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Friday Flamer!


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Ok, it's early on the west coast, but it's officially Friday in much of the world so here we go!!

Attached is what I hate.. Only 300 or so 38's loaded and this happens.. Ugh!!


I know it's not their fault I'm hard on the equipment, but dang! (other word edited out by me)...


Edited by sargenv
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No way ... thats a fake photo you got from some website Anti Dillon Commy f*^g place that has DR up photos of things that never brake. :huh: or you let the dog chew on it? :unsure: Or you threw it at the TV for showing too many adds for broke back mountain.

I hate that

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Boy, have I got a bitch to pitch THIS week: I made a TINY, tiny profit (instead if the usual 'loss') in my business this year and found ways to save on petrol (don't drive so much--work from home instead), save on expenses and just plain SAVE. Thought I was doing myself a favor. Well, it all translated into $1,200+ in taxes OWED!!! But I'm living at the poverty level and qualify for free minimum wage job placement thru AARP because of that status!! What's the use...??!! Why should I even TRY to earn any money if literally ALL of it is destined to be taken back by the asshats in the government...????!!!! S**t.

Mother of God, I guess it's time to invent some really outrageous business expenses!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I hate that my wife and I have ... a small Mountain in Colorado,,... but now with the broke back mountain movie ... i don't even like to say.... :angry: 'Mountain' :angry:

Well we don't own the entire Mountan but the best part of a small one. How am I going to say at a shoot' 'Hey want to see a photo of my mountain' no way im going to say that :angry:

Im going to go and try and break someting on my Dillon now. :blink:

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I hate out of spec parts and foul-weather weekends. I built an AR-15 lower and just found out the hammer wasn't in spec so it is grinder time :o (good therapy)

I was planning to attend a 3-gun match this weekend, but not when the roads are likely to be icy. It was 60 degrees for most of this week and won't get above freezing for the entire weekend.

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I hate...just hate :D ... when somebody posts a little sumptin' that sounds pretty funny...and might make a funny nickname.

Well, I don't hate that. What I really hate is deciding if I should or shouldn't change it...

(awhhh heck...of course I should. Especailly when they tease us about turning on the a/c...it's going to be 28 at the match this weekend) :):):)

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I hate that Berkim has the right caliber shell plate but in the wrong caliber for my 650 :D

AlamoShooter.. That is the um.. the 4th shell plate I've broken.. 1 in 45, 2 in 40, and now one in 38/357. Bleh, I so want to purchase an extra one so that when I break it again, I'll have a spare.. argh!

Other than that, I love my 650 :wub:

If I were desperate, I still have the shell holder on my RockChucker.. but um, I don't even wanna go there!!


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I hate the freak storm blowing thru from the West since dawn. Temps have dropped this AM already from a night 62 degrees into the thirties with sustained 45 mph winds and my wind meter has already recorded a peak gust of 77 mph. Ground is soft and the 65 foot spruce and 50 foot white pine next to the house don't look all that solid right now and the wind is getting worse. Temps are supposed to drop to 17 degrees by nightfall.

Hope the trees stay put. :(

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I hate that the weather for the last few weeks has been perfect on the weekdays (50 - 65), yet it rains and turns cold on the weekends.

I haven't had a decent practice session or shot a match in waaaay too long.

I also hate that because of the weather I haven't been able to shoot my new G35 very much at all. I've made a ton of mods to the gun, the trigger is as good as I could hope for, yet I don't know if the gun will even fire. I'll find out tomorrow no matter what.

I don't care what the weather is doing Sunday because I'm shooting an outlaw match just to relieve some stress. Might take the Glock if it will go bang when the trigger is pulled.

Oh yeah, my employer seems to be trying to work me to death, but that's nothing new. I hope to sleep sometime next week....

Edited by JFD
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I hate...just hate :D ... when somebody posts a little sumptin' that sounds pretty funny...and might make a funny nickname.

Well, I don't hate that. What I really hate is deciding if I should or shouldn't change it...

(awhhh heck...of course I should. Especailly when they tease us about turning on the a/c...it's going to be 28 at the match this weekend) :):):)

:lol: I hate that that tag line is so funny! I've always wondered how those things got changed...

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82 here in Dallas yesterday at 4pm, today it is 33 (22 wind chill) and I have been waiting for a month for our club 3 gun match tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 30's with wintry mix!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I hate that we just got done doing a physical agility test for 39 ninnies who think they will get hired by my dept. We are in a spot and need currently certified paramedics (as opposed to the normal process of sending our own people through our own school) so these sissies get a 1 in 4 chance of being hired whereas our normal testing process starts you out with approx 1/1500 chance.

Not a single one appeared to be capable of any aggression whatsoever. (not that fighting fire is ever strenuous :angry: )

I can teach you alot of things in recruit camp but unfortunately there is no fix for pansy!

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I can teach you alot of things in recruit camp but unfortunately there is no fix for pansy!

I taught my daughter not to be a pansy... was not easy but she is now starting the Life Flight training as a paramedic

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I hate people who do not plan ahead.

Who gets a house in the northeast and does not even think about having funds or a plan to buy heating oil until after the initial tank runs out? Which ironically ran dry after the cut off for the application for heating assistance.

I hate that because of this dipstick I have to check the house nightly to make sure the place hasn't frozen solid.

I hate that our society is such that people like this continue to thrive and breed. ( she has two kids now) 100 years ago she and her two kids would have frozen to death and made the gene pool a better place.


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