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Getting Hurt The Week Of A Big Match!


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DAMNIT MAN! :angry:

At a work related competion yesterday, it was my department vs another in a friendly game of kickball over lunch. First pitch, first kick, I feel something pop in my thigh, and then it just all totally siezes up and starts burning like an SOB. I can walk, but just barely - and forget about trying to run! :angry:

Totally pisses me off because I've been hitting the gym, bike, and running more since November than I have in years, and since I didn't strech properly before this stupid game (yes, getting old sucks, never really had to stretch before) I go and pull or tear my quad. It hurts like hell today, doctor's appt this afternoon, and I'm shooting the Arkansas sectionals this weekend.

If nothing else, I'll just waddle through the stages. :blink:

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I feel you pain man. well some of it. I have an out of town match this weekened. the other night i went and cut up and bruised the bottom of my foot. I can still walk but it hurts like hell to run. Wearing cleats all day long on sat is gonna suck.

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OK, WTF is going on here? I pulled or tore something in my left pec (major or minor, I'm not sure). Got the Silver Buckle match next weekend.

That there's some funky cosmic sheeit.

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I hate it for you, Catfish.

When I popped my calf muscle (AGAIN) a few years ago, my ex- dragged me limping and whimpering to a health/natural food/holistic medicine shop to see if they had anything that would help. I likened it to entering a witch doctor's lair, and half-way expected them to swing a dead cat over my head while chanting and shaking necklaces made of chicken bones. Instead, the nice lady (with nary a single bone through her nose, I might add) looked in thise huge encyclopedia of remedies and recommended larges doses of amino acids as the proper treatment for torn/sore/damaged muscles.

You CAN take too much of the stuff, so read the bottle. But the woman was spot-on! Those amino acids caps put out the fire in my leg within hours and considerably shortened my recovery time as compared to my first experience.



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I hate that Catfish!

I only have a local match this weekend but I'm not 100% either.

Monday night at the dinner table, I dropped a steak knife into my lap and instinctively thrust my legs together to "catch" the object as if it were a dinner roll or something.

When the emergency room nurse removed his entire pinkie finger from the iodine soaked hole, he said it was “..only 2-inches deep..”

I’m hoping for no low-port stages this weekend.

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I hate that Catfish!

I only have a local match this weekend but I'm not 100% either.

Monday night at the dinner table, I dropped a steak knife into my lap and instinctively thrust my legs together to "catch" the object as if it were a dinner roll or something.

When the emergency room nurse removed his entire pinkie finger from the iodine soaked hole, he said it was “..only 2-inches deep..”

I’m hoping for no low-port stages this weekend.

No offense, dude... but that's frickin' funny... only because I've done the same thing (though not as bad). :D

Heal up, everyone!

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I can feel for ya. Last October I was playing tug with my dog. He gave a good shake and something in my right elbow popped. I've been dealing with the pain ever since. Even had to take 4 months off completely, missed a couple of big matches, and still can't practice from the pain.

Doc said it's just tendonitis. I'm doing what he suggested, but it's still bothering me. I figure it'll be at least October before it's even starting to feel right.

Can't take it much longer though. I'm going to the range tomorrow.

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I hate that Catfish!

I only have a local match this weekend but I'm not 100% either.

Monday night at the dinner table, I dropped a steak knife into my lap and instinctively thrust my legs together to "catch" the object as if it were a dinner roll or something.

When the emergency room nurse removed his entire pinkie finger from the iodine soaked hole, he said it was “..only 2-inches deep..”

I’m hoping for no low-port stages this weekend.

No offense, dude... but that's frickin' funny... only because I've done the same thing (though not as bad). :D

Heal up, everyone!

It is kinda funny. :P

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I have to admit TDean's story is a little bit funny....

My first ever major match was an IDPA Regional shot at my home club. 4 days before in my bi-weekly Shotokan session, I block someone's kick and dislocate my wrist, fracture 2 bones in my hand, crush 2 knuckles and fracture 2 bones in my fingers, all in my right hand. I actually won Expert SSP at the match and was feeling ok. Then when I went to get my plaque I forgot and shook the MD's hand and about fainted....

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Holy crap, you guys sound like the driver of my race car! Our crew was backing the car out of the trailer the night before the race and ran over the driver and drug him about 5 feet down the back of my enclosed which has diamond plate floors. He had road rash on his forehead and arms. The day of the race he looked worse and stayed in the trailer until it was time to run.

Good luck Catfish

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Wow...you guys make me hurt..

my worst was only a torn ligament in my right shoulder so it made it difficult to raise the gun..week before a limited nationals..

had several grow prone stages ...where I had a CRO yelling at me to unload and show clear...when I was laying in pain on the ground

Catfish good luck..

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Thanks for all the postive thoughts, folks!

I made it through ok, although I was probably running at about 1/2 speed. Fortunately, I had some great folks around me who kept me hopped up on ibuprofen and tylenol and I was able to finish.

Now I just need to get limbered up in time for Area 4... ;)

Hopefully, the bad juju stops here!


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Ok, six days before this year's Space City Challenge, I broke my right pinky toe playing a cut-throat game of charades (don't ask). Went to the doctor two days later who took x-rays and confirmed that it was, in fact, broken.

So I went to the match and figured, ok, take it easy and just shoot A's.

Turned into my best match in years. B)


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ICE after working it out, yes you do need to work it !!!!!!

You should be pretty good to go for A-4.

What squad you going to be in, I am in 10 I think....Shoot Friday AM, Saturday PM

DON'T do anything silly on the GATE !!!!!!!!

See you there, please reintroduce yourself (as Catfish this time)


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