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Getting a pistol "nicked"


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:angry: I just got my pistol stolen out of my truck this last weekend, at a pistol match of all things. Thankfully it wasn't the trick fat free 6" gun as I was wearing that, but it was the good old SS .45 Springfield that likes to go everywhere with me. I am usually really good at keeping the darn truck locked but I was helping set up and was in and out of it a lot hauling stuff. Then I parked it and ran up toi sign in and forgot to lock it :angry: It wasn't too special, but had had some work done to it. If anyone in the Oklahoma or Kansas area sees a fairly nice bead blasted .45 springfield with Heinie straight eight sights and a Nowlin barrel that happens to have the serial number N311500 for sale let the cops know. DEamn I hate this :angry::angry: KURTM
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That SUCKS!!!!

I used to think that it was OK to leave the truck unlocked, stuff laying around, etc. at matches. At the NC State match year before last, though, I was a vendor. When we were packing up after most everyone had left, I left my Leatherman laying on a bench near the clubhouse. I left, realized it was missing, then came back about 10 min. later. "Oh, no, none of us have seen it. A what again? No one turned it in. Are you sure you didn't take it with you? Of course we'll let you know if we, ah, see it. Thanks for your sponsorship, by the way." I know it's just a leatherman, but it had been given as a gift from my godfather on my sixteenth birthday.

Sometimes the folks we think we can trust the most around our guns and gear are the ones we should trust least. It sucks, but its true. I leave my stuff that's not secured only with the guys I know, am friendly with and shoot with regularly, and never, ever, ever leave my vehicle unlocked anymore.

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I pretty much go with the practice of locking up EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME any more. I'm really sorry that this rip-off happened to you, though. Just keep passing the serial number around...... Post pics here 'n there if you have them....... make noise...... complain..... :angry:

I wear two hefty diamond rings most of the time but never shoot with any rings on (way uncomfortable); but I DON'T leave the rings in my range case (usually on a shelf behind me) or anywhere loose. I put 'em on a big safety pin and wear 'em pinned to my lapel. If someone wants to steal my squib rod or a box of 50rds of .22LR ammo out of my case, then they can/will. The diamonds, the heavy ammo, my purse and the guns, however, stay with me at the booth. <_<

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When I posted my reply - a number of people came to mind that "it would have been Very Bad for the SOB" (hereafter the name of the unknown thief) to have witnessed the SOB doing the "nick." My first thought were of TL or "the Evil Erik" or maybe the GoRilla. Upon thinking a little more - Sam, Ron or Duane or a few of the other guys who are as old and (cranky?) as I am would also definitely be in the running for Top Thief Eradicator. I am sure there are a shit load of people on this forum who would be most willing to take care of such a piece of business....If we only knew when such an event was going to occur we could add a shovel and a blue tarp to our shooting kit.......

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It gets me riled (and if I ever caught someone in the act, they'd get first hand experience of how riled), but I'm reminded of the X-Files: "Trust no one." I think relying on people's better nature is a surefire way to get yer ass burnt. The results of absentmindedness (such as in Kurt's case) just serve to reinforce this thesis.

Sorry, Kurt. Here's to hoping there is Karma, or a god, or whatever.

I hate people.

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Feel fortunate you are not in Massachusetts. If you told the police a gun was stolen from an unlocked vehicle (even on private property), you would be facing criminal charges of unsecured storage of a firearm and would also face immediate recovocation of your MA gun license, as well as a statuatory lifetime ban on ownership if convicted. If they caught the person who took the gun, there is the chance they would offer him immunity in return for testifying the vehicle was unlocked when he stole the gun.

No, this is not a joke - this is really how the DPRM works.

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I think every person reading this thread (not to mention those of us who posted!) would've been willing to tear the SOB to bloody shreds on the spot if we'd witnessed it. There wouldn't have been much left for the LEOs to drag away. :angry:

(LEO: "Hey, bring a shovel and a bag!... there's not much left here!......) <_<

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I thought Massachusetts had seceded from the Union.

I can't even imagine prosecuting someone for having a gun stolen. Wow. :o

This reminds me from the scene in Pulp Fiction where Travolta is telling Eric Stoltz that it would have been worth to have his car keyed if he caught the guy doing it.

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I thought Massachusetts had seceded from the Union.

I can't even imagine prosecuting someone for having a gun stolen.  Wow.  :o

It used to be worse. Until the last re-write of the MA gun laws, it was illegal (under a bizarre but none the less recognized court decision) leave a handgun unattended in a motor vehicle. Every so often you would seen an article in the paper about someone who was arrested when reporting that their car was stolen with a gun in it, or that a gun was stolen from the car. At that time, the penalty was $100 and loss of the gun license for a year. Someone accidently entered the word "loaded" into the law regarding vehicular storage, and the state published an opinion that the gun had to be loaded in order for it to be a crime leaving it in a vehicle (but only if locked in a secure case such as the trunk), so things got a bit better. The crime of "unattended storage" is a new one they added a few years ago.

But then, this is the state were Vince could mail order a handgun license and they would send it to him in HK, but legal resident aliens are not even allowed to apply. Sort of like NY were only non-resident juniors can shoot (yes, really).

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That's a shame.

FWIW I left a coat at a USPSA match and didn't get back to that club for well over a year. Went into the shack they use for sign in and there it was, hanging on a nail, with about $30.00 still in it.

I would like to think whoever took your gun wasn't one of the shooters. Maybe someone who wondered on the reservation up to no good.


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I think every person reading this thread (not to mention those of us who posted!) would've been willing to tear the SOB to bloody shreds on the spot if we'd witnessed it. There wouldn't have been much left for the LEOs to drag away. :angry:

(LEO: "Hey, bring a shovel and a bag!... there's not much left here!......) <_<

I always wondered what a 12g hollow point slug would do to a person........

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Rob I heard once the police showed up to a shotgun shoot in MA and confiscated all guns on the rack for being unattended. Dont know if it was true or not.

Guess if you get a gun stolen you have to break your window out first before reporting it. You have to report it for several reasons.

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last year some of the canadian shooters i know had all their guns stolen right out of their vehicles while parked at a range up in canada. they found a 2 way radio next to their truck, they figure that the criminals were communicating back and forth with the radios and once they saw the range bags go into the truck, the shooters went back in the clubhouse for something then the bad guys busted into the truck and got away with all the guns.

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Rob I heard once the police showed up to a shotgun shoot in MA and confiscated all guns on the rack for being unattended. Dont know if it was true or not.

Guess if you get a gun stolen you have to break your window out first before reporting it. You have to report it for several reasons.

Interestingly enough, you're in good shape as long as you truthfully report there was a trigger lock on the gun at the time it was stolen. Having it stolen from the passenger compartment, rather than the trunk, would be considered "insecure" unless there was a trigger lock or similar doodad on the gun. Even a locked nylon bank bag counts as "secured". No one would accuse those writing these laws of any particular level of intelligence.

Sometimes reporting a gun stolen gets it back. One of the locals got his Ed Brown 45 back a couple of years after it was taken in a burgulary, along with the death certificate of the miscreant who was arrested for unlawful carry of the gun and was shot 8 times with a 45 after jumping bail on the carry charge. [He asked the prosecuting attorney for the autopsy report, but they offered the death certificate as a compromise]

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Rob I heard once the police showed up to a shotgun shoot in MA and confiscated all guns on the rack for being unattended. Dont know if it was true or not.

I have not heard of this one, and probably would of if it happened recently. Still, if s--- like that is going to happen somewhere, it will probably be in Massachusetts.

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That bites.

2 years ago a meth addict booted in the back door of my office, made out with a sweet custom AR15, a G20, and of all things---a muzzleloader that my grandpa built for me with I was 12 (which is a long time ago). Street value of the m'loader would be about equal to a cup of spit, but to me it was worth many fine memories. It was hanging on the wall, other stuff was in my closet and desk.

They did catch the guy (after about a doz more break-ins around town) he claimed he threw the guns in the river :angry:

Have a gun stolen sucks. Might want to check the local pawn shops. If they are owned by strangers offer up $1,000 cash and no questions for it to be returned...then of course keep the money in your pocket and whip some ass instead of asking any questions.

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If you like giving Karma a helping hand?

Load up some primed squib (dummy) rounds with some nice lethal looking hollowpoint bullets. Place them with your stored firearms in a plastic case labeled:

Armor Piercing Terminators

So if some scumbags steal the gun they take the dummy ammo and hopefully will try using it.

Ahh, I can just see it now. Scumbag loads stolen gun with "Magic" ammo. Scumbag points stolen gun at Police Officer and pulls the trigger "Pifssst!" which will be the last and loudest sound the Scumbag ever hears!


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