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Friday Flame War


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Silly people that don't live in on EST.

Well, quite a brilliant train of thought, o' Flex One... but I meant I'd be back to beotch some more after my next hour and 10 minutes of At Home Defensive Driving Hell... ;)

And where's my damn shadow puppet show?

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I hate my wifes open and MY damn race car!!! First our gun smith gutted Tracy's open gun and replaced every small part in the gun, all that was left was barrel frame and slide everything else was brand new. He called me and said have you seen the major crack in the slide. And my repley was WHAT crack??? Well we put the gun back together and it has run flawless even with the crack, but not to fear a new slide is on the way. Tracy is starting to get shooting back in order, she beat 28 of the 30 shooters this past Sunday but just could not get by Carlos G. he got her by 22 points overall!

Well just when I thought things were going my way on my damn race car we blew a 300.00 starter getting it loaded on the trailer for our race last Friday night!!!! I HATE THAT CAR! I HATE THAT CAR! And it's 12:21am I just got home from working on the TURD and have to wake up in 6 hrs!!!! Did I tell you I hate that car! WE are still #1 in points and thats the only good thing!

Oh and one other thing, we have had no rain and it's hot as HELL already!!!

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Oh and one other thing, we have had no rain and it's hot as HELL already!!!

And there's no water in my pool!! Ack!

(About Tracy's gun... you need to call Derek and cease her suffering... http://mcguns.com ;) )

10 1/2 hours later and I have just... one... more... DD Hell section to go...

I hate that I'm such a procrastinator. :lol:

I hate that a 30K mile check on my car costs $415.

I hate that my new avatar sums up exactly how I feel... and that I can't seem to get back to my groovy, mellow, lava lamp place... :(

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I hate that I was offered a great deal on a 650 with all the fixings, but had to turn it down because I need the money for something that is much more important.

I hate that I have only put a couple hundred rounds down range in the past two months, even though I've built four stages, helped clean up the range, helped build special props for a major upcoming match at which I will RO from beginning to end, which will mess with my performance, MD'd a match, RO'd and therefore missed a practice day, subbing in for people who were supposed to find their own subs, and will have more practice day RO duty this weekend.

I hate that much of the old guard at my club is fading away.

I hate that I realize that I am part of that old guard.

I hate that people whose opinion I trust are have been saying that I am getting better, but now competing obligations are keeping me from the practice and matches to bring that home.

I hate that my parents' health is failing, bit by bit.

I hate that staff turn over is messing with my office again - morale there sucks.

I hate that politics in medicine screws mainly the people who need the care the most.

I hate that some children have medical problems that are beyond my ability to help, that others who have problems I can help have parents who neglect their responsiblity to get that help, from me or anybody else, that some people have problems that they blame on me, though I had nothing to do with it.

And I hate that I STILL don't have a gun/holster combo that is legal for IDPA.

Thank you, all done now...

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I Hate Northern Virginia.

I hate that absolutely no money is going into education compared to what's being piddled away to KBR- I mean, defense.

I hate that development is turning my home state into a retiree-dependent service economy.

I hate that, in the "enlightened" north, I have to cover up ny native dialect in order to get a job.

I hate that while I'm up here in this Godawful hole I can't do hardly any shooting outside because there aren't any public ranges nearby.

I hate that it's raining so I can't walk to the gym.

I'm not to fond of a certain major "gun rights" org that's made up of a lot of people that just do it for the $.

Did I mention that I hate Northern Virginia?

That's all for now, I'll be back after while......probably.

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I hate shooters that think there to good to help tear down a stage after a match! I hate that we have 40 shooters in our club and the same 8 shooters setup and tear down! :angry::angry::angry:

Oh well i guess it's time to let the setup crew shoot for free and jack the price of our local match up!!!! Screw the free loaders that don't want to work and complane about the match! I am getting burned out!

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An oldie but a hatie...

Paris Hilton... send her off to a "real life" show in the Brazilian jungle, and forget her.. (or the middle of the Australian outback)

What is the hell is she even known for?

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I hate all you wankers who don't read or don't follow Brian's Hate guidelines. :P The FFW isn't immune. I have half a mind to edit all y'alls posts.

Posts involving firearms or shooting related manufacturers, such as but not limited to - IPSC, IDPA, USPSA, the NRA, or other shooters - are specifically NOT PERMITTED.

If your hate rant has to do with shooting then it needs to be directed towards yourself.

I'm sorry for this restriction, which may limit a few reasonable hate rants, but I don't feel it's appropriate for the forum's well being or content in general.

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I hate that my boss loaded me up with a project requiring full time on my part time hours. I hate that all those hours I spent working could have been used to practice before Area 6. I hate that I went to a major match completely unprepared. I hate that I spent way too many hours working and still missed the bogus deadline. I hate that because I missed the unrealistic deadline (through no fault of my own), my boss gave my DBA position to another person and informed me that my part time position is budgeted through August but may or may not be funded for next school year. I hate that this new DBA is leaving to go to India for a month's vacation and....

I get to do his job and finish setting up the servers anyway. I do the hard part and he just gets to maintain the things....hate that! But wait, if they don't fund my newly created position, I'll be unemployed. I'll have time to shoot! Okay, maybe I don't hate that. :P

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I hate that myself and my family have rearranged our entire week and worked very hard to be good hosts, only to have our dinner guests call and cancel 2 hours before they were expected to be here. If anyone in the vicinity of NW Indiana is lookin for something to do for dinner, drop me a line. We have a 17 lb. turkey in the oven and everything to go with it that will be ready in about an hour. Might be a bit much for just the 4 of us.

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I work hard all week and this will be the fourth weekend in a row that it rained on my parade. I have NON work related activities that need doing and I am tired of being WET.


Knees act up because of the Damn RAIN.


Grass grows too fast because of the RAIN

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