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My Brother In Law Shot 2 Chrono's

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My bother in law and I went to the range Saturday to check out some new loads and set up my chrono. BAM!!! There goes my chrono. He shot right thru half of it. So we borrowed the ranges chrono to finish up. BAM!!! He shot thru both eyes on that one too. That was a costly session for him.

Oh, did I tell you he wacks the trigger???? :wacko:

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I had just finished giving my buddies some crap about not shooting my chrono when I proceeded to shoot one of the rods that hold up the sky screens with a 7.62x54 Nagant! Fortunately nothing, besides my pride, was hurt except for a cheap rod. I hope your brother in laws wallet recovers quickly. :)


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One of the guys i shoot w/, who has only been shooting for about a year. He wanted to borrow another shooters chrono and proceded to shoot right through the screen of the chrono. Later after replacing the broken chrono and buyign one of his own, shot and destroyed it on the first shot.

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One of the guys i shoot w/, who has only been shooting for about a year. He wanted to borrow another shooters chrono and proceded to shoot right through the screen of the chrono. Later after replacing the broken chrono and buyign one of his own, shot and destroyed it on the first shot.

are you sure he is aware of how it ACTUALLY works?

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This is the reason that if anyone wants to shoot over my chrono to test something out, I pull the trigger. It's not worth it to let someone else screw up your equipment. I don't have a problem testing their gun / ammo combo for them, but this way no one is to blame except me. Keeps things simple.


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One of the guys i shoot w/, who has only been shooting for about a year. He wanted to borrow another shooters chrono and proceded to shoot right through the screen of the chrono. Later after replacing the broken chrono and buyign one of his own, shot and destroyed it on the first shot.

are you sure he is aware of how it ACTUALLY works?

That's what I'm actually wondering.

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Lent my chrono to some shooting buddies - once. Before they used it, I kept bugging them about how NOT to shoot my chrono & advice on how to use it properly (read: safe for the chrono). Of course it came back with a bullet hole through one of the skyscreen readers (still works though); it is a PACT MK IV & the bullet passed through the housing just over the "glass".

They did not even notice hitting it; they could not get it to read correctly in the out door sun & kept aiming lower & lower until one round . . . I wrote them a simple message: "Dude, you shot my chrono!" To their credit, they insisted on replaceing the shot reader (now I have a spare for the day when I shoot my own chrono (everyone's day will come).


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I think I figured something out. Loan your chrono to someone that cant shoot with the understanding that if he shoots it he owes you a new one. That way you are always up to date with the latest equiptment for no $$$. :lol::lol:

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That is the rule at our club. Any one can shoot through the chrono with the understanding that 'if you shoot it, you bought it'. Ipscron2000 has it right. A good number of new chronos are always in use :)

We have one exceptionally good shot who has managed to shoot 3 chronos all on his own in the span of a year. He only get to use his own now :lol::o:lol:

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Running the chrono at the '98 GA State Match, I (unfortunately) discovered the fact that guns that are "zeroed" for one person are not necessarily zeroed for *everyone* that shoots them.............. :wacko::lol:

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Shot the edge of the skyscreen support on my Mark 4 first time out. Ever since then, I don't use the skyscreens. They cause too much trouble especially with shadows.

If you don't have the ability to shoot OVER a chrono, easy thing to do is set up a target immediately behind the chrono with a aiming spot OVER the chrono.

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One of the rifle clubs that I occaisionally attend has a chrono built to withstand nearly anything.

Place chrono (or if your chrono is of Oehler style with skyscreens away from brain, insert skyscreen unit) into U channel of correct size width wise. Then make channel 12 inches longer at the front, install two 10mm steel plates at 45degrees, leanung backwards, one at the front, the second 6 inches further back. You can see the screen by walking up (or look at base unit). If you think that this is over the top please re-read this topic.

You could also put a piece of 4x4 in front of a chrono real easy.

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