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Friday Flamer - 30 September 2005


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I hate office politics. I hate that I had to ruin half a day of my precious vacation and go in and attend 4 hours of inane meetings because of office politics. I hate that very few of those in leadership positions where I work are actually capable of leading so what leadership there is there come from the middle while the "leaders" take all the credit. If we had some real leaders we wouldn't have the rampant office politics and I wouldn't have to sit in a room full of people that get paid more than I do trying to make them play nice with others.

I hate that today is my last day of vacation and I have soooooo much left to get done on my list. I also hate that I make lists of things to do on my "vacation" which end up being mostly working around the house and the one item that I really need to do (go shooting) always gets dumped in favor of other things. Oh sure, I have repainted a lot of the interior of the house and replaced the P.O.S. front door (hollow core front door = stupid) with a quality, solid wood door and all new hardware, fixed a bunch of window screens that needed fixing, and a dozen other odds and ends but dammit, I didn't get to go shooting and now it is pouring rain.

I hate that the current generation apparently is unaware that there ARE "rules of the road" when driving. Yes, sweet cheeks, that solid yellow line on your side of the center line means no passing. You and your pretty red sportscar are gonna look real stupid plastered on the front of a semi. Just don't take anyone with you when you decide to check out of this world. And no, my doing the speed limit (plus a bit) is NOT a reason to pass me illegally and flip me off.

I hate the state DOT. Their current trend is to mark off construction zones at least 30 days in advance and leave them marked for 30 - 60 days after completion (traffic fines double in construction zones). Then they will do the flaggers and pilot car dance for DAYS without any actual work happening. No equipment, no people. Just flaggers and a pilot car. I complained to the state office and was told that I just didn't understand road construction and that I should sit down, shut up and be happy I had roads to drive on.

I hate drug dealers. I am 99.999% sure that the folks across the street (see previous rant from last spring re: meth labs) are dealing and I doubt it is just grass. Cars come and go at all hours and are never there more than 5 minutes. At least we have a police force in town again (we were law-less for about two months save the sheriff's office which can barely afford to keep two cars on the road for the whole county). The drug activity in this county and across the border in Idaho is rampant at least in part due to two Universities.

Deals are made on the side of the road in plain sight, in day light. I watched a deal go down at Wendy's the other day...in the dining room! The dealers KNOW that the LE agencies are strapped for cash so barely have anyone on the road. And our Drug Task Force just had most of its funding pulled.

And people wonder why I carry.

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I hate sensational news reporting. IF there isn't any news, make it up. Case in point: During Hurricane Rita, Galveston bay area was supposed to get washed away by a Massive tidal surge. Talk, talk, talk, seawall protected area, non-seawall protected area. Surge all the way into Houston. Worst disaster you'll ever see.

Storm moved east. Surge potential goes away. News keeps on pounding away at the storm surge story.

I hate that news agencies put ______(insert your own derogatory descriptor) like Geraldo on t he street with a microphone. I wish someone would pop him in the mouth again.

New Orleans got flooded real bad. It is a bad situation. But the storm is over. Politics reign. Someone or several someones must be blamed. Folks, This isn't the first hurricane of the century. Just a quick check of the National Hurricane Center website under "history" will reveal 20 to 30 bad, Cat 4 and greater storms in the last 50 years. Really bad storms. Folks on the Mississippi Gulf coast will remember Camille from 1968. Names like Hugo, Andrew, Ivan... and the list goes on.

But I won't. I'm through Bitching now. :angry:


OBTW, When it rains 10, 20 sometimes even 40 inches (as in the case of Bayou LaBatre, AL during Hurricane Danny) it's going to flood. If NO hadn't been built at the bottom of the Mississippi river, and inept politicians had taken care of the business of maintaining levees, it would be just like any other city hit by a hurricane. Dry with minimal residual damage.

I hate the fact that I am going to pay for other peoples priviledge of living on the water in pretty nice beach houses with federal flood insurance. Sure would like to visit what I build/rebuild sometime.

If you want to see a case of recovery, look at the southern Mississippi coast. You don't hear alot about them on the news because they are picking up the pieces and getting on with rebuilding thier lives. They are not standing in front of Geraldo's or Anderson Coopers microphone crying about not getting their "credit card"


I hate this "edited by' comment at the bottom of the page

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I hate that I missed the Friday Flame War Last week.

I hate that even though there is a place on a set of drawings for checked by and it has someone's initials in it I can review review the plans for an hour or so (Engineers had six months or so to come up with them) and I can find 15-20 errors or contradictions between the plans and specifications.

I hate that when I bring these problems up at the prebid the engineer acts like I am attacking him personally.

Well enough hate for one Friday. Sunday I am going shooting and that's a good thing! (Is this in the wrong spot?) :lol:

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I hate it when the powers that be decide to convert a tool from one product to another due to a bubble of product at the stage. The conversion takes ~15 hours, and the bubble will be gone in less than 18 hrs just using the other tools that run that product, then the tool will need to be converted back.

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I hate my eyes. I have some sort of eye infection, not totally sure what yet though. I followed Eric Stanley's eye debacle and now see him in a whole new light. I still have my vision though blurry and bad. I really want this to fix itself soon, cuz I only have 2 more matches this year to up my Production classification the 1.5% i need to make B.

I hate that I am sorta seeing this new girl who is very sweet and very nice and very good to me, and yet, I cant get seem to be 100% interested in her. Also, my ex called me last night (who i know is no good for me) and now I am thinkin about that. I dunno what to do, and dishonesty/ selective truth isnt an option. ohh, btw only time in my life 2 girls have liked me at the same time. I sense another long cold, lonely winter coming on.

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I hate worthless insurance....more specifically the dental insurance carried by my husband's work. After finally finding a pediatric dentist for my daughter that accepted this worthless insurance, I found out that the last dentist left cavity under her filling. Now she has to have a root canal and crown (at 4 years old). The dentist sent the list of charges to the insurance for "pre-determination."

What paperwork I got back made no sense. In the not allowed column were the all the charges (two surface filling, crown, pulpotomy)...What?! It's a dental plan, why aren't some or all of these things covered! So then I call ready to roll out the angry consumer persona and they tell me that my copy doesn't include the actual dental charges or the portion that they will cover (despite there being columns for said things on the paperwork).

Would you care to 'splain that again sparky? Who am I, Svengali? How could anyone but a mind reader figure it out? I ask how much they are actually going to cover...I wasn't terribly happy about the response. So out of the some odd $1K in charges, we still get to pay $688.00 and the kicker is they won't pay for any form of sedation which costs #250.00 for oral, $750.00 for IV sedation. That's about 70%. The portion they are covering is still far less than the annual premium we pay.

Before I hung up, the analyst was kind enough to point out that I was lucky my daughter was under 6 because then at least she could go to a pediatrict dentist. Pardon the FRACK out of me if I'm not gushing with gratitude!!!

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i hate the fact that our local politicians have buried us so far in debt that they are proposing raising our property taxes 25% this year and another 24% next year along with a sales tax increase of 3/4 of a penny which takes it to 9%. i already pay $3800 a year in property taxes and by next year it will be up by 49%!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

i forgot to mention our state motto is "I love New York", which i am proposing we change to "Kiss my ass you tax raisin' sons of bitches,i'm leavin' new york" :lol::lol::lol:

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I hate having to read Plato's "The Republic."

I hate being so tired that I can't think straight.

I hate that graduation is roughly 7 months away and every minute of those 7 months will drag on as if they were years.


I need a vacation. :wacko:

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I hate that ALL THREE of my daughter's 3-gun guns are at various gunsmiths! One of them actually works but just needs some new sights. The other two make my blood pressure rise everytime my daughter has a jam. :angry:

I also hate cars. Two of my cars died last week. Our third car was already down with a minor electrical problem (a 55 Ford F250). One of the cars had the AC, transmission and the sunroof (taken out by a rock on the freeway) all croak in the same week. Thank god for a buddy who loaned us the two cars that he isn't driving while ours get fixed.


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i forgot to mention our state motto is "I love New York", which i am proposing we change to "Kiss my ass you tax raisin' sons of bitches,i'm leavin' new york" :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

We'd love to have you here in TX.... ;) Of course, the tax situation here is taking the same sort of negative turns, but I digress.... at least we have a shall-issue carry permit here and much better gun laws...

Oh, right, hate rant.

I hate that idiots on the road think that because they are in a hurry, it means they get to drive like they want. I hate that these self-same idiots are not aware of the laws of physics - like, energy conservation, and that light travels faster than traffic moves. I hate that one of these nimrods rear-ended me on Monday, doing minor damage to my car, but snapping my neck around real nicely. I hate that my neck still hurts, my shoulder hurts too. I hate that they use Allstate insurance, the mother of all a*****e insurance companies. I hate that the nimrod woman was in my face and cussing me out while I'm trying to get 911 on the line to get an officer out to respond to the accident, and I feel sorry for the 911 dispatcher who had to hear that crap. I hate that he then treated *me* like a butthold because of it. I hate that the woman decided to leave the scene before the police showed up. I hate that she was trying to take her (fully grown) daughter to the ER, felt that it was important enough to ass-end me as soon as the light changed, but didn't feel it was important enough to call EMS, and that she then made me the bad guy for following the law (and I hope her daughter was OK.... assuming that wasn't an act). I hate that the cop that showed up was lazy, and didn't file an accident report (which he's apparently required to do). I hate that he was extremely nice, friendly, and polite, and I can't seem to hold a good grudge against him for being a lazy public servant.

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I hate it that I had to buy a new vehicle last week.

I hate it that my 96 Blazer was perfect prior to taking it to the Chevy dealer for a new alternator, where they advised also replacing the intake manifold gasket. I hate it I said OK and paid $1000 for the two jobs.

I hate it when I pick up the Blazer from the dealer and hear a faint noise that I was pretty sure wasn't there before, but don't have time to deal with it further.

I hate it when I have to take a 3 week trip to Greece when I just heard a faint noise under the hood of my Blazer.

I hate it when I take a 3 week trip to Greece and my wife decides to drive my Blazer (never drove it before) while I'm gone. I especially hate it when she ignores any noise it's making.

I hate it when I get back from my 3 week trip to Greece, the Blazer sounds like it's about to explode.

I really hate it when the dealer tells me the Blazer needs a $4000 engine because water leaked in due to the gasket that "needed" replacing.

I hate it when I'm pretty sure my dealer is a low-life liar who screwed my vehicle up.

I hate it when I go to buy a new vehicle and my trade consists of a 96 Blazer that's about to throw a rod. Tends to hurt the value a bit.... :angry:

I do love my new Sorento though.

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Speak of taxes.....

I hate that I am now about to be punished for being one of the few people in my generation and younger that actually wanted to stay in WV. I don't want to be any where else, its beautiful here IMO.. :D I built a house here for one because it's much, much cheaper for me to live here and drive over to Pittsburgh (30 minutes) and work. Now becasue the crap little county I live in hasn't properly managed it budget and facilities the last 50 years my taxes are likely going to go up 40% or more so that the county can build consolidated schools, etc. Now I'm all for the schools, my wife and many members of my family are teachers, I'm not bashing education.

Come to think of it, I also hate stupid people. You know the ones I'm talking about, their the ones that come up to talk to you and by the time they're done talking your IQ has actual dropped right before you eyes. I mean come on, when I said type "word_blah" that doesn't mean "wordunderscoreblah". It's a key on your freaking keyboard.... :ph34r:

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I, too, hate the fact that OUR local county Sheriff's Office can't seem to afford to have even remotely enough deputies out there bashing on the bad guys... Our local car-theft statistics have gone up so far I've lost count. The jail is still only operating at a fraction of its capacity, so the bad guys just 'revolving door' themselves in-and-out each day and the whole effort is useless. The price of petrol is so high that local folks are staying HOME to recreate rather than travel, so that means they leap into the LOCAL rivers to play and then drown in large numbers because the Willamette River is NOT a "play in" river but a Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue nightmare each week with dead bodies. Oh, and Search & Rescue is all-volunteer... all 400+ of them. Only the supervisor (John) gets paid. Can you imagine??!! I hate it that ALL the good people of our SO (and this is a really big county) aren't funded or properly staffed enough to take care of The People any more. We're asked to patrol literally from the Pacific Coastline to the Cascade Mountain Range with a handful of people. It's no wonder we have crime. And they disbanded the INET (drug enforcement task agency), too, so the meth labs and such just keep cookin'...!!! Grrr...!! :ph34r::angry::ph34r::angry:

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I hate my photographer. He is fired after this assigment. Once we started project and every corner he complains "oh, thats beyond innitial projection and magazine has photograher's budget for that?" Of course not! Its f&^in editorial! Plan might change! Its not wedding you get paid by day/hour. Mmmm. "You are fired!" Can not wait to say that!

I hate dealing people who are like dogs. I always have to make sure who is the boss and I mean business. If I am nice they will walk all over me and if I am not watching, they will jump onto furnitures. So tiring. That's why I love cats. They give me lots of love.

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I hate that there are so many defective new cars on the road these days.

I hate that their drivers are terrified that the car will fly off the road if they exceed 30 mph. I hate that most cars (new/used) don’t have working turn signals. I really hate that those cars that have working turn signals are driven by pinheaded morons that think that a blinking turn signal permits them to bulldoze their way across four lanes of traffic. But what I really, really hate is that once the pinhead gets into the curb lane, his vehicle is so poorly constructed that he must STOP before making the turn into the driveway!

Rules of the road? One in four of the pinheads surrounding me on the road is unlicensed, uninsured, drunk, or some combination of all three. AND they are all driving the aforementioned defective vehicles!

Have a safe commute.

David C

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I hate... uh, errr... SEPTEMBER!!!

I hate car accidents... then getting hit by some UFO within a week of getting your car back from the body shop.

I hate stupid people who think they're pulling the wool over your eyes but they're too stupid to realize that you're not stupid enough to fall for it... and they're too stupid to realize that your failure to respond was intentional... you stupid-head!!!

I hate running out of reloading components.

I hate it when men think that sexual favors will make up for their wrong-doings... especially when there was never a sexual relationship to begin with!!!

I hate cat hair.

I hate hurricanes and all the hype and drama that goes with them... including and especially the media!

I hate parents who think it's funny to harass the nurse who's taking care of their baby... ("If I disconnect this tube, the alarm will sound and she'll come running." I'm busy with a really sick baby, you dumbass! And for the record, the father actually said that!!! :angry: )

I hate shooting poorly but what I hate more is thinking I'm shooting poorly (when I'm not) and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I hate when people say they're going to do something and they don't.

I hate that I hate so many things this month that I can't remember them all!!! (maybe that's a good thing...:D )

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I hate the woman who almost ran me off the road last night because she had her dog in her lap while on the cellphone. Come on people what is the facination with having your dog sit in your lap while operating a 3000 pound weapon? Snuggle with them when you get home.

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I hate the fact that through an oversight at the finishers my brand new and very first Open gun was hard chromed before I had a chance to break it in or make any final adjustments. I hate the fact that this probably means that I'll have to ship it back to the gunsmith for refinishing after I have to make some needed modification.

I also hate that because of the hurricane that basically did not hit Houston, Fedex recommended not having my gun shipped back to me this week because there might be a backlog. Of course they can't provide any information about the backlog that may or may not exist.

I hate that there is so much "real life" going on that I didn't get the reloading stuff I need for my new Open gun together so I probably won't have ammo when it arrives.

I hate that gas is almost $3/gallon so now a trip to the range costs that much more.

Luckily all of these things are minor compared to the fact that Hurricane Rita did not cause any damage to any of my family or their property. I hate the fact that many folks were not so lucky.


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I really don't hate much, however...

I do hate my belief that for some reason obscure to me we are losing good forum members. Schmitz logged out today in what sounded like a farewell and haven't seen Eric Wesselman or BigDave here lately. I also hate that Rhino left. Wassup with that?

I like gettin up in the morning to take care of my day. I like my strong Puerto Rican "café con leche" and I like to sip it in the car on my way to work. I even like my job and enjoy the silence of my commute to the office early in the am, coffee in hand. Like this morning, I also really like how light early traffic is and the bonus of been the first car at the traffic light.

BUT, I've always hated and from today on I'll hate them even more, the morons that throw $2,000 worth on stereo equipment in their $500 cars and then blast it so fu(<!ng early in the morning!! Then gets to the light and stops right next to me. The damn bass thumping making my rearview mirror vibrate. My chest felt like I was going through an episode of cardiac arrithmia... To top it all of, the poetic lyrics of some rapper going about this bitch and the other MoFo... ARRRGGGHHH!! It was only maybe 10 to 15 seconds that felt like a fu(<!ng eternity. I hate that I couldn't help it and the sonofabich ruined my morning! :angry:

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I hate that there is so much "real life" going on that I didn't get the reloading stuff I need for my new Open gun together so I probably won't have ammo when it arrives.


I'm so sorry! You are more than welcome to borrow some of mine. :(

edited to add:

Please tell me what you're missing and I'll do my best to get it to you... or offer you mine. My 650 is yours and any components you may need. Just let me know.

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