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Fantastic match. I think I shot better in the rain! Squad 9 was a force to be reckoned with. Several winners in there--most noteably: A junior production shooter named Matt Sweeney. He took not only high junior in Production, but high D class as well. He had 67.86% of the match points! Write this one down: If he keeps shooting, this kid is gonna be one of the great ones.

Well, considering Matt is so Gung-ho to join the Marine Corps in 4 years.. (a fact Steve - the dad- does not like too much) .. hopefully he can get the Corps to come up with an Official Marksmanship team like the Army has to compete within IPSC/USPSA!

Don't forget ... Steve (Dad) Sweeney won C Class Lim10!


I definitely didn't forget dad. Squad 9 was FULL of people who took home some hardware--6 right off the top of my head. Pretty impressive for a group of 15 out of how many total shooters? The only reason I didn't try name them all was fear of forgetting one.

I was just particularly impressed every time I saw Matt shoot. We will be able to sleep well at night knowing he is a Marine out there protecting us.

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Well, I think we have the name for the house stage next year pegged! Hotel California works for me. Maybe we can have an 'Eagles' theme for the match (Larry?). I like Clay's idea for the 'roof' and we will work on that. I even like the 'dark house' suggestion, if we can manage it something like the Nationals does at PASA. Could be interesting...

Now for the real reason I am posting -- I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for everyone that worked the match. We've been doing these things for a long time, and much of the mechanics are the same and make my job easier, but it takes a host of people that know what to do and when to do it to make it all come together. Some of the people that I count on don't even shoot (Janice Usry -- shot her first local match ever a couple of weeks before). I count on folks like Bill Noyes, Larry Turner, Mark Ramsey, Jamie McG, Brian Thompson, Janice & Lyle Usry, Beth(aka Cathouse Madam) & Mike Wingfield, Danny DuVal, Ricky Sellers, Harold Ham, Debi Davis, John Golson, Scott Gilbertson and Charles Bond long before the first shots ever get fired. I had a wonderful group of people that came out for final setup on Thursday and we couldn't have gotten the match going without them.

There are the clubs and people from outside South River in Area 6 that come driving up with all the parts needed to set up a stage in the back of their trucks or on a trailer and take an empty bay and poof! a stage is born. (Stan Johnson, where did you get those walls --kind of like life size Legos, & Bruce Wells -- Disneyworld has nothing on you!) The guys from Cool Springs Gun Club -- Ricky and Harold -- getting their stage set up and then staying to work on other stages! and Cherokee Gun Club always does a stage and sets it up (Ya'll don't forget the Georgia State Match next month!). I can't forget the help that Ronnie Shores and Dan Pickering did with set up on Thursday and then being Friday ROs the next day.

There are people like Rosie Rosell, Barb Sumrall and her Police Explorers, Brian Hanna, Clay Autery, Frank Thompson, Phillip Myers, Ed Chatlos, Mary Ann Dobbs, Ken Skeeters and Tracy Robertson who don't shoot the match but come and slave over it for 3-5 days.

I had a great Friday RO staff too, my friends from Alabama -- Roger, Tammy, Woogie, Mark, and Glenn -- Shooter Grrrl Kathy and David Littman and a host of others that allowed us to get the Sat/Sun staff through the match so they could work and also allowed competitors that couldn't be there on Sat/Sun to be able to shoot the match.

Thanks to the Sponsors and to all the sponsors and their reps that set up tables in the big tent. I hope that you sold lots of your products.

Last but not least, thanks to the shooters. I have always said that shooters are the nicest people in the world and it certainly showed at Area 6! See you next year. :ph34r:


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Barb Sumrall and her Police Explorers

OMG Hell Yes!! I had 2 of these young men on my stage and I never once saw them sitting while we were resetting. I did not have to ask them to do anything, they were there doing it before I had a chanch. I was very impressed by them. I would like to extend a very big Thank You to them. B)

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A many THANKS to Cindy, Bill and everyone else who was able to take time off from work & family to help put this together. As we all know, this sport is very Volunteer Driven, some are able to give more than others (I wish I could take more time off from work to help more), but is all driven by the hard working volunteers. A big thank you to the sponsors who was able to donate to the match. It is much appreciated to all.

On another note: For those who haven't visited this post http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35344 , by your's truely, please stop by and give a little shooter info for the match so we can try to get a more accurate idea of who was using what. What gun maker dominated and other info. Also, let us know what you thought about this years Area 6 match.



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I think their were 3 to many no shoots in the match, but that's my opinion. Other than that, I think it was the best Area 6 Match I have ever shoot. I heard shooters compar this match to the nationals. I have never shot the nationals, but I'm planing on shooting it this year. If this match was anything like The Nationals I will feel at home, because I shoot matches like this almost every weekend. These clubs around here South River, Cherokee and Cool Springs have some great monthly matches and you haven't seen their best yet. If you don't believe me, just sign up for next years Area 6 match at South River and see. ROs and staff were great to say the least. I worked with and for these guys & gails Thursday & Friday and they never stopped going and trying to make it a perfect match for everyone.


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I just received an e-mail regarding the classifier for Area6.

This message mentioned the fact that the match itself will count as a classifer.

I wonder if this is true for L10 division.

I understood that you had to have a minimum number of GM's and there were none in that division.


Edited by tlshores
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I just received an e-mail regarding the classifier for Area6.

This message mentioned the fact that the match itself will count as a classifer.

I wonder if this is true for L10 division.

I understood that you had to have a minimum number of GM's and there were none in that division.


From what I was told by USPSA this morning was if the match itself had a certain amount of GM's, it would report your match percentage to USPSA for a classifier as well as the actual Classifer that we shot on stage 3 (Making Change 03-17).

Problem was, the actual Area 6 Classifier got input into the system as being shot on 5/7/05 rather than 5/7/06, making that score not usable since USPSA uses the most recent scores. So now they (either SRGC or USPSA) has to correct the issue to make the Classifer valid.

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a certain amount of GM's

A certain amout? How many is a certain amount?


What's up Ronnie? Nice shooting with you last weekend!

I don't know how many GM's that it takes. I was just quoting what (I think her name was Ann) at HQ was telling me.

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a certain amount of GM's

A certain amout? How many is a certain amount?


I've been told at least 3 (but that was a number of years ago, so things may have changed)

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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What's up Ronnie? Nice shooting with you last weekend!

Just getting ready for Cherokee in the morning. It was nice shooting with you guys or ducks Sunday. <_< I've about dryed out now, so I guess I'll go back to sandbagging now. You know, I sandbagg on the major matches so I can win the monthly matches. :P


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  • 3 weeks later...

I emailed Cindy about a week ago, and she said she was waiting on some of the final bills to come in before she could send out awards. I am sure she will get them out asap!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a question: I just received my check form area six today and I'm wondering how does one place the same in the same class at both SC state and A6 but receive about 1/6 the amount from A6. The fee at A6 was a lot larger and the amount of competitors in my class was a good bit more.

Just wondering <_<

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Does anybody know if they were paying back for Production division as well as the big dog divisions ??? I only placed in 2nd place B class, so I didnt expect a check, but maybe I should.

Tim (tpcdvc) check your PM's

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Do the Higher classes like Master, and GrandMaster get a higher payout than lower classes like B-D?

Doesn't seem like it. My shooting partner and I both got $75. He won high master limited and I won high C limited.

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Do the Higher classes like Master, and GrandMaster get a higher payout than lower classes like B-D?

Doesn't seem like it. My shooting partner and I both got $75. He won high master limited and I won high C limited.

That's funny, I got $100 for 3rd "C" Larry. How odd.

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