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A Funny Thing Happened At The Range


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Ok, so we have the Friday Flame Wars where everyone vents and lets loose with all the crap that pollutes our lives; So I thought I'd start a new topic for something a little lighter.

With all the shooting that we do there are sure to be times when we see or hear things at the range that just make us forget all the bad stuff.

Here's a couple to get us started;

A couple of years ago I was ROing at a local match, there was a new shooter (his first and only match, we never saw him again). I would suspect that he had lost a little weight at some point in the recent past because his jeans did not seem to fit that well, and his belt simply wasn't up the to task of holding up the denim plus the holster and plethora of mags that he carried.

As he proceeded to shoot the stage the belt finally succumbed to the laws of gravity and the aforementioned denim followed suit. So he's moving down the range trying to hold up his pants with one hand while shooting with the other. As the RO I saw more of this man's ass than I can possibly describe. The sight is seared into my memory.

And another...

Quote from a regular shooter (and software dude) to a Federal Law Officer...

"It's okay for you. You get to shoot people at work... we can only dream about it"

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So, I'm out on the line at an indoor range a few days ago, doing some gun testing for an article, suddenly I hear over the PA, "Duane Thomas, come to the front desk, Duane Thomas, come to the front desk." I go there, the guy behind the counter, who knows me, says, "There's a kid on lane 12 who has a gun problem and I'm too busy here to help him." There was a line of people waiting to be served, so I could see his point. I went back out onto the range, up to lane 12, there's this teenage kid standing there with his mother, in front of him on the bench is sitting a 9mm Colt AR. I ask, "What's up?" He tells me, "I don't know. I put the clip in and pulled trigger and nothing happened." I just stared at him for a second, willing myself not to break into hysterical giggles, then explained to him the concept of charging handle.

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Recently i was showing a friend how to shoot. It was their first time ever holding/shooting a gun. I took them aside b4 we got on the range and showed them proper grip, stance, trigger control, and sight alignment. Well, I dont think she was paying attention to the sight alignment part. She was shooting a target at 5yards or so and was missing almost every shot. Turns out, the front sight was 'in her way' so she moved it down out of the way. After correcting that, she was shooting one hole groups at 15yards by the end of the session.

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My wife and I were at the range one day, we were shooting a mix of diferent handguns trying to find one that my wife liked.....she started off shooting with a G34 then after a bit switched to a G35. After about 50 rounds or so thru the G35 I asked her which she like shooting better, the 9mm or the 40sw?...... she told me she didnt notice much diference between the 2 except for when she fired the G35 her boobs shook a little bit more, LMAO.

I was like, well, here shoot some more thru the G35 then... :D:D

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..."the front sight was 'in her way' so she moved it down out of the way..."
My gunsmith is also an NRA instructor and has a fetish for getting people to deal with their front sights... He'll completely LOVE this one!! :lol:
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this was at an IDPA state match..

shooter shoots his first position and moves downrange when the SO yells .."COVER"...

shooter finds a spot and kneels.."COVER"...moves....."COVER"...moves.."COVER"......moves.."COVER" finally moves back to the starting box and kneels behind the table..

we were all rolling on the ground from laughing so hard...

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this was at an IDPA state match..

shooter shoots his first position and moves downrange when the SO yells .."COVER"...

shooter finds a spot and kneels.."COVER"...moves....."COVER"...moves.."COVER"......moves.."COVER" finally moves back to the starting box and kneels behind the table..

we were all rolling on the ground from laughing so hard...

I was one of those laughing. Same shooter later in the day on a stage where you have to draw and move and keep moving till the stage is over, BEEP, shooter draws but doesn't move, RO yells "MOVE", shooter "but but there's no front sight". He had popped the front sight off his revolver when drawing.

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I was ROing a stage at a major match. Field course, start position was inside a "truck" hands on dash, rear on seat. On the start signal the shooter draws and jumps out of the truck, all of his spare mags hit the ground. He didn't notice until he tried to reload about 20 rounds thru the stage. (Funny after the fact.) :o

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Years ago, I'm at a range on which a friend of mine is the counter guy and resident pistolsmith. Guy comes off the range with a Firestar .45 and says, "I think the sights need to be adjusted. I think it's hitting to the right." Tom says to him, "Well, let me see your target." Guy goes back out on the range, comes back with this target that looks like a long range shotgun pattern. I'm thinking, "Hitting to the right? Man, you've got to have a group first." Tom goes, "Hmmmm, I think you're right." Takes the gun into the back, comes back out a few minutes later, says, "I tapped the rear sight over, see how that works for you." Guy goes out on the range, comes back out in a few minutes beaming, shows us another target that looked, to me anyway, just like the first and says, "Thanks! It's a lot better now." He goes back out on the range, Tom looks and me and says, "I didn't do a damn thing to that gun."

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I was shooting an IDPA match a couple of years ago at a range where they had just cut out a new bay. It was red clay and had rained for days. You get the picture. At the start BEEP I drew and was following the stage description until I had hooked my foot on a target stand and fell face first into the mud with gun extended. If you know me, you know that I don't move like a dancer. I finsihed the course of fire on my belly in the mud. Pretty good hits too. I still get asked about that day. I think I was awarded STYLE points.

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My buddy managed to load someone else's 9mm ammo that was in his bag into one of his Sig 220 magazines, which ordinarily is loaded with .45 as that's what Sig chambered the pistol for. After his second mag change a whole cartridge just popped out of the barrel and landed 3 feet in front of him. He didn't see it and after a click started a tap rack bang, when the slide went forward another went out the barrel and I yelled stop.

I wasn't actually aware that you could load 9mm into a 45acp, but alas you can. You can also attempt to blame the owner of the ammo. This will only cause everyone to laugh harder though.


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My buddy managed to load someone else's 9mm ammo that was in his bag into one of his Sig 220 magazines, which ordinarily is loaded with .45 as that's what Sig chambered the pistol for.  After his second mag change a whole cartridge just popped out of the barrel and landed 3 feet in front of him.  He didn't see it and after a click started a tap rack bang, when the slide went forward another went out the barrel and I yelled stop.

Lucky it wasn't .40. I've seen one person actually get a .40 to fire in a .45. It made a weak sounding pop and the projectile barely cleared the barrel. The casing exploded, but was contained on the chamber. Another friend loaded one .40 on a mag of .45s. The .40 made it's way through the chamber and stopped in the barrel. The .45 behind it was fired and caused the top of the gun, a Sig 220, to explode. :o Fortunately he was not hurt.

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I am reminded of a shooter in England, he was not the sharpest tool in the shed the say the least. He would be forever experimenting with different loads, different powders etc. When he approached the end of a tub of powder he would throw it into a big bucket with other remnants of different powders, stir it all up and load ammo with it.

There are so many stories about this guy; But I will share three of my favourites.

We used to shoot in the evening during the summer, we had to stop once the sun went below the horizon but in the twilight you could see the bullets flying downrange when the low sun angle caught them just right. Well this gives our hero an idea, he loads up some tracer bullets - don't ask me where he got them - for his 9mm browning.

So he's down at the range, the RO gives the order to LAMR and when he starts shooting there are clouds of white smoke all over the place and bullets flying down range like bloody laser beams. By the time he has finished there's fog all over the place and the rest of us don't know whether to laugh or run. We asked him what powder he had used. He told us that he had run out of regular propellant and so thought he would try some black powder instead... in a 9mm !!!!

We sent him home :huh:

On another occasion the same guy was on the target shooting bay, sighting in his gun. This time it was a .45. He had read in a magazine that you get better consistency with light .45 target loads if you use felt wadding to hold the charge to the bottom of the case, thereby getting more consistent velocity. Seems reasonable he thought, but he had no felt wadding. Not to be deterred our hero decides to use something in place of the felt.

Every time he pulled the trigger there would be a soft pop of the light load followed by bits of pink toilet paper flying all over the range.

One of the funniest things I have ever seen. :D

Okay, one more...

He turns up to shoot our weekly practical match. It's a comstock course of fire. He is given the load and make ready (he's shooting a revolver). He starts to shoot the targets, but he only shoots ONCE at each target. Baffled looks among the peanut gallery, but what the heck we're are getting used to weird stuff at this point.

He finishes the stage and we go to score the targets. There are TWO holes in every target. He has loaded two wadcutters into each .357 case, every time he pulled the trigger, two bullets come flying out of the barrel.

We sent him home.... :rolleyes:

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many years ago i was ROing the golden gate match in richmond...had a stage called "the wall"...entire range was a huge wall with lots of small, narrow ports. anyway, i'm running some guy who had a bad habit of putting his gun into ports. and somewhere in the middle of the stage, after he engages his 3-4 targets, he pulls his gun out to head to the next port and i notice a topless cmore...he actually shot the rest of the stage with only the guts of the optic...the top half we retrieved while scoring. :lol::lol:

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We were at the range practicing and a friend of a friend was there with us. He was quite hard of hearing. He was having a severe flinching problem so we got out the orange plastic safety trainer bullets to mix into his mags to help him understand just how bad his flinching was.

As I took his magazines from him I explained what I was doing and why. I handed him back the mags with dummy rounds mixed in and he proceded to shoot the drill. I was a bit suprised when every time he dropped the hammer on the dummy round he would immeadiately clear the malfunction, never noting the flinch he had just demonstrated.

After about four malfunction clearances he exclaims, "How did my ear plugs get into my magazines? And why are they feeding into the gun so well?"

It was pretty hard to explain to the poor guy since we were almost collapsed from laughing so hard.


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I put a round into a plastic 55 gal. drum last night, and the angle was just right where the bullet went in, and then spun around inside the barrel until it lost all velocity. It was BANG....Buuuuzzzzzzzzzz.....

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