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What to eat & drink


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I like to eat a small breakfast sandwich. I usually have 2 big Monsters with me and a 1/2 gal of water.

I also bring a big bag od beef jerky along and a sandwich for AFTER the match.

This year for hot, hot days I will bring pickle juice with me to stay hydrated.

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I just make sure I eat something that I know wont make me feel bad for the day. When I run tirathalons Ill really focus on nutrition the night before and the morning of. I havent shot a match yet that requires me to specialize my nutrition.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Monster and whatever junk I decide to get from the gas station.


ok JK. I'm a high protein/fat guy.

If you're on the road and cannot cook you can get fed pretty well at a mega gas station like a Wawa, sheetz, royal farms.

Coffee (not massive but your typical caffeine load)

egg/cheese/meat sandwiches (ditch the buns, wasted carbs)

bags of sunflower or pumpkin seeds


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  • 1 month later...

I avoid caffeine before a match. It's a double-edge sword, something I figured out when I went back to school after the Army. When I had to think fast and recall a lot of information during exams, coffee did not help at all. I did better if I didn't drink coffee before the tests.

On the one hand, caffeine gives me a hyper feeling that helps in doing repetitive tasks. On the other hand, when I really need to be sharp (such as when planning/executing a stage efficiently and safely), I wouldn't want to be caffeinated. My brain needs every advantage it can get!

An Internet search turned up this:

"Caffeine is a commonly used neurostimulant that also produces cerebral vasoconstriction by antagonizing adenosine receptors."

For those who are more fit than average, or just for certain people for whatever reason, it might not matter. The plus side of the caffeine might even outweigh the negative for them. Personally, I get a net negative.

Edited by GunBugBit
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Chex and a banana for breakfast. I grab a mountain dew baja blast(which I have been told is blue powerade mixed with dew, seems perfect right?) to start the day off then when that's gone its gatorade. I will usually have a couple granola bars during the match. If I know i'll be there beyond about 2 i'll take a sandwich as well.

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I stopped doing the "denial" thing in my life many years ago after reading a Harvard Medical School study done over 15 years and thousands of subjects .... the study was looking at whether your genes or your lifestyle choices were the predoiminat factor in how well & long you lived ... the overwhelming conclusion of the study was that lifestyle choices (assuming reasonable moderation) only contributed 8-10% of how well or long you lived ... your genes where the far and away over riding factor ..... no matter how healthy you eat, or how much you exercise, if everyone on your dad's side of the family has died of cancer by the time they were 65, guess what your chances are of living to the ripe old age of 85 because you eat smart & exercise?

Bottom line: donuts & iced coffee make me happy on the way to a match .... and i don't put any more thought into than that. However, I am visualizing every stage over & over on the 30 min drive to the range ....

Edited by Nimitz
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Depending on match. I tend to pack peanuts and a powerbar and something to drink... The match at Euro Extreme Open this year was super hot... third and last day it was 40c in the shades (104F for you yankees =) ) That day I drank easily 6 liters of water filled with resorb during the 10 stages we shot. Last weekend at Midnight Sun Shoot in Setermoen Norway, I drank about 1/2 liter becuse it was so cold :P

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There's a family-run donut shop -- Desert Donuts -- just a few minutes from the range. They give you the donuts within about a minute of being cooked. They are amazing.

now we're talking ....

i always bring plenty to drink since only one or two matches a year are ever below 80 degs ... I also have those snack bar thingys with the nuts and honey and fruit in them ...

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A decent meal containing protein, some fat and vegetable carbs. A Denver omlet is what I eat when i can. Got your protein and fat in the eggs and veggies for carbs. The eggs protein and fat will help surpress your appetite better. Egg white omlet if you are watching your cholesterol.

I started to avoid coffee before a match for lots of reasons previously posted.

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I don't like being real full and shooting, then again shooting on an. Empty stomach sucks. I have a low carb breakfast cereal and a piece of cheese and lunch meat. I bring with to the matches 4-5 waters and some sugar free sweet tea. Also bring with a few special bars I eat along with some slices of lunch meat and slices of cheese. I eat a little between every stage and drink a bottle of water through every stage.

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Spark and O2 gold prior to the match. Usually a protein shake for breakfast since I'm up early.

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This is my routine, followed by plenty of rehydrate during the match!

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Looking at this from a performance standpoint, the best meal that you can have is one that your body is comfortable with. If you have chicken and spaghetti 5 days out of the week and the night before the match you try eating Indian food for the first time....you will probably not feel very good the next day. Familiar food is the most important thing. After that it is about portion size. Don't eat a whole pizza the night before, cause you'll be salty, fat and slow and probably feel like poop. Have a reasonable portion size of whatever you decide to have. This isn't a marathon, a half marathon, a 10k or a cross country skiing event. No carb loading required. The morning of the event, again have something familiar, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, eggs or whatever it is as long as its healthy. Don't get 3 doughnuts or a sausage egg and cheese....again you will feel like poop. Bring lots of water. I sweat a ton so i try and also have some kind of electrolyte source with me. (Banana, Gatorade, etc.). Food at the match should remain light. Snacks, maybe a turkey sandwich at lunch etc. The goal is to not spike your insulin and make yourself want to hibernate the food off. Steady energy all the way.

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The correct ratio for water to sports drinks (Gatorade, PowerAde etc.) is 3-1. This comes from an Athletic Trainer with a Masters in Education. No, not me.

Yep, to much Gatorade will make you sick. You don't want to be digesting all that sugar when you are trying to perform.

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