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"The Star-Spangled Banner" at all major matches

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I have always thought the National Anthem should be sung at all major matches. I took my family to the circus last week and the lady who sang the Star Spangled Banner was a lady who shoots local matches and I did not know she sang so well. So I thought I would throw this out to all the match directors to consider asking local shooters/shooting groups who frequent their range if they would be interested. I would not do well singing solo but I will sing along!

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It's played before most other sporting events, so it definitely makes sense to do so with ours.

Similarly, does anyone here huddle together with fellow competitors to pray before matches? A brief giving of thanks and asking for safety and sportsmanlike behavior as a good example for others would be quite appropriate and I'd like to start doing so where I am.

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It's played before most other sporting events, so it definitely makes sense to do so with ours.

Similarly, does anyone here huddle together with fellow competitors to pray before matches? A brief giving of thanks and asking for safety and sportsmanlike behavior as a good example for others would be quite appropriate and I'd like to start doing so where I am.

Praying is an individual preference I guess. Not my cup of tea at all. I was at a match somewhere when one of my squadmates tried to huddle the entire squad together for a prayer. That was awkward and kind of pushy I thought. Please don't push politics or religion down my throat.

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I for one have no problem praying before a match or anything else. It's a habit of mine. I do understand that not everyone agrees with it so I just pray alone and if people want to join me that's fine. I also think the Pledge of Allegiance being played over a PA system or maybe just spoken would be acceptable too.

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I rather none of those things happened. What you do for yourself, pledges, prayers, etc those are up to you and as far as I'm concerned you are welcomed to do them anywhere you want, the range included.

However, what is the value of a pledge that I use social pressure to make you recite? There is a very short step between peer pressured recitals of pledges of allegiance and much worse things. I may be biased but I grew up in a country were lots of things like that were required and I'll be damned if I come even close to forcing someone else to do it.

So my answer is .. not at a match I run, but I respect your personal choices as long as you don't impose them on anyone else.

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+1 on NOT doing such things.

IMHO prayers create far more division than unity and the shooting community - like more communities - is far from homogenous in its beliefs. I don't much care for public displays of patriotism under pressure of conformance either.

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Exactly what is divisive about asking for safety and everyone acting in a sportsmanlike manner and being thankful for all we have and the sport we're able to participate in? What the heck is so wrong with people these days to where a simple and well meaning prayer, commonly accepted and understood as a practice when I grew up (and I'm only 36 so we're not talking 1950's here), is now treated if it were some kind of taboo fetish or a cockroach covered plutonium and cyanide flavored ice cream sundae?

I know that the shooting community is diverse, and I'm very thankful for that. I also would expect that if we know that what the anti gun crowd spews about guns and gun owners that our people also might have the insight and intelligence to gather that the same stereotypes against those who pray and pursue a life of faith aren't true either. Neither deserve to be treated or spoken about as both the anti gun and anti religious types (often the same people) frequently do. Similarly I expect people to be above the whole fake offended nonsense too. If we took every food someone might be allergic to off the grocery shelves and/or out of restaurants, nobody would have anything to eat!

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Exactly what is divisive about asking for safety and everyone acting in a sportsmanlike manner and being thankful for all we have and the sport we're able to participate in? What the heck is so wrong with people these days to where a simple and well meaning prayer, commonly accepted and understood as a practice when I grew up (and I'm only 36 so we're not talking 1950's here), is now treated if it were some kind of taboo fetish or a cockroach covered plutonium and cyanide flavored ice cream sundae?

I think you can ask for whatever you wish, I think asking others to join in prayer is something that should stay off the range. We have many people of many different religious backgrounds who may not believe as you do. Is your plan to have them stand aside shuffling their feet while you conduct your prayer? Is it ok if he or she also then asks to conduct a different prayer? Then a third, or fourth? What about the non religious folks who now stand around for four different prayer services?

It may have been accepted and understood in your community growing up and perhaps it was a more homogenous experience for you, but where I shoot there could probably 5 major religions represented at the range at the same time.

So I don't think it is taboo, and I think you should feel free to take whatever time you want at the start of the match to address yourself in any way you wish to any higher power you wish to, and if that takes a bit longer, I have no issue with you being a bit later at your first stage, I'm ok with it. I do have an issue with asking others publicly to join you.

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