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Nationals 2005 - Open Lim10

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Is the top 16 gear list posted anywhere? I would like to see the trends. I know they post it in front sight. But does it get on line anyplace?

I would have thought the competitors would have received a survey card in the shooter's packets, but we certainly didn't get any. Maybe they just poll the top 16 these days. I dunno...

On another note, I didn't see Shooting USA's film crew at the Open/L10 Nationals. Were they there? Don't they have exclusive rights to the USPSA Nationals coverage?


Everyone had to fill out a survey during the registration process. The questionaire that included gunsmith name, reloading info, etc.

Don't know if it's true or not but I heard that Jim S said "same folks, different guns" and packed his !@#$ and hit the road after LPR Nats. Yes, they currently have exclusive rights. :angry: UNfortunately for us. Wish M Bane had it instead.

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Don't know if it's true or not but I heard that Jim S said "same folks, different guns" and packed his !@#$ and hit the road after LPR Nats.

It may simply be that's all he could sell the network on. If you're really concerned, write or call Jim and ask. My experience has bee, that he'll tell you flat out what his reasons were for doing what he did.


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Everyone had to fill out a survey during the registration process.  The questionaire that included gunsmith name, reloading info, etc.

Hmmm... Certainly not everyone. Neither Beth nor myself ever saw a questionnaire in our registration packet. I assume you mean when one received their slot?


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They had the surveys before getting the match info packet at the range, but they ran out, so if you arrived for the Open match anytime after 14:20 then there was no form to fill in.

We arrived at PASA at 16:30 on Wednesday. That explains it. <_<

I guess they'll just have to call us when they need the info for an accurate survey. :unsure:


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They ran out? Hmmm...it isn't like they didn't KNOW EXACTLY HOW MANY FOLKS WERE SHOOTING... :P

I guess we will just take this year's "statistics" with a very large grain of salt. Hell, with the whole box of salt. And I got to the end of the intermitable Registration line at 1400 sharp...no surveys at the end of the line even at the start ;)

And I second the Mike Bane comment. I like Jim just fine, but their coverage of this...the real top "action" shooting sport...sucks goat fur, and always had. I wonder what kind of "deal" was cut in the back room for this complete lack of Open coverage? What an improvement. <_<


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If you're really concerned, write or call Jim and ask.  My experience has bee, that he'll tell you flat out what his reasons were for doing what he did.

Agreed. Jim is always good about returning emails promptly. Here is his reply to my query:


This time around we're covering the Limited and Production Divisions and later the Three Gun Nationals in Vegas.

That's why you didn't see us for the Open.



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When I went to register on Sunday, the surveys (they were color coded) for L/P/R and Op/L10 were scattered on the tables outside with no one informing you to fill them out. The only reason I "found" them was I noticed other shooters in line with the form in hand. Got to the registration table and found the hold up was due to shooters filling out the form when they got to the table. Shooters being "nice people" were waiting for the person ahead of them to complete their form(s). Once in awhile someone would see shooters waiting in line and ask for the completed forms then tell you to go ahead of the guy still filling out his form. Felt gipped when I paid for two (2) Nationals and only got one pin (but they did give me two shirts) and no name tag. Took about 6 days and a couple more request to receive my name tag (an expensive one at that :o ).


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The registration at the LPR match needed a couple of more staffers.

I finally gave up on the shooter's meeting that was scheduled for 12. Around 1pm I got sick of waiting and wandered off to the stages. What's up with that?

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They ran out?  Hmmm...it isn't like they didn't KNOW EXACTLY HOW MANY FOLKS WERE SHOOTING...  :P

Actually they probably printed enough but they let a whole bunch of extra shooters into the match who showed up at registration. That probably took some of the forms and the rest may have blown away in the wind or got taken home by shooters to be framed as a memento of the match....


I went to Nationals and all I got was this lousy survey form :D

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I went to Nationals and all I got was this lousy survey form


Now where was that thread that said (in response to the statement of "...don't worry about the reservation system, just show up at the match") something about "...there will be no slots available at the match..." :P


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I think a lot of folks on here just like to bitch.

The second match ran just as smoothly as the first. I didn't experience registration on Wed because I did with the first match, so I can't speak about that.

The golf cart people were rude, douche bag's, but they were unaffiliated with USPSA from what I understand.

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Did anybody besides me have a good time at the Nationals? 

I only shot Production.  Did thing the whole world fall apart for the Open/Lim-10?

I had a GREAT time at the Nats. I had a new personal best in Production (48.94%) and actually managed a 74% stage finish against Dave Sevigny (o.k., I'll admit it was on Stage 8, where movement was not a factor) despite my sucky draw. I made one dumb decision on Stage 17, to go after the sliders, despite Flex and numerous others attempts to talk me out of it. I had only one total meltdown of a stage --- on 18, where I learned that on some stages if you screw up the first step or two, it can wreck your entire performance.....

In all I finished the match with four miss penalties, no no-shoots, and no procedurals. One of the misses was intentional --- I decided that the reload in the dark house had too high a potential disaster factor and opted to only put one round on the last target.

Last but not least, after watching me shoot on Stage 4, Dave Marques made a comment I haven't been able to stop thinking about. After taking a ton of time to deliberately shoot the paper, I accelerated across the four poppers, prompting Marques to ask why I was shooting the paper so slow, when I was whacking steel like an A class shooter.......

I like the drive to and from the range to Quincy --- it gives me time in the morning to wake up and get ramped up, and time to decompress a little in the afternoon. (Sidenote: If it's taking you more than 30 minutes between the two, the *thumb rest [generic]* is on the right...... :lol::lol: )

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where I learned that on some stages if you screw up the first step or two, it can wreck your entire performance.....

Man, you just said a mouthful !!! That statement is right on the money. The same thing happened to me on Stage 18, I took off on the wrong foot and the whole stage just fell apart... :(

It's something I need to work on. At Nationals on 2nd morning I shot really well, I had a plan for each stage and actually visualised it and followed the visualisation to the letter, my times were not great but points were good and I felt proud of what I had accomplished.

But if the plan goes down then I seem unable to adapt, to just take it in my stride and re-adjust. I like to have everything laid out and planned to the tiniest detail; A consequence of my work as a programmer that spills into shooting far more than it should.

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Well, despite some 'distractions' <_< ... and basically feeling like I was standing in a frying pan for a week :blink: ... I had a great time! Mrs. BDH (aka Stats Runner with the Killer Wabbits) really struggled with the heat, and I thought that maybe this would be her last 'vacation' with me. :huh:

However, I was pleasantly surprised on the way home when I asked her if I would ever be able to get her back to Nationals, and she responded...

"Are you kidding? Yes, it was hot and difficult, but never have I been around such a great group of people. I will be back as long as they will have me!"

Gotta love that response, and I certainly love the 'respondant!' :wub:

Sorry for the drift.... ;)

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I think you and the rest of the staff did an excellent job, THANK YOU!!

Flex and Smitty,

I agree, I had the time of my life and will be doing this again. I think the match went very well and smoothly. I really don't have a bitch, everything was great and loved every minute of it, except for my own screwups that cost me 18th instead of 22nd. Oh well, live and learn. I'll be back next year and do better, I'm sure of that. I didn't mind the drive to BArry either, was only 20 minutes and gave me a chance to mentally prepare.


I thought you were signed up to shoot it, what happened?

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I'd do it again and at the same place :ph34r: . Really enjoyed shooting two 18 stage matches, felt like I gots my moneys worth (especially the name tag :P ).

Where else can you shoot two 18 stage matches back to back?


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