to Colorado from Georgia (23.5 hrs on the road) and that was still one of the most fun matches I've shot!

The RO's were really great (Even that weird one who said it was all about me, and the one that told me to breath.) No one dunked me in the lake (even the Brit RO was nice to me.), and that was good!

I had a blast! Brain fades and all!

Linda, I'm so sorry the curse, gremlins, whatever, bit you, but thanks for all your efforts!

Thanks to the army. You guys worked so hard and didn't even get to shoot!

Just thanks and it was fun all around!

I can't believe JJ made me drive al the way out there, but it WAS worth it!

I'm sorry for any questions, but what happened to special categories, military, lady etc? And the same thing happened to JJ as the other guy. Turns out he finished 5th in Open and got a flashlight? Kind of a bummer!

Anyway, thanks so much for all your hard work and the great organization. It went so smoothly, and stages got caught up and shooting was done so close to on time it was scary! I can't believe the amount of effort you all put in, especially Linda with her communication! You guys are awesome!

Sorry things didn't work out the way they were supposed to!

Thanks so much! I hope we get to come back again, drive and all!

Can I try that grenade launcher one more time? I know I can hit it! I know I can!


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