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More Than 2, But Less Than 6!

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Put down that sissy Open gun that you can load on Sunday and shoot all week and come down and commune with us unwashed masses in L-10 and Production! :o:P:P

You’ll learn pretty damn quick how to make ammo management… well, manageable. ;)


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Okay, try this.  AS you shoot this in practice, instead of counting one, two, three, four, five with the little voice in your head, visualize the numerals 1,2,3,4,5 between each sight picture  (yes, you may use Roman numerals if you prefer).  Light is faster than sound. As always start slowly with a new drill and allow the speed to come as you get the hang of it.

Eventually you should just allow yourself to be aware of how many shots you fire.

Counting has been an ongoing problem for me as well. So I really like the visualization idea. When I read, I visualize and see an image not words, but when I count, I have to hear that damn little voice and I can pull the trigger alot faster than it can say 1-2-3-4 :P

Thanks for the idea!


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK..so how does this visualization thing work :blink:

I cannot shoot six shots...

I went to the range and was trying this..counting, trying to see numbers, etc..if I tried it for time..I would shoot 7 shots in 2.15 seconds, 0 points down..if I shot so I knew for certain there were six shots...I got it in 2.8 to 3.05, 0 points down.

I guess. I will work from the latter and hopefully will begin to be able to visualize..

sure glad we don't shoot a lot of virginia count, multiple shots on one target stages... :lol::wacko::wacko:

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Have you guys heard my opinion on how I think cadence shooting sucks???  :)  :)  :)

my thoughts exactly.

shoot as fast as you can see the sights come to where they need to be.

counting shots isnt that hard.

we had some stages at a local match that required 8 rounds to be fired at one target.. some had 7 some had 8. i had 9...i called a delta and made it up with an alpha.


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Have you guys heard my opinion on how I think cadence shooting sucks???  :)  :)  :)

I thought the same thing for a long time because it could develop the bad habit of "one sight picture two shots" but if done correctly is a great tool for a new shooter.

Sometimes we have to "See if and how something can be done" before we can do it. To shoot .20 splits and transistions a lot of people have to get over that hurdle. Hope that makes sense.

Cadence shooting comes after the fundamental of sight picture and followthrough. It has to be taught correctly and I have seen it keep a lot of good shooters from being great. I know where you are at but I have seen it to great things for a lot of shooters. Its related to trust, confidence and calling shots too.

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If I gave my whole speech on it, it would include using cadence as a learning tool at a certain point in developement...then, once the light turns on, quickly forgetting any knowledge of cadence. It is a tool to add to the toolbox, use for a specific purpose, then thrown in a damp dark corner of the basement. (IMO) :)

But, I don't want to drift Katty's thread too far. ;)

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Visualization worked for me at Area 6.  How did it work out for you Shooter Grrl?

I counted 'em! Worked fine - I practiced shooting five a couple of times before getting to the match, so I think that helped alot!

I'm glad it worked out for you. I was on the other side of the range, but could always tell when someone was shooting this one. And I found out that there were a bunch of people who can't count.

One of the very first was a local shooter, and for the rest of the weekend, folks were asking him to make change for large bills. :lol:


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just learn to count without saying the numbers. You do it visually, so why not aurally? I mean roll a die, do you have to count up the number of pips in your head? heck whip out your .22, a cheap brick of ammo, load up X rounds, and shoot. you'l be able to learn wha t a string of X shots sounds like.

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We shot a stage in Ocala called 2, 4, 6, 8. There were five paper targets that had to have four round on each on. You had to shoot 2 rounds, reload, 4 rounds, reload, 6 rounds, reload, and then (I bet you already guessed!) 8 rounds. I was surprised at how many people had difficulty with this.

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Do you not count 2 when you shoot a "normal" (whatever that means) COF? Just count. Not a damn thing is automatic about two shots, at least it shoudn't be. Do you put 2 on each popper? No, because you know that target needs only one shot assuming all goes as planned.

In Bianchi, you're a bit all over the place, especially the Mover and Practical. At the mover, 15 and 20 yds are 6/string. At 20 and 25, 3/string. At the practical, you have 1/target, 2/target and 3/target at each distance.

Just count, even out loud if you have to. I sware I catch myself, especially on the Barricade event, counting out loud at times.

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