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Brianenos.com Forum Shoot - Final Location Poll

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I think this is a good point to get some clarity headed in this direction... Dave got this going with a pm, asking:

BTW - question came up in discussion between Mr. Warren and I. *IF* the member match were held in such a way as to be a benefit for brianenos.com, would you be supportive of that?? Erik pointed out that some of us were marching down that path, and hadn't bothered to really make sure that that would be something you'd want and would be comfortable with!! Sometimes, in our haste to do good..... we overlook certain things....  Sorry, if I've overstepped a boundary...

I replied:

Thanks for asking... of course I'd be supportive of it. HOWEVER, since it was not my idea initially, and, since (especially) you and Erik are doing all the work, it should benefit you guys as well. Although I have no ideas on how to work that out. But we'll come up with something.

Dave's reply:

Well, I guess I wouldn't turn anything down, but... I've been doing this just cause it's cool to me to help pull something like this together for everyone  If everyone shows up and has fun, it'll be worth it...

I have a feeling that Erik's going to bear the brunt, if that's where we go - but I'll do whatever I can from over here in Austin..

A few thoughts at this point... I'm guessing the range (wherever we decide) will and should be compensated monetarily in whatever way that is appropriate for a similar size and type of match.

I'd like to suggest that a financial report for the match be made public (to the forum members). Anyone who would normally be paid - MD's, RM's, RO’s, etc., - for providing work or services for a match of this size/type should be paid or compensated appropriately, budget permitting of course.

I am in no way expecting any sort of contribution or to in any way benefit monetarily from the brianenos.com match. It was a members idea, and, you guys are doing all the work – I’m just gonna show up and have fun. I appreciate that it’s been offered to cover my expenses, but I would not even in the slightest way expect that.

I can say the above for sure; now for some variables.

IF the forum members should decide that any profit, if there is any, be given to brianenos.com (me), as a contribution for support for past and future Forum expenses, of course that would be fantastic. ;)

All contributions would go toward Forum hosting/support costs, or improving the Forum’s hosting/server environment.

Another possibility - we could give “left over money” back to the shooters. Maybe according to placement overall, or in the various stages, some sort of shootoff, a combination of those three, or some other idea.

And I’d like to do some sort of scheduled, free (to pre-registered shooters) clinic/Q&A format/beer/pizza session. We can sort out the details as the time approaches.

Thank you,


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Yeah I'm thinking we cover Brian's airfare and hotel, but only if he shoots. :)

BTW, if Reno is chosen, I'm sure going to get some help from forum members, or it's not going to happen here with me. I've already help from the Bay Area and Redding, and of course ong45 is the Steel Challenge setup guy because he memorized all the dimensions. :) Others will be needed (registration, scoring, etc). I'm not taking a cut but I want to give some of the volunteers free entries. Taking a cut for the M.D. would mean compensating all the "volunteers" and I just don't think the attendance and low-ish entry fee will support that.

I think we can pay the host club/range a tidy sum, cover Brian's travel expenses, give him a little something for server expenses, and still have a few bucks left over. I'd like to give back "profit" to the shooters somehow.

Edited by Erik Warren
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This was going to be a no prize match from the get-go, and I think just about everyone supports that.

I'm thinking that extra money could go into making the experience better for everyone.

Cold drinks at the range

Ice cream



Sat. night party

Brass babes

You get the idea

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Hold it in Reno and I volunteer to handle stats (I'll provide my own hardware systems). I can also handle publishing, (match booklet, mailings, etc..) and any IT needed for the match (website, reg, squadding, etc...).



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I think sargenv said he'd help Reno too..

And I voluntered long ago to supply beer and cookies to short_round... and anyone else that helps set up. I'll be there.

If people from the forum submit stages that can't make the setup day(s), I'll volunteer for that crew. Let Erik, or Brian pick some stages they'd like to see?

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And I voluntered long ago to supply beer and cookies to short_round...

beer and cookies? ... that's all I was waiting to hear. I'm in.

I think we need a montage. Some research into the discussions on the different ways to shoot arrays seems to be in order. Like the running up on a targets vs. shooting it at distance and shooting a target array from near to far vs. far to near. Maybe a single stage with multiple strings. Maybe three different "experiments" resulting in six strings. The stage description calls the way to shoot it. It's not very free-style, but sacrifices have to be made for the sake of science. In the end everyone has data on how they do under BE match conditions.

... or I could just put together a 52 round monster with movers, turners, 35 yard steel plates, cooper tunnels, prone ports, lions, tigers, and bears!

Whatever ... if it's in Reno I'm at your service.

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If Brian shoots...and there's some way I could get squaded with him, I'm in...regardless of location. I've always wanted to shoot with him, since my start. He's a freakin' legend, MAN!



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OK Guys,

I am for a winter match in Florida (January?). I will do a little checking and try to get some information together if you want. I see that Frostproof is now leading the poll, so there seems to be enough interest. I think we should entertain both ideas. We could always do Eriks match idea in Reno this (upcoming) year, and do Franks place next winter (since they are the two frontrunners in the poll).

I would be willing to MD for Florida, I just need to get some of the logistics out of the way. This also puts a man on the ground too, eliminating one of the biggest problems. I feel Erik is more than qualified to do this match, and has a solid plan, so why not do both venues...just make Frostproof in the winter.

My main concern is conflicting with the Florida Open which is usually in mid-February. I also have concerns about stepping on the local clubs toes that shoot at Franks place. Additionally, I don't want to burn out any of the local help that helps make Franks Florida Open such a huge success. That would be counter-productive and a tad inconsiderate. I also need to find out how much the range would cost, and if it is even available.

As I said, Erik is qualified, has a range, and most imprtantly he is willing to do this. Let's think about doing both in the next year and a half. :)


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