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I too enjoyed the match. My thanks to everyone that worked hard to make it all come together.

Congrats to R. Wheaton for besting me in A Limited. (^%*$%&^*@)

Also congrats to all division winners.

It was good to meet some fellow forum members while ROing Any Which Way on sunday.

Edited by tewlman
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I might suggest not to try and drive 19 hours between 2 matches on the same weekend!!!!!! It will certainly try out your ability with sleep :wacko: deprevation coming into play. :blink:


both matches were awesome, Thanks to the Area 5 staff for doing a awesome job.

they spent a lot of time putting up props, I think Lee Leonard said they started

45 days ago, thats a lot of time and devotion put into a match.

I'll be back!!


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Thanks goes out to Lee Leanord for letting me in the match on Wednesday evening.

Great match, wish I could say the same about my shooting. :angry:

Got to shoot on Squad 39, what a great bunch of guys.....Thanks guys I really enjoyed the company.

Met a good may BE.comers, too many to list.....Some for the 1st time and some for the Nth time and as usuall always good to see you.

Drove home in the rain that started Saturday about Lunch break and did not completely quit until this morning here in South TN... <_<<_<:(:(:angry:

Congrats to Shooter Grrl......I hear she ended up High Lady Open!!!! :D:D

Revo Division is slowly growing, and is getting quite competitive.....Don't think so, grab one up and see what it is all about......It aint your great grand pa's six shooter!!! ;)

Great stages, Great RO's, couldn't ask for better.

I highly recomend the trip.


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The Spitfire gun winner was Joel Parks.

We gave 6000.00 in przes and 8000.00 in cash to the shooters.

I have heard nothing but good things and all I can say is we had a good staff. Perry Wilson the RM did an excellent job bringing in some of the best RO's in the country. Gary Stevens did excellent by selecting Perry to be RM. The set up crew, Lee Leonard and John Cambron did a great job setting up the stages. The food was great, 6oz pork chops with potato salad, chips & cookie.

I hope everybody enjoyed it. I know I did even though I am whipped right now. I realize there may have been some things I made mistakes on and I have learned from them.

There has been some question as to refunds. I was allowing people to cancel with a cancellation fee, up to and including 9/21. The match started on 9/22 and there are no refunds once the match started. We figured the receipts, subtracted all the expenses and paid the rest out to the shooters in the form of prize money. SOme sent emails on 9/22 expecting a refund, the emails were not recieved until 9/26 so there was no allownace made for refunds. I was told later that we should have set the cancellation date several weeks earlier to avoid this problem. I wanted to be fair about it so I set it as far up as I thought i could get by with. It is unfortunate that there were those that couldnt make it or chose not to come for other activities and if contact was made and we were aware of the cancellation before 9/22 then we allowed for the refunds. Otherwise there just isnt any funds left, if there is we will divide it up among those no shows requesting a refund. Dont know how to be any fairer.

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The best RO staff was on 2 Rooms Running View (Happy now John!) :)

Oh Kathy, you're making me blush :D Seriously, it was great seein you and Dave. and congrats on top lady in open. Hope to see you both soon.

I had a great time, got to see some old friends and make a few new ones.

I want to thank Gary Johnson, Dave Merryman, Jim Lamb and Gary Stevens for helping me on my stage, and after dropping that popper on my foot I needed it. Couldn't have asked for a better crew.

And Lee you may be rat bastard #3, but in my heart your #1 :wub:


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Well, we headed out Wednesday afternoon to work the match, and got all the way down to Sellersberg before noticing that the front differential on the truck was locking up and causing the tranny to overheat a bit. No problem we figured...just go easy and milk her back to Michigan by keeping it under 55 mph. Well, we got about 30 miles north of Louisville (No Mans Land), and she gave up the ghost. Limped her into a Holiday Inn, and had to call for reinforcements. Six hours later, we were putting the truck on a carhauler and putting the trailer behind another truck that was brought down. Luckily, cousin had a rain day, and was Johnny-on-the-spot. Made a 6 hour commute a 16 hour debacle. Made for some amusing memories. :rolleyes:

Had a lot of fun RO'ing, and met many friendly people. Thanks to Ryan and Jeremy for helping out on Stage 10 (28 Days). Hats off to the match organizers for a job well done!!! Lee, John, Chuck and Perry deserve a HUGE 'attaboy!!! They went to the wall to deliver a superb match. I didn't shoot as well as I would have liked, despite reshooting 3 stages due to some malfunctions on staff shooting (tweakin'?) day. You'd think after the practice run, I would do better, but more often than not, the reshoot gods got me. Gotta practice more field courses, and less stand and shoot.

Everyone appeared to be having a good time, and the food was excellent!!! It was nice to see the stats people cranking out numbers at a torrid pace...thanks guys and gals!!! Everyone pulled together nicely, and should be commended for delivering a great match. There was not an hour that went by that we weren't asked if there was anything we needed to do our jobs. Thanks to all at Sellersburg, you are great hosts, and I hope to see you all on the range.



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Thanks to all the staff of area 5, you all put on a great match.

Hopalong, thanks for your help with my shooting. What about your crime partner. He did pretty well with his Sig!!!.

It was good to see all the wheelgunners come from across the country to shoot. Hopefully some others will come to the dark side( or are they already on the dark side? :wacko:

Congrats to all the winners!!

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GREAT Match!!! Fast and fun! Thanks to all that made it possible and especially all the RO's who worked so hard on Sunday with that pesky rain! Congrats to all the winners and Kathy and Jane on their High Lady wins in Open and Limited 10 respectively. These ladies keep getting better and better!

It was great shooting with everyone in my squad... You guys rock! I hope to post some videos from the match real soon as well.

All the best,


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This was my fourth major match in two years where i was either the MD. or co-MD., I think it was the best yet, all thing considered, the staff makes a match,,,,,,,I was fortunate to have the best of the best show up, thanks to all of the people in the trenches, OH YEA, almost forgot,,,,,,,,,,,,,JOEY looks like you have made the FIRST go-round, you would start as RB-12 its up to you to bump me out VBG. THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE THE MATCH POSSIBLE,,,,,,,,,,THANKS, PERRY.

vbg RB-3

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Thnak you all for hte good comments. Lee and I appreciate it.

WE did have a Timer come up missing. These were loaned to us by Competition Electronics and the club will have to pay for it if we cant find it. I am hoping that one of staff or shooters just put it in their bag for safe keeping and forgot about it. If you have it please contact me. The timers are all marked "property of Competition Electronics" It is permannet and wont come off. So if you see it out there please have the person send it back or contact me.

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Since most people left and the match is out of money I am going to ask each winner to pay for the shipping on their plaque, medal, prize and or check. IF you are not sure then email me to find out. If you know you have somehting coming then go to


Click on Area 5 shipping on the left and check out as if you were buying a product.

If you happen to be ordering something else just mention in the comment box to include your Area 5 stuff. You will not be charged twice for shipping. I did this with several Ky state winners. When their order came in I just put it in the box with the order.

You have the option of US Mail or UPS. This way I will have your payment info and address. I know it sounds weird but allot of people didnt put their complete address on the entry form. I still have one plaque from KY State I couldnt get an address on. To make sure their is no problems I will expect the address and zip code on the credit card billing address to match the one I am sending it to. Please pass the word, I want to get this taken care of as soon as possible.

Any questions? 1-859-362-7592

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Chuck take my check and put it towards shipping,for everyone.   I'm assuming first Master Open would get a check.  :P   DVC

I had one other offer to do this but when it wouldnt cover the cost I asked him where do I draw the line. It wont cover it all. We agreed to keep it as is. So I am asking you to accept your check. It is nice of you to offer though.

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Visit The Gallery for more videos of the match!

Hey Julie,

First, great videos!! The Jake video is unbelievable (sorry about the jam on my stage buddy :( )...

Second, but who is that big RO that keeps getting in-between you and the video camera on Linesman's Hard Decision?? Wow, either that RO is huge, or you are tiny, or maybe a little bit of both!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Great well run match. It really was one of the best of the season.

Open gun broke Fri afternoon but we found out the problem last night. Cracked grip. New grip goes on today.

I shot Limited and it jammed a lot. Fixed that problem last night too. Can I get a match reshoot? :wacko::unsure:

Great job all!!

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