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Accident, my ass. I wish they would call his action "Negligent Discharge" since that's what it was.


More and more I think Forrest's momma had it right when she observed that "stupid is as stupid does".

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I just heard about this dumb-ass sueing on the radio. It wasn't an A.D. it was an I.D. (Idiotic Discharge) and I'm extremely happy that it was his inner leg (Not foot like the news keeps saying) and not one of the children in that class.

This guy should have to reimburse the tax payers for his medical bills and pay all court fees when he loses this stupid case.

What a Moron.

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He filed pro-se. I wonder if that means he could not find contingency fee representation.

Nope just means nobody is profeshunall enough to represent this genius.

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So translating his complaint, "I did something amazingly stupid, and if DEA had just kept its mouth shut, no one would know."

Filed it pro se? Brings to mind the old saying, "A person who represents himself has a fool for a client."

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In Jim Cirillo's book "Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights" he stated that he's had 3 AD in his lifetime.

Accidents happen, his just happened to be in a classroom with a bunch of kids which was extremely bad, although I don't condone his sueing the US, but the tape shouldn't have made it out to the public. He is ruined, and he'll be paying for that mistake for the rest of his life, with his carreer, his friends, and his co-workers.

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So translating his complaint, "I did something amazingly stupid, and if DEA had just kept its mouth shut, no one would know."

Right ....... and because [tounge in cheek] no one [/tounge in cheek off] listens to what children say ...... the kids who were there and told their friends don't matter. Right ?

I'm surprised he isn't suing the kids from the class also! :huh:

Edited by C.Keen
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"I'm the only one in this room, PROFESIONAL ENOUGH, to carry a GLOCK .40, ....that I know of,......I'm the only...................BANG!!"

Guess NOT!

Anyone catch the mag STILL IN THE GUN as the slide is run forward?

Edited by Crusher
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I thought the video was leaked because the incident was going to be whitewashed internally. Someone else within DEA didn't think the shooter should get a pass for doing something so stupid in public and they leaked the video to make certain it wasn't covered up.

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The video was public propterty to begin with. It was filmed by a member of the audience. There is no way it would not have found its way into the public eye.

I am sorry, outside of mechanical malfunctions there are very very few times that "accidents happen". What ever the price this guy pays for his utter arrogance and stupidity is well deserved and earned. I doubt the explanation of "Jim Cirillo had 3 of them" would fly if it happened to be one of the kids in the room that got shot.

Edited by smokshwn
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Many of the lawsuits that make the news because they're so incredibly ridiculous are brought by wacko pro se plaintiffs (those who can find no attorney willing to take the case). The vast majority of these get tossed out of court almost instantly, and I'll bet that's exactly what will happen with this one. Our civil justice system actually works much better than the media culture would have us believe.

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I don't know how pulling the trigger can be called an "accident". Either he pulled the trigger or he didn't.

I had 1 ND when I was 13. None since then and since I follow the basic rules of gun safety I don't see how it can happen again.

The guy's career SHOULD be over.

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Many of the lawsuits that make the news because they're so incredibly ridiculous are brought by wacko pro se plaintiffs (those who can find no attorney willing to take the case). The vast majority of these get tossed out of court almost instantly, and I'll bet that's exactly what will happen with this one. Our civil justice system actually works much better than the media culture would have us believe.

maybe so, but you still ought to "risk something" bringing stupid lawsuits.

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Not only could you see the mag in the gun, in the video you HEAR the round chamber. We all know what a slide sounds like when it drops on an empty chamber and what it sounds like when it chambers a round. That he couldn't hear from 10 freaking inches away is beyond retarded, nevermind the preceding 10 mistakes he made that day.

Raz-0 and I where talking about this moron, and he maintain that from the guy's behaviour in the video he MUST have been sampling from the DEA evidence room. I can't say I disagree.

Edited by Vlad
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It is very difficult for me to feel sorry for anyone that claims to be a “professional” then violates every rule in the book. It proves once again that having the right to carry a weapon does not make you an expert. And even if it did, being an expert does not mean you are qualified to instruct others.

I agree with ima45dv8, this was not an accidental discharge, it was a negligent discharge and should be prosecuted as such.

Don’t be a professional dick. :angry:

David C

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I saw that dumbass with his lawyer this morning on that morning show with Matt Lauer. the best part of the interview was when Matt Lauer says " I think you can find the video online by typing in Dumb Cop Video", the guy just sits there and says nothing but when he finally starts answering questions is when you can see what an idiot this guy really is. :blink:

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The mistake occurred well before the AD. When you have a hot carry gun, it is just plain stupid to unholster it for clearing in front of a classroom where you are delivering a lecture lecture. If you need to show a gun, bring one that is already unloaded (but still follow all standard protocols).

I do give style points for (a) asking if everyone was OK, and (B) continuing the lecture using the AD/ND as an example of how this sort of thing can happen.

Also, the suit claims the DEA took the tape on the spot and returned it to the owner with the images of the discharge removed, thus his claim the DEA released it.

As long as we're questioning the intelligence of those involved, I wonder - why would an undercover officer continue his lecture while it was being videotaped by someone outside his agency?

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